
An anorexic nymph diet: basic dietary rules if you want to lose weight

  • An anorexic nymph diet: basic dietary rules if you want to lose weight

    As you can immediately understand from the name, the diet of an anorexic nymph is very complex, and only people who are strong will be able to withstand it. However, the result is really impressive. Literally for seven days, all the excess fat deposits go away. And the girls who will withstand the diet of the nymph will become slim and light.

    Principles of the diet

    From the diet for a whole week excludes almost all the nutritious food containing proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, useful minerals. There is practically only one liquid left. It is recommended to drink plenty of water during the whole diet, as it dulls the appetite. And coffee, green and herbal teas without the addition of sugar.

    Hard calorie reduction, almost complete refusal of morning meals, reduction of other techniques and frequent training - the anorexic diet has its own name. Do not get off the diet will help a few tips from the video:

    The use of grapefruit and apples - products with a negative caloric content, helps to quickly achieve the desired result. These products are not only rich in fiber, which is known to clean out harmful substances and wastes, but also their digestion takes more energy than they contain. And such products as cheese, cottage cheese and kefir saturate even with a small amount of nutritional value and fat content.

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    Menu for the week

    • Day One

    Instead of breakfast in the morning, it is suggested to drink a glass of filtered or boiled water with a lemon. Such a simple drink will help to start digestion and metabolism, and also will give such necessary forces.

    Further during the day only water, coffee and tea are drunk. Sometimes it is allowed to add a little skim milk to the drink.

    • Day Two

    Breakfast consists of a cup of flavored coffee without additives and low-fat cottage cheese up to 200 grams.

    Lunch: half a grapefruit or other citrus and a slice of cheese to 40 grams.

    Dinner: Up to 250 milliliters of low-fat kefir.

    • Day Three

    For breakfast only simple drinks in unlimited quantities: coffee, tea. Lunch: a green little apple.

    Dinner: up to 250 milliliters of low-fat kefir.

    • Day Four

    Breakfast: three squares of dark or bitter chocolate, coffee.

    Lunch: a small amount of fresh pineapple. No canned fruit!

    Dinner: all the same low-fat kefir.

    • Day Five

    For breakfast, as on the first day, water is drunk with lemon juice.

    Lunch: a useful and satisfying banana. No more than one.

    Dinner: an apple.

    • Day Six

    Breakfast: apple and invigorating black coffee.

    Lunch: grapefruit steamed slices.

    Dinner: no food. Only pure water.

    • Day 7

    In the morning, sip a glass of warm water with lemon juice.

    Lunch: a small sandwich made of low-fat cheese and bread bran or black. Day eighth.

    Weighing. The average plummet of the diet for anorexic fat women is 7 kilograms.

    Next - any diet. The main thing is not to overeat, and then the heavy weight thrown out will not return.

    The diet was based on the nutrition of foreign models. And although it is very difficult to adhere to its rules, but it brings really visible and, most importantly, quick results. During the diet should not be hung up on her, constantly thinking about food. Distract, do your favorite thing, walk more often and spend time in the fresh air. And imperceptibly quickly time will fly by, and the figure will become thinner and more attractive, will please the eye.

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