
Diet on rice: a protein diet with rice for weight loss, a diet for raw rice or brown rice

  • Diet on rice: a protein diet with rice for weight loss, a diet for raw rice or brown rice

    Diet on rice "Five volumes" for cleaning the body of toxins and slimming

    More and more people declare war on extra pounds among people of our planet, people want not only to get rid of them, but also to improve their health. Most diets are aimed at weight loss and intestinal cleansing. But there are diets that perform not only these functions, but also heal the body as a whole.

    These diets include a diet on rice and a protein diet with rice for weight loss. Moreover, the most useful for diets is brown( brown) rice.

    Rice composition

    Rice is a unique product, it contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP and others. A large amount of vitamin B9 - it regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body and takes part in the hematopoiesis. The presence of choline in rice, which is an important substance for improving memory and participating in the treatment of liver diseases, once again proves its usefulness in dietary nutrition.

    Rice contains a large number of micro- and macronutrients of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, silicon, etc., which are important for the normal functioning of the whole organism. He removes from the body all toxins and wastes, cleaning it in all corners.

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    The absence of gluten( vegetable protein) in the rice croup makes this diet hypoallergenic, so this diet has virtually no contraindications.

    However, the duration of the rice diet should not be more than fourteen days. It is carried out on brown rice - it will be the main product.

    Why is it so useful? The fact is that in contrast to the usual rice couch that is used in the preparation of various dishes, husk and bran are preserved in brown rice, which are cellulose. As everyone knows, it is not digested and is the main one in transporting all harmful and unnecessary, improves the digestive system.

    Some useful tips for

    When buying brown rice, it is necessary to look at the shelf life of this product, it is limited, since it contains a large number of biologically active substances. At home, this grain should be stored in a refrigerator or freezer.at room temperature, the oxidation of oils occurs, and it is from the useful, will turn into harmful.

    Brown rice in comparison with the usual white, more rigid, so before you cook it, it is recommended that the necessary portion of cereals be rinsed and poured with cold water overnight, and in the morning, after draining the water, rinse it thoroughly.

    Boil the croup for 10 minutes and rinse again, then pour into a saucepan, pour cold water and cook more. After 15 minutes, remove the saucepan under the blanket so that the rice is fully prepared. When you follow these tips, the porridge will be crumbly and useful.

    Types of rice diets

    There are various variants of rice diets, and everyone can use the one that he likes more.

    Three-day diet on rice

    The menu consists of brown rice, a glass of rice cereal is needed for a day. Boil rice in the manner described above without salt, the resulting amount of finished porridge divided by 4-5 times. If the hunger becomes intolerable, you can eat a couple of green apples. Drink water for 30 minutes before each reception of porridge.

    This diet will not only purify the body of toxins, but will also remove salts that retain liquid. At this time you need to walk in the fresh air, classes in the gym are contraindicated.

    Diet on rice "Five volumes"

    This diet on raw rice, and despite its severity, it has many adherents. It is based on the application of a soaked rice in food for 5 days.

    It will require five containers with a volume of 200 ml( jars number).In each of them pour two tablespoons of rice and add water to the top. Every day, you need to change the water in rice for 4 days.

    When the fifth day comes in the morning, you need to pour the water out of the jar, and eat rice. In the empty dishes, pour again 2 tablespoons of cereal and put it last in the row. The next morning the procedure is repeated, and so it should be done for 14 days. After this breakfast, the next meal is not earlier than 4 hours later.

    Water should drink at least 1.5-2 liters, in addition, you can brew and green tea. Further during the day, eat better with vegetables, boiled lean meat, reduce salt consumption to a minimum, and remove harmful foods.

    And another important addition to those who are fond of sour-milk products, in particular kefir, during a diet on rice kefir in the morning it is better not to use.

    The number of rations on rice is great, some of them can be found by watching videos:

    Among the population of our planet, more and more people declare war on extra pounds, people want not only to get rid of them, but also to improve their health. Most diets are aimed at weight loss and intestinal cleansing. But there are diets that perform not only these functions, but also heal the body as a whole.

    These diets include a diet on rice and a protein diet with rice for weight loss. Moreover, the most useful for diets is brown( brown) rice.

    Rice composition

    Rice is a unique product, it contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP and others. A large amount of vitamin B9 - it regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body and takes part in the hematopoiesis. The presence of choline in rice, which is an important substance for improving memory and participating in the treatment of liver diseases, once again proves its usefulness in dietary nutrition.

    Rice contains a large number of micro- and macro elements of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, silicon, etc., which are important for the normal functioning of the whole organism. He removes from the body all toxins and wastes, cleaning it in all corners.

    The absence of gluten( vegetable protein) in rice croup makes this diet hypoallergenic, so this diet has virtually no contraindications.

    However, the duration of the rice diet should not be more than fourteen days. It is carried out on brown rice - it will be the main product.

    Why is it so useful? The fact is that in contrast to the usual rice couch that is used in the preparation of various dishes, husk and bran are preserved in brown rice, which are cellulose. As everyone knows, it is not digested and is the main one in transporting all harmful and unnecessary, improves the digestive system.

    Some useful tips for

    When buying brown rice, you need to look at the shelf life of this product, it is limited, because it contains a large number of biologically active substances. At home, this grain should be stored in a refrigerator or freezer, becauseat room temperature, the oxidation of oils occurs, and it is from the useful, will turn into harmful.

    Brown rice in comparison with the usual white, more rigid, so before you cook it, it is recommended that the necessary portion of cereals be rinsed and poured with cold water overnight, and in the morning, after draining the water, rinse it thoroughly.

    Boil the croup for 10 minutes and rinse again, then pour into a saucepan, pour cold water and cook more. After 15 minutes, remove the saucepan under the blanket so that the rice is fully prepared. When you follow these tips, the porridge will be crumbly and useful.

    Types of rice diets

    There are various options for rice diets, and everyone can use the one that he likes more.

    Three-day diet on rice

    The menu consists of brown rice, a glass of rice cereal is needed for a day. Boil rice in the manner described above without salt, the resulting amount of finished porridge divided by 4-5 times. If the hunger becomes intolerable, you can eat a couple of green apples. Drink water for 30 minutes before each reception of porridge.

    This diet will not only purify the body of toxins, but will also remove salts that trap the liquid. At this time you need to walk in the fresh air, classes in the gym are contraindicated.

    Diets on rice "Five volumes"

    This diet on raw rice, and despite its severity, it has many adherents. It is based on the application of a soaked rice in food for 5 days.

    It will require five containers with a volume of 200 ml( jars number).In each of them pour two tablespoons of rice and add water to the top. Every day, you need to change the water in rice for 4 days.

    When the fifth day comes in the morning, you need to pour the water out of the jar, and eat rice. In the empty dishes, pour again 2 tablespoons of cereal and put it last in the row. The next morning the procedure is repeated, and so it should be done for 14 days. After this breakfast, the next meal is not earlier than 4 hours later.

    Water should be at least 1.5-2 liters, in addition, you can brew and green tea. Further during the day, eat better with vegetables, boiled lean meat, reduce salt consumption to a minimum, and remove harmful foods.

    And another important addition to those who are fond of sour-milk products, in particular kefir, during a diet on rice kefir in the morning is better not to use.

    The number of rations on rice is great, some of them can be found by watching videos: