
How to take Siofor for weight loss: dosage, possible negative consequences

  • How to take Siofor for weight loss: dosage, possible negative consequences

    Siofor is a medicinal product intended for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, some people take it for weight loss, which is not supported by endocrinologists. How to take Siofor for weight loss, will be discussed in this article.

    The process of losing weight in Siofora

    Immediately after taking the first Siofor tablet, patients begin to notice indifference to the sweet. If yesterday you could not spend your day without candy or bun, today you do not pay any attention to them.

    Doctors explain this effect by reducing the production of insulin, because its excess causes a feeling of carbohydrate hunger or, in another way, hypoglycemia. The reception of Siofor is remarkable in that it is not easy to refrain from sweets, but also protects from attacks of hypoglycemia that are harmful to the body: when a person sees or mentions candy, hands tremble, sweat appears, and cases of loss of consciousness are not uncommon.

    Insulin forces the human body to convert the eaten fat, and Siofor increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin and reduces the production of this hormone. When observing a low-calorie diet, even the old reserves against the background of taking the drug are rapidly burned. When playing sports, the effect increases many times.

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    But even if you do not comply with diet or exercise on this product, you can lose weight, although the process is much slower. This is because Siofor blocks the absorption of carbohydrates, which transit through the intestines and are removed with a stool.

    However, there is one side effect: carbohydrates in the abdomen give rise to rapid fermentation, gases and colic form, the stool becomes frequent and watery, which causes severe discomfort.

    The opinion of doctors about Siofora

    The main active substance in the preparation Siofor - metformin. The confirmed therapeutic effect of this is a decrease in the sugar level in the blood of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. It turns out that weight reduction in this case is just a side effect. In some people it can be sharply expressed, in others it does not show up at all depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    It is proved that Siofor upsets the metabolism in the body of healthy people, since it is not intended for them. The following symptoms are manifested: abdominal pain, upset of the chair, nausea. Perhaps a rather dangerous complication is lactate acidosis, which occurs against the background of fasting and heavy physical exertion, which causes the death of a person.

    For the weight loss drug Siofor not advise any doctor, because for him on the first place is always the safety of the patient.

    How to take Siofor to lose weight

    For weight loss buy Siofor with the lowest dosage of 500 mg. Take the drug better before or during meals. With a simultaneous diet, one tablet is enough in the morning. Otherwise - add one more at dinner. Take medicine with half a glass of water.

    With the forthcoming hard work or physical training, it is advisable to postpone reception of Siofor. It is also not recommended to take it during periods of illness, at high temperature, severe diarrhea. It is forbidden to combine with diuretics, laxatives or other drugs for weight loss. Pregnant and lactating women, it is contraindicated.

    Many believe that over time, the effectiveness of the drug Siofor disappears. This is not so, in fact, it decreases after three months of taking the medicine. This action is explained by the attempts of a healthy organism to normalize your metabolism. In this connection, after three months of taking Siofor, it is better to take a break.

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