  • Diet 1 kg per day: how to throw 1 kg a day, is it real

    If you urgently need to adjust the figure to climb into jeans or a dress, and do not know how to do it, then a diet of 1 kg per day is for you. This system of nutrition, which contributes to emergency weight loss, today is one of the newest and most effective diets.

    Features of the diet "Minus 1 kg per day"

    The diet of 1 kg per day is as balanced as possible on nutrients, therefore during this method of losing weight in the body tissues all necessary micro- and macro elements come in. This means that the human body will lose weight, and not be depleted.

    In order to obtain the desired effect, a number of requirements must be strictly observed. So, during the diet you need:

    1. Strict observance of the menu. Any minimal deviation from the developed diet menu will nullify all your efforts.

    2. Strict adherence to the regime prescribed in the diet, not skipping meals.

    3. Eat strictly according to the hours indicated in the diet method. If a power schedule fails on one of the diet days, then on this day, you should shift the regime, making a two-hour break between meals. And in the future, try not to violate, because it depends on it, whether your figure will be slim.

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    The diet implies the complete exclusion of sugar and salt from your diet. Sugar should be excluded because it is light carbohydrates, which the body very easily absorbs and instantly stores them in reserve, and then gives with great difficulty. Salt delays the excess fluid in the cells and tissues of the body, so we also remove it from the diet.

    In addition to the drinks listed in the menu, you need to drink plenty of plain water without gas.

    The main positive aspect of this system is almost instantaneous result, and you will see for yourself that it is realistic to drop 1 kg per day.

    If the diet lasts more than two days, then you need to exit this diet correctly. It is strictly forbidden to abruptly switch to its normal regime, because there is a risk not only to return the old kilograms, but also to collect extra. Supplement the diet with ordinary food should be gradually and very small portions. And at the same time reduce the amount of liquid, gradually decreasing, until you stop at 2 liters per day.

    Contraindications to the use of the diet

    Strictly contraindicated the use of this diet for women in the period of bearing and feeding the child. Because such a diet can lead to the termination of pregnancy or disruption of the child's development. After all, it is not designed for the special needs of the body in this period.

    Do not advise also to start a diet for women during menstruation, because you can not get the effect of losing weight.

    You can not sit on a diet minus 1 kg per day for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the digestive system.

    Schedule of the

    diet The menu is time-based, accordingly, it must be adhered to very strictly.

    The schedule begins with seven o'clock in the morning with a cup of green tea without additives( sugar, milk and other).Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, it removes salts and metabolic products from the body.

    Nine hours - one hard-boiled cooked egg. It is long digested in the stomach, so it creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, the egg gives additional protein intake to the body, which is necessary for vivacity and well-being.

    Eleven o'clock in the afternoon is the time of the second breakfast, which consists of a spoon of steamed raisins. Raisins are rich in minerals, vitamins and glucose.

    At 13.00 - lunch, which should consist of 100 grams of any lean meat, for example, veal, chicken, turkey. Meat will provide satiety, protein and fat-soluble vitamins, necessary for well-being and appearance.

    At three o'clock in the afternoon drink tomato juice - one glass. Tomato juice positively affects the digestive system, triggers the metabolism, normalizes blood circulation.

    In the evening dinner at five, hard boiled chicken egg.

    At 19 o'clock bite a small apple. Apple is rich in pectins, contributing to the splitting of fatty deposits.

    Last meal at nine o'clock in the evening: drink a glass of milk or sour-milk non-fat product. This will greatly contribute to digestion. One thing: drink slowly, with small sips or a teaspoon.

    So, you learned how to throw 1 kg per day, observe strictly this diet and in a few days you will see how noticeably thinner. Now it remains to be patient, to collect all the willpower and go to his cherished dream of a slender figure.

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