
Menu of the English diet for weight loss: a protein diet, whether you can lose weight on the English diet

  • Menu of the English diet for weight loss: a protein diet, whether you can lose weight on the English diet

    The menu of the English diet for weight loss: how to lose weight effectively without unnecessary costs and a constant sense of hunger

    Can I lose weight on the English diet that has become so popular lately? Those who experienced it on themselves, repeat about the excellent effect. If the power scheme is observed, the result will be noticeable after two weeks. A feature of this method of losing weight is considered a diet, which is represented by alternation of protein and vegetable days.

    The English protein diet is distinguished by the fact that the body does not lose any useful substances, a person does not feel hunger, although the food is all low-calorie. Between meals, take small breaks, which allows you to control satiety and not overeat, at 7 pm the last meal of the day. For two weeks, leaves 5-7 kilograms.

    Scheme of the approximate menu of the English diet for weight loss:

    • two, so-called, hungry days - for every day you can drink a liter of kefir or milk or a glass of tomato juice;
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    • two days of protein - high-protein foods are used for food;
    • two days of vegetable - the diet includes fruits and vegetables in any form, as well as dietary vegetable soups.

    The classic English diet, which lasts three weeks, can guarantee a loss of 8 to 12 kilograms.

    Its menu looks basically like this:

    • protein day:
      • breakfast - coffee, a slice of black bread, a teaspoon of honey;
      • lunch - broth( fish or meat), a piece of boiled fish( meat), a slice of black bread;
      • afternoon snack - tea with honey;
      • dinner - 50 grams of cheese, 2 eggs, a glass of yogurt, a slice of black bread or boiled meat / fish.
    • vegetable day:
      • breakfast - an orange or 2 apples;
      • dinner - a slice of black bread, vegetable salad, dietary soup;
      • snack - the same as breakfast;
      • dinner - a slice of black bread, vegetable salad, tea with honey.

    The composition of the English protein diet includes food that helps to saturate the body without adding extra pounds. To produce energy, the body needs carbohydrates, and since it receives only proteins, it begins to look for other ways of getting it, namely: it burns fats for its production.

    In the diet of vegetable days( sometimes protein), can include: bananas, pineapples, grapes, kiwi, green apples, lemons, buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, beetroot, pepper, pumpkin, garlic, onion, eggplant, asparagus, celery, parsley, mint, carrots, cabbage, basil, asparagus, black bread.

    When choosing this method of getting rid of excess weight, you should forget about the following products: fatty dairy products and meat, spirits, black tea, sugar, any sweets( sweets, pastries, etc.), potatoes, carbonated drinks, fried foods,pickles, high-calorie fruit, smoked meat and marinades.

    Food should be steamed, in the oven or on the grill. Drink a lot, about two liters a day. It can be simple water, green tea without sugar or mineral water without gas.

    Upon completion, you can return to the normal diet, only for 10 days to consume 250 grams of cottage cheese. But those who have tried this diet, it is recommended to leave it gradually and the first day after its completion make it unloaded, do not use anything other than boiled water. Reviews of doctors and those who lose weight in this way are mostly positive and do not contain negative comments. The process of losing weight in all occurs in different ways, but the visible and necessary result appears in everyone. Dietitians in certain diseases prescribe this diet for therapeutic purposes.

    All rules should be taken seriously and use this method for weight loss not more than once a year.

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    Can I lose weight on the English diet that has become so popular lately? Those who experienced it on themselves, repeat about the excellent effect. If the power scheme is observed, the result will be noticeable after two weeks. A feature of this method of losing weight is considered a diet, which is represented by alternation of protein and vegetable days.

    The English protein diet is distinguished by the fact that the body does not lose any useful substances, a person does not feel hunger, although the food is all low-calorie. Between meals, take small breaks, which allows you to control satiety and not overeat, at 7 pm the last meal of the day. For two weeks, leaves 5-7 kilograms.

    Scheme of the approximate menu of the English diet for weight loss:

    • two, so-called, hungry days - for every day you can drink a liter of kefir or milk or a glass of tomato juice;
    • two days of protein - high-protein foods are used for food;
    • two days of vegetable - the diet includes fruits and vegetables in any form, as well as dietary vegetable soups.

    The classic English diet, which lasts three weeks, can guarantee a loss of 8 to 12 kilograms.

    Its menu looks basically like this:

    • protein day:
      • breakfast - coffee, a slice of black bread, a teaspoon of honey;
      • dinner - broth( fish or meat), a piece of boiled fish( meat), a slice of black bread;
      • afternoon snack - tea with honey;
      • dinner - 50 grams of cheese, 2 eggs, a glass of yogurt, a slice of black bread or boiled meat / fish.
    • vegetable day:
      • breakfast - an orange or 2 apples;
      • lunch - a piece of black bread, vegetable salad, dietary soup;
      • afternoon snack - the same as breakfast;
      • dinner - a slice of black bread, vegetable salad, tea with honey.

    The composition of the English protein diet includes food that helps to saturate the body without adding extra pounds. To produce energy, the body needs carbohydrates, and since it receives only proteins, it begins to look for other ways of getting it, namely: it burns fats for its production.

    In the diet of vegetable days( sometimes protein), can include: bananas, pineapples, grapes, kiwi, green apples, lemons, buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, beetroot, pepper, pumpkin, garlic, onion, eggplant, asparagus, celery, parsley, mint, carrots, cabbage, basil, asparagus, black bread.

    When choosing this method of getting rid of excess weight, you should forget about the following products: fatty dairy products and meat, spirits, black tea, sugar, any sweets( sweets, pastries, etc.), potatoes, carbonated drinks, fried foods,pickles, high-calorie fruit, smoked meat and marinades.

    Food should be steamed, in the oven or on the grill. Drink a lot, about two liters a day. It can be simple water, green tea without sugar or mineral water without gas.

    Upon completion, you can return to normal diet, only for 10 days to consume 250 grams of cottage cheese. But those who have tried this diet, it is recommended to leave it gradually and the first day after its completion make it unloaded, do not use anything other than boiled water. Reviews of doctors and those who lose weight in this way are mostly positive and do not contain negative comments. The process of losing weight in all occurs in different ways, but the visible and necessary result appears in everyone. Dietitians in certain diseases prescribe this diet for therapeutic purposes.

    All the rules should be taken seriously and use this method for weight loss not more than once a year.

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