
Diet on kefir and apples for weight loss: menus, advice of nutritionists

  • Diet on kefir and apples for weight loss: menus, advice of nutritionists

    Diet on yogurt and apples for weight loss and body cleansing - one of the best mono diets

    Everyone knows about the benefits of diets, and at least once in their lives tried one of them, or, at least, they arranged themselves unloading days. Depending on what purpose the diet is used for, everyone chooses it for themselves. Someone with the help of diets wants to radically reduce their fat reserves, and someone needs to improve their health.

    Diet on kefir and apples for weight loss will do just fine for both. After all, both products, which form the basis of this diet, are in themselves dietary. By including them in the menu at the same time, you can achieve results that exceed all expectations. This diet is high-speed, and with its help really get rid of 3-4 kilograms of unnecessary weight in 3 days.

    What is unique about these products?

    Kefir in its composition has a unique set of fungi and bacteria. This sour milk product is a wonderful probiotic, which is necessary for the normalization of microflora in the intestine. It contains protein, organic and fatty acids, vitamins B, A, C, H. In this drink there are a great many minerals: magnesium, potassium, iodine, selenium, etc.

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    Thanks to its unique composition, kefir is used in manydiets. It is a mild cleanser of the body from various harmful substances.

    Nutritionists have developed this diet on fruit and kefir for weight loss, selecting as the fruit used apple. Why is this fruit, not another? The fact is that the apple has the necessary substances and minerals, which are not found in the sour milk product, and which enhance the benefits of this diet and make it more full.

    After all, apples are a storehouse of vitamins: B1, B3, B6, B9, C, K, and E is a vitamin of youth, a powerful antioxidant. In the composition of these fruits, a lot of potassium - up to 107 mg per 100 grams, iron, phosphorus, copper, etc. Fiber of the apple stimulates intestinal motility, participates in the purification of cells from cholesterol.

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    Which is better - green apples and yogurt or red? By and large, there is no difference. Use the ones that are more like. The main thing - during a diet not to consume anything, except apples and kefir. The daily menu consists of one and a half kilograms of apples and from one to one and a half liters of low-calorie kefir.

    You need to eat 5-6 times a day, do not forget to drink water and unsweetened tea( green).Prior to the first breakfast, it is useful to drink a glass of clean water. If desired, for a variety of menus, apples can be baked.

    Unlike some mono-diets, in the period of such a balanced diet, there will be no depletion of the body. But, at the same time, there will be a purification of the whole organism.

    The accumulated slags, poisons, rotting products, excess fluid will leave the intestine. The metabolism is normalized, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will be restored. The superfluous centimeters will disappear, the skin will be tightened, the complexion will improve.

    An excellent addition to the diet will be walking and easy exercise. After all, movement is life.

    Apples and kefir are consumed both together and separately after a certain period of time. You can prepare a fruit cocktail from apples and yogurt. To do this, take apples and tinder them on a large grater, then transfer them to a blender. The bay is also kefir, carefully mixed, and the cocktail is ready for consumption.

    Exit from the diet should be gradual, in no case immediately after the diet to lean on fat and sweet. Better gradually introduce a boiled chicken, vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices. Otherwise, all the labors will go to dust, and the body will again be filled with all sorts of nastiness.

    Nutritionists advise to switch to a healthy diet, so that the result of losing weight remained for a long time.

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    Everyone knows about the benefits of diets, and at least once in their life they tried any of them, or, in extreme cases, they arranged themselves unloading days. Depending on what purpose the diet is used for, everyone chooses it for themselves. Someone with the help of diets wants to radically reduce their fat reserves, and someone needs to improve their health.

    Diet on kefir and apples for weight loss will do just fine for both. After all, both products, which form the basis of this diet, are in themselves dietary. By including them in the menu at the same time, you can achieve results that exceed all expectations. This diet is high-speed, and with its help really get rid of 3-4 kilograms of unnecessary weight in 3 days.

    What is unique about these products?

    Kefir in its composition has a unique set of fungi and bacteria. This sour milk product is a wonderful probiotic, which is necessary for the normalization of microflora in the intestine. It contains protein, organic and fatty acids, vitamins B, A, C, H. In this drink there are a great many minerals: magnesium, potassium, iodine, selenium, etc.

    Thanks to its unique composition, kefir is used in manydiets. It is a mild cleanser of the body from various harmful substances.

    Nutritionists have developed this diet on fruit and kefir for weight loss, choosing as the fruit used apple. Why is this fruit, not another? The fact is that the apple has the necessary substances and minerals, which are not found in the sour milk product, and which enhance the benefits of this diet and make it more full.

    After all, apples are a storehouse of vitamins: B1, B3, B6, B9, C, K, and E is a vitamin of youth, a powerful antioxidant. In the composition of these fruits, a lot of potassium - up to 107 mg per 100 grams, iron, phosphorus, copper, etc. Fiber of the apple stimulates intestinal motility, participates in the purification of cells from cholesterol.

    Power Mode

    Which is better - green apples and yogurt or red? By and large, there is no difference. Use the ones that are more like. The main thing - during a diet not to consume anything, except apples and kefir. The daily menu consists of one and a half kilograms of apples and from one to one and a half liters of low-calorie kefir.

    You need to eat 5-6 times a day, do not forget to drink water and unsweetened tea( green).Prior to the first breakfast it is useful to drink a glass of clean water. If desired, for a variety of menus, apples can be baked.

    Unlike some mono-diets, in the period of such a balanced diet, there will be no depletion of the body. But, at the same time, there will be a purification of the whole organism.

    The accumulated slags, poisons, rotting products, excess fluid will leave the intestine. The metabolism is normalized, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will be restored. The superfluous centimeters will disappear, the skin will be tightened, the complexion will improve.

    An excellent addition to the diet will be walking and easy physical activity. After all, movement is life.

    Apples and kefir are consumed both together and separately after a certain period of time. You can prepare a fruit cocktail from apples and yogurt. To do this, take apples and tinder them on a large grater, then transfer them to a blender. The bay is also kefir, carefully mixed, and the cocktail is ready for consumption.

    Exit from the diet should be gradual, in no case immediately after the diet to lean on fat and sweet. Better gradually introduce a boiled chicken, vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices. Otherwise, all the labors will go to dust, and the body will again be filled with all sorts of nastiness.

    Nutritionists advise to switch to a healthy diet, so that the result of losing weight remained for a long time.

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