
Diets for losing weight at home: fast diets, menus and recipes for losing weight

  • Diets for losing weight at home: fast diets, menus and recipes for losing weight

    Actually, any diets are based on the fact that you have to prepare for yourself something individual, even if you live in a large family, where all the others are not going to compose you in the experiments to lose weight. Therefore, if you do not know how to cook, you will have to learn! And observe the strict menu. And do not carry someone else's high-calorie cookies at night!

    The most, in our opinion, delicious diet - it's watermelon. She's the simplest. But - seasonal, unfortunately. It can be observed in different ways - there are only some watermelons or add porridge and cheese to them in the mornings, and fish and vegetables - for lunch. With the first option, of course, you can reset more than the second. Judging by the reviews, about 10 kg people are dumped with this diet. However, to follow such a diet should not be more than a week.

    The next fast diet for losing weight at home - kefir. It is designed for 7-10 days. The point is to drink kefir every day at 1.5 liters. In a day you can add a little( 100 grams) of boiled meat( low-fat, naturally!) Or vegetables to the diet.

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    Effective and simple diet for losing weight belly - buckwheat, this is a mono diet, so every day you will have to eat as much buckwheat as you want, but nothing more.

    For the night it is necessary to pour the required amount of cereal with water or kefir( 0.1%), and the whole next day there is only it. And no spices, sugar, salt, butter. .. An hour before sleep, however, you can afford a glass of yogurt. In general, if it is completely unbearable, then a couple of apples can save the situation.

    And here is another recipe for a diet for losing weight at home, menu:

    In the first and third days, only 1 liter of water, nothing more, 2 and 5 days - 800 ml of milk. On day 4 - exactly 1 kg of fresh vegetables and only two mugs of water. Day 6 pleases more - boiled egg and 0.5 glasses of water / tea for breakfast, at lunch - 100 gr.boiled meat or the same amount of cottage cheese, in the evening( until 21.00) - 1 apple. On the last, seventh, day, 100 gr.cottage cheese and a glass of kefir / milk for lunch, a mug of tea or water for dinner.

    They say the same 10 kg go easy after such a diet!

    There are many positive reviews about the "Japanese" diet, it is different in that the unloading days alternate with those when you need to eat a lot of food, and still need to completely abandon the sugar and salt. Green tea and water - in unlimited quantities. To conduct this diet is recommended every six months.

    Chinese diet

    And here you also "Chinese", since the conversation about the Eastern peoples has already begun. We paint on the days( morning, afternoon, evening):

    Day one:

    a) Coffee without sugar. B) Tomato, 2 soft-boiled eggs, cabbage salad. C) Stewed rice with apples( green).AD) Coffee with toast.

    .B) Boiled rice and fish.

    c) Fresh carrots, a pair of boiled eggs. Day 3:

    a) Milk - 1 glass. B) Boiled caramelized carrots with olive oil, scrambled eggs. C) Stewed cabbage with baked fish.

    Day four:

    a) Green tea - 1 cup.

    b) Boiled and slightly fried in vegetable oil rice, apples. CD 400g.boiled beef with vegetables.

    Day Five:

    a) Grated carrot( raw) with lemon juice. B) Tomato juice and baked fish.

    c) Fresh cabbage salad, fried salmon( about 350 gr.)

    Day Six:

    a) Coffee. B) Half cooked chicken + steamed vegetables. CD) Fruit. Day 7:

    a) Herbal / green tea. B) Steam meat, cabbage in the form of salad. C) All the same cabbage salad and a slice of fried salmon.

    There is another diet, to it you only need to remember a few important rules:

    1) 3 meals a day( basic) should alternate with two additional ones.

    2) Sweets are excluded.

    3) Forbidden products are forbidden, only cereal unleavened bread is allowed.

    4) The main products are vegetables, meat, fish. Boiled, naturally( except vegetables - they are in any form).

    5) You can not fry and fat.

    You need to eat so constantly, then your weight will come back to normal pretty quickly and will not be recruited any more.

    Video about weight loss diets