
Caloric content of an orange per 100 grams, energy value of citrus fruits

  • Caloric content of an orange per 100 grams, energy value of citrus fruits

    The caloric content of an orange by 100 grams and by 1 fruit and its beneficial properties for a healthy organism.

    Orange is a fruit tree that is a representative of the family of cactuses, a subfamily of citrus. In translation from German into Russian means "Chinese apple".These trees were brought to Europe by the Portuguese, now it has perfectly taken root in Central America and on the Mediterranean coast. This fancy berry was known even before our era.

    One of the most important advantages of an orange is considered a large amount of vitamin C. For example, in 150 grams of fruit, 80 grams of ascorbic acid are stored, which replaces the daily norm in the body of the above-named vitamin. Orange benefits the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. Low calorie orange can be called a product, suitable for use for diets. Pectins contained in it, affect digestion, enhance the motor function of the large intestine. The use of orange affects the speed of wound healing, it acts soothingly. And in its juice there are phytoncides, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It activates the body, brings a tonic effect, improves the metabolic process. This fruit-fruit is useful for people with diabetes, the main thing is that it is not over-ripe and too sweet. Also, the product is recommended for decay of forces, beriberi and for preventive treatment of heart, liver, and blood vessels. In each such citrus contains organic acids that break down food fibers and fats, contribute to the elimination of toxins.

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    Given that the calories in the orange in small quantities, it is recommended to eat for people who are trying to lose weight. This product contains 0.9% protein, 0.2% fat, more than 85% water and 8.1% carbohydrates. Caloric content per 100 grams of fruit-berries averages 43 kcal. In general, the energy value of an orange depends on its size. If a person asks a question: "How many Kcal in 1 orange?", Then he will use the following data:

    • in a product of medium size 43 Kcal( this is somewhere about 6.5 centimeters in diameter);
    • in a large multi-caved berry 65 Kcal( it has a diameter of 7.5 cm).

    The bulk of calories are taken from carbohydrates - disaccharides and monosaccharides, which are very quickly absorbed into the blood, which gives the person a charge of vigor and energy. For those who lose weight, the juice from this product will be to their liking and taste, so only 40-60 kcal per 100 milliliters( all depends on its squeeze).Also an obvious plus for dieters will be that the orange perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger( it is suitable for a snack).During weight loss this fruit-fruit is combined with protein and vegetable food, and the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced. For 3 weeks, a diet with oranges can lose more than 5 kilograms. This option is not suitable only for those who have gastrointestinal diseases( increased consumption of citrus is contraindicated to them).

    In addition to this, there are Vitamin A and E( antioxidants) in the orange, which prevent the formation of cancer cells, improve skin color and hair condition. Also in it is:

    • beta-carotene, which strengthens the immune system and improves tissue regeneration;
    • nicotinic acid, stabilizing the level of sugar and accelerating the metabolism;
    • biotin( vitamin H) is responsible for the regular production of insulin by the liver, improves the metabolism of fats, participates in carbohydrate metabolism, strengthens the nail plate;
    • B vitamins( folic and pantothenic acids, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin) are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, relieve stress, positively affect memory and brain activity, are needed to generate energy and to break down fats; they also slow the aging process inorganism and are preventive means in the fight against cancer;
    • zinc enhances brain activity;
    • iodine is needed for the thyroid gland;
    • calcium strengthens teeth, nails and bones;
    • sodium controls the water balance;
    • potassium is needed for normal heart function.

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    Orange is a fruit tree that is a representative of the family of crocus subfamilies. In translation from German into Russian means "Chinese apple".These trees were brought to Europe by the Portuguese, now it has perfectly taken root in Central America and on the Mediterranean coast. This fancy berry was known even before our era.

    One of the most important advantages of an orange is considered a large amount of vitamin C. For example, in 150 grams of fruit, 80 grams of ascorbic acid are stored, which replaces the daily norm in the body of the above-named vitamin. Orange benefits the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. Low calorie orange can be called a product, suitable for use for diets. Pectins contained in it, affect digestion, enhance the motor function of the large intestine. The use of orange affects the speed of wound healing, it acts soothingly. And in its juice there are phytoncides, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It activates the body, brings a tonic effect, improves the metabolic process. This fruit-fruit is useful for people with diabetes, the main thing is that it is not over-ripe and too sweet. Also, the product is recommended for decay of forces, beriberi and for preventive treatment of heart, liver, and blood vessels. In each such citrus contains organic acids that break down food fibers and fats, contribute to the elimination of toxins.

    Given that the calories in the orange in small quantities, it is recommended to eat for people who are trying to lose weight. This product contains 0.9% protein, 0.2% fat, more than 85% water and 8.1% carbohydrates. Caloric content per 100 grams of fruit-berries averages 43 kcal. In general, the energy value of an orange depends on its size. If a person asks the question: "How many Kcal in 1 orange?", Then he will use the following data:

    • in a product of medium size 43 Kcal( this is somewhere about 6.5 centimeters in diameter);
    • in a large multi-caved berry 65 Kcal( it has a diameter of 7.5 cm).

    The bulk of calories are taken from carbohydrates - disaccharides and monosaccharides, which are very quickly absorbed into the blood, which gives the person a charge of vigor and energy. For those who lose weight, the juice from this product will be to their liking and taste, so only 40-60 kcal per 100 milliliters( all depends on its squeeze).Also an obvious plus for dieters will be that the orange perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger( it is suitable for a snack).During weight loss this fruit-fruit is combined with protein and vegetable food, and the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced. For 3 weeks, a diet with oranges can lose more than 5 kilograms. This option is not suitable only for those who have gastrointestinal diseases( increased consumption of citrus is contraindicated to them).

    In addition, there are Vitamin A and E( antioxidants) in the orange, which prevent the formation of cancer cells, improve skin color and hair condition. Also in it is:

    • beta-carotene, which strengthens the immune system and improves tissue regeneration;
    • nicotinic acid, which stabilizes the level of sugar and accelerates the metabolism;
    • biotin( vitamin H) is responsible for the regular production of insulin by the liver, improves the metabolism of fats, participates in carbohydrate metabolism, strengthens the nail plate;
    • B vitamins( folic and pantothenic acids, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin) are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, relieve stress, positively affect memory and brain activity, are needed to generate energy and to break down fats; they also slow the aging process inorganism and are preventive means in the fight against cancer;
    • zinc enhances brain activity;
    • iodine is needed for thyroid function;
    • calcium strengthens teeth, nails and bones;
    • sodium controls the water balance;
    • potassium is needed for normal heart function.

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