
How to dull the feeling of hunger and what you can kill zhor, what herbs will help in this

  • How to dull the feeling of hunger and what you can kill zhor, what herbs will help in this

    When a person experiences a feeling of hunger, it is not only unpleasantly physically and emotionally, but also very harmful to the body. It is better not to allow such a state and eat small portions throughout the day, but we all have situations where it is impossible to eat normally because of work or other urgent matters.

    This problem is very urgent in the evenings, when you strongly want to eat at night. So what is to kill the raging appetite? It is important to know how to dull the feeling of hunger so as not to spoil your digestive system.

    Interesting ways to dull hunger

    There are many ways to deceive the feeling of hunger, the simplest and most accessible is water. The rule is simple - if you want to eat, drink! Water can be not only filtered or tap, but also mineral, with the addition of lemon, mint or cucumber.

    Excellent cup of green tea without sugar, besides, it will give strength and energy. In fact, you can kill the hunger with anything, you do not even need to drink for it. You can take a hot bath and relax. Or, conversely, simple physical exercises will reduce appetite and will benefit the body. The simplest sit-ups or pulls will kill a strong famine. And if you want, you can just make a few slow deep breaths and exhalations.

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    Aromatherapy is a great way to reduce appetite and hunger. For these purposes, an ideal oil for grapefruit, orange and other citrus fruits. You can just breathe in the aroma of bananas, apples.

    Healthy and strong sleep also helps to reduce appetite. If possible, it is better to let the body rest, then it will not require an extra snack.

    It's good to take a walk in the fresh air before dinner or dinner. The body is saturated with oxygen and there is a want much less, respectively, and eaten portions will not be so large.

    How to kill the appetite for the night

    First of all, no matter how corny it sounded, brush your teeth. This simple ritual will stop you from having a snack at night.

    Walking before going to bed will also dull the feeling of hunger, but on the condition that you immediately go to bed and come home.

    If you are on a diet, then it helps to view magazines with photos of your dream figure. It not only motivates you, but also interrupts all desire is.

    And if you really do not have the strength to suffer hunger before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir, eat boiled egg whites or a small piece of cheese. These products will not harm the figure, but will not allow you to go to bed hungry.

    Foods that help dull the feeling of hunger

    It's important to know what foods and herbs reduce the feeling of acute hunger, and keep them always in your fridge.

    It's best to have a snack with light fruits. Ideal options will be grapefruit and pineapple, which are not only low-calorie, but also help to speed up the metabolism. Undoubtedly, apples will also suit, they need them with bones, in which there is a special substance that dulls the appetite.

    Chewing gum can for a while moderate appetite, only it must be without sugar. Peppermint and chewing reflex are excellent helpers in this matter.

    The bitter taste of parsley can kill the appetite, keep this greens always in the fridge.

    You can also just sip a black coffee without sugar and cream. Caffeine contained in it, stops cravings for food.

    One of the main herbs, dulling, the feeling of hunger, is mint. With it, you can brew tea, add to water or simply breathe fresh fragrance.

    There are many ways to moderate your appetite, but the main thing is your strength of will and proper fractional food all day long.

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