
Diet on sauerkraut: caloric content of sauerkraut, menu for a 14-day diet

  • Diet on sauerkraut: caloric content of sauerkraut, menu for a 14-day diet

    Diet on sauerkraut, which will easily help to part with excess kilograms.

    To which methods alone do cute little girls in pursuit of an ideal figure, which they just do not try: overseas teas, green coffee, tablets and so on. But it is much easier to use our folk remedies, which are excellent in this!

    One of the many ways to remove excess centimeters is a sauerkraut diet. This is a wonderful product that is available to everyone and is widely used as salads and side dishes. In addition, it is an important component in the diet menu.

    Calorie content of sauerkraut for 100 grams is only about 18-26 calories. Therefore, our body to maintain efficiency will have to use internal reserves - excess fat deposits, which, however, is expected from the use of diets.

    Benefits of the diet on sauerkraut

    Using daily 100 grams of sauerkraut, the body receives vitamin C, which is needed for a day. It is a powerful antioxidant, a protector against stressful consequences and viral infections. Therefore, cabbage is recommended to eat in the winter and spring periods, when in other vegetables vitamins have significantly decreased.

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    In addition, it contains vitamins A, B6, K, PP, folic acid, and also iron, zinc, copper, silicon and many other trace elements, in a word, a whole set of nutrients.

    The presence of a large amount of fiber helps in the work of the intestines, it will work as a "clock".In the process of purification, all decay products are taken from the body, and beautiful and well-groomed skin directly depends on how clean the body is. Sour cabbage has a remarkable feature - with its help, getting rid of harmful cholesterol.

    Benefits from sauerkraut are high, but with gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatic diseases and with renal failure, it should be used with extreme caution.

    Different types of diets on sauerkraut

    There is a huge variety of diets based on sauerkraut, they are all different in the number of days, the composition of products. Therefore, everyone can choose for themselves "their" depending on the desired goal.

    1. People who have small problems with the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, gastritis, diet is quite suitable for two days. Food in this regime is taken four to six times a day. The main product - sauerkraut 1,5 kg without brine and rye-wheat crumbs. Mandatory drinking of water and tea.
    2. The diet for three days consists only of dishes with sauerkraut, proteins and carbohydrates are not used in it. The amount of this vegetable is not limited, except it is recommended to diversify the diet with fruits with low sugar content, i.e. bananas and grapes are contraindicated because of their high caloric value. Salt, sugar, baked goods, sausages and smoked products are completely excluded. Water, tea( preferably green), fruit and vegetable juices are mandatory during this diet.
    3. There is a diet for seven days, in which the main course is cabbage soup, it is eaten as much as you like. It is prepared from 0.5 kg of sauerkraut, 5 heads of onion, a couple of Bulgarian peppers, 0.5 cups of rice, one carrot, parsley and dill, a couple of tomatoes. This dish can be supplemented with lean meat, various vegetables, and fruits will not be superfluous. Drinking regime as in the first diet.

    Dietitians also developed a 14-day diet on sauerkraut for weight loss, its menu is similar to the previous one, only fruit juice is added.

    But still, "sitting" on any of the diets, you need to exercise, move a lot, walk in the fresh air. In any case, regular exercise plus a diet on sauerkraut will bring your body an invaluable benefit. Losing weight and cleaning the body in such an accessible way will always be easy, pleasant and useful.

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    To which only methods resorted to lovely young women in pursuit of an ideal figure, which is not tried: overseas teas, green coffee, tablets and stuff. But it is much easier to use our folk remedies, which are excellent in this!

    One of the many ways to remove excess centimeters is a sauerkraut diet. This is a wonderful product that is available to everyone and is widely used as salads and side dishes. In addition, it is an important component in the diet menu.

    The caloric content of sauerkraut is 100 grams only about 18-26 calories. Therefore, our body to maintain efficiency will have to use internal reserves - excess fat deposits, which, however, is expected from the use of diets.

    Benefits of the diet on sauerkraut

    Using daily 100 grams of sauerkraut, the body receives vitamin C, necessary for a day. It is a powerful antioxidant, a protector against stressful consequences and viral infections. Therefore, cabbage is recommended to eat in the winter and spring periods, when in other vegetables vitamins have significantly decreased.

    In addition, it contains vitamins A, B6, K, PP, folic acid, and also iron, zinc, copper, silicon and many other trace elements, in a word, a whole set of nutrients.

    The presence of a large amount of fiber helps in the work of the intestines, it will work as a "clock".In the process of purification, all decay products are taken from the body, and beautiful and well-groomed skin directly depends on how clean the body is. Sour cabbage has a remarkable feature - with its help, getting rid of harmful cholesterol.

    The benefits of sauerkraut are high, but with extreme gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatic diseases and with kidney failure, it should be used with extreme caution.

    Different types of diets on sauerkraut

    There is a huge variety of diets based on sauerkraut, they are all different in the number of days, the composition of products. Therefore, everyone can choose for themselves "their" depending on the desired goal.

    1. People who have small problems with the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, gastritis, diet is quite suitable for two days. Food in this regime is taken four to six times a day. The main product - sauerkraut 1,5 kg without brine and rye-wheat crumbs. Mandatory drinking of water and tea.
    2. The diet for three days consists only of dishes with sauerkraut, proteins and carbohydrates do not apply in it. The amount of this vegetable is not limited, except it is recommended to diversify the diet with fruits with low sugar content, i.e. bananas and grapes are contraindicated because of their high caloric value. Salt, sugar, baked goods, sausages and smoked products are completely excluded. Water, tea( preferably green), fruit and vegetable juices are mandatory during this diet.
    3. There is a diet for seven days, in which the main course is cabbage soup, it is eaten as much as you like. It is prepared from 0.5 kg of sauerkraut, 5 heads of onion, a couple of Bulgarian peppers, 0.5 cups of rice, one carrot, parsley and dill, a couple of tomatoes. This dish can be supplemented with lean meat, various vegetables, and fruits will not be superfluous. Drinking regime as in the first diet.

    Dietitians also developed a 14-day diet on sauerkraut for weight loss, its menu is similar to the previous one, only fruit juice is added.

    But still, "sitting" on any of the diets, you need to exercise, move a lot, walk in the fresh air. In any case, regular exercise plus a diet on sauerkraut will bring your body an invaluable benefit. Losing weight and cleaning the body in such an accessible way will always be easy, pleasant and useful.

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