  • Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy

    Read the article:
    • What is the tone of the uterus: the causes, signs
    • Symptoms and treatment of the uterus during pregnancy
    • How to relieve the tone of the uterus at home: prevention

    Symptoms of the uterus tone can be removed at home

    One of the most common and unpleasant symptoms,with which every second expectant mother encounters during pregnancy, is an increased uterine tone, or hypertonia.

    Under the tonus is understood the muscle tension, in which the uterus becomes firm and "stone" to the touch, and there are pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen, often giving back.

    What is the tone of the uterus: causes, signs ^

    The nature is arranged so that the normal muscles of the uterus of a pregnant woman are in a relaxed state and begin to actively contract only by the time of delivery, thus preparing to expel the fetus.

    If the uterus comes into activity during pregnancy, long before its end, then this is a pathology threatening miscarriage, frozen pregnancy or premature birth.

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    Tone of the uterus can appear on different terms - at the very beginning of pregnancy, in the middle and at the end, and has many reasons - both hormonal and functional.

    The cause of the tone of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy is most often a violation of the hormonal background of the future mother, as a result of which the production of progesterone, the main pregnancy hormone responsible for its safe flow, decreases in the body.

    • If ultrasound shows normal development of the embryo, then doctors prescribe progesterone medications, antispasmodics and reduced physical exertion to save pregnancy.
    • Progesterone not only reduces the excitability of the uterus, but also helps the correct development of the placenta, protects the fetus from penetration of infections, and also inhibits and soothingly acts on the nervous system, so that the pregnant woman is calm and relaxed.
    • Usually progesterone is taken up to 16 - 18 weeks and is canceled after the final formation of the placenta.

    The appearance of a tone in 16 - 17 weeks is most likely due to the fact that the uterus greatly increases in size and begins to press on the cervix, bladder and other organs, as well as cause back and back pain. In this case, the wearing of a prenatal bandage is shown, which will help to evenly distribute the load throughout the abdomen and relieve the load from the spine.

    If the tone appears sporadically, starting from 34 - 35 weeks, it can be "false labor" or precursors of labor, which is quite natural phenomenon, a kind of training the body before the forthcoming birth.

    Symptoms and treatment of the uterus during pregnancy ^

    How to relieve the tone of the uterus at home: useful advice

    Despite the fact that in most cases the uterus in tone does not carry a serious threat to the mother and child and does not need treatment, any symptoms of a tone in pregnancyshould be under the close supervision of a physician, so you must tell him about any unusual changes in your health. It is often difficult for a woman to assess her condition on her own, therefore, not a single detail should be left without medical attention:

    • If the symptoms of the uterine tone do not pass at rest, pulls the lower back, there are pains in the abdomen and unusual discharge, you need to worry and show yourself to the doctor.
    • In addition, always pay attention to the unusual behavior of the child - if he is too restless or, on the contrary, unusually quiet.
    • You also need to see a doctor if irregular tonsillar pains appear on the background of tonus to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy.
    • The doctor will examine you, listen to the heartbeat of the fetus, if necessary, make ultrasound and prescribe medication that relaxes the muscles of the uterus.

    If the medical examination shows a threat of miscarriage and you will be offered to go to the hospital, do not refuse, remember that the life and health of the unborn child depends on this, because the hypertension of the uterus squeezes the blood vessels of the placenta, forcing the baby to suffer in utero from lack of oxygen and nutrients.

    • In the second trimester, along with prolonged and painful contractions of the uterus, ultrasound can show a shortening of the cervix and a tendency to open it. In this case, in order to relieve the tone and retain the pregnancy, treatment in the hospital and strict bed rest are necessary.
    • If the tone develops in the third trimester, then as a result of a change in the hormonal background and the preparation of the cervix for labor, painless contractions can develop into ancestral. In this case, urgent medical assistance is also needed in a hospital.

    The timely treatment of the uterus during pregnancy almost always allows it to be extended as long as possible, at least up to 34-35 weeks, so that the baby has finally formed lungs and could breathe after birth.

    We also recommend that you read the article Pregnancy in Diabetes.

    How to relieve the tone of the uterus at home: prophylaxis ^

    If ultrasound and regular medical examinations show that the pregnancy develops without complications, the baby is okay, and the tonus is manifested only by weak and irregular spasms and nothing else bothers, you need to learn how to take it offyourself on any terms at home.

    • Most often, doctors prescribe for the removal of spasms no-shp or candles with papaverine, as well as sedatives based on valerian, hawthorn and motherwort.
    • If there are no excreta and before delivery is still far away, you can take a warm bath, listen to pleasant quiet music or watch a good TV show.
    • If you learn to quickly calm down and reduce emotional stress, spasms of the uterus will pass without taking medication.

    It is noticed that more often the tone appears at the first pregnancy, when the future mother is worried because of inexperience for each occasion. It is very important not to worry and not be nervous about trifles, because stresses can provoke premature births even for a perfectly healthy woman.

    Whatever happens, remember that at the moment there is nothing more important than the health of the future baby, so keep the psychological calm.

    Diet for the uterus's tonus

    • Doctors advise pregnant women with a uterus's tone to include in food during pregnancy more products containing magnesium, because the need for magnesium during child bearing increases 2-3 times and reaches 400 mg per day.
    • This unique trace element not only relaxes the muscles of the uterus, intestines and other internal organs, but also lowers hyperexcitability of the nervous system, which is especially important for a pregnant woman.
    • Many magnesium contain nuts, beans, bran bread, green vegetables, buckwheat and oatmeal.
    • Do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of ordinary water every day to protect yourself from dehydration and the appearance of constipation, dangerous for hypertension of the uterus.
    • To prevent constipation and normalize the beneficial microflora in the intestines, eat plenty of fiber-containing foods and try to train yourself to visit the toilet at the same time.
    • Give up coffee, tea, cola and other diuretic caffeinated drinks.

    To prevent the onset of the tone of the uterus:

    • observe the correct mode of the day;
    • avoid excessive physical exertion;
    • restrict sexual activity;
    • strictly observe intimate hygiene to avoid the occurrence of genito-urinary infections( candidiasis( thrush), cystitis, etc.);
    • more rest - night sleep should be full, duration of at least 8 hours, it is desirable to sleep or lie down in the afternoon after dinner;
    • If you are not prescribed bed rest, take walks in the fresh air at every opportunity and ventilate the room well before going to bed.

    Be responsible to all medical recommendations, keep positive and good mood - this will help you to avoid various complications of pregnancy and give birth to a strong healthy baby.