
Home wrap for slimming: how to make cold wraps and whether they help with losing weight

  • Home wrap for slimming: how to make cold wraps and whether they help with losing weight

    Wrapping - the procedure is very pleasant and useful, but in the salons it is not at all cheap. And if you go through a whole course, you can leave the beauty salon a whole salary.

    Of course, self-wrap is not very convenient, but after several procedures you can get used to and adapt. Or, for example, involve a loved one in the process. You can choose one, but you can alternate different - to your taste!

    Why do I need wrappers?

    Home wrap for slimming used for:

    - Accelerating skin regeneration and cleansing;

    - elimination of toxins and fluids( superfluous);

    - Improvement of blood circulation;

    - Skin rejuvenation, enhancing its tone, saturation with useful elements;

    - Fight against cellulite and stretch marks;

    - Relaxation, softening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

    Contraindications for

    procedure However for any procedures there are contraindications and in wrapping it is:

    • Pregnancy
    • "Female" diseases
    • Tumors
    • Sick kidneys
    • Heart diseases
    • Varicose
    • Serious skin diseases
    • Elevated temperature and / or pressure
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    Before any wrappingshould prepare the skin. First, wash and use the scrub, warm up well. Secondly, the skin should be wiped with soothing movements, and thirdly, we must immediately put everything that may be needed during the procedure( film, towel, chosen remedy, blanket).

    The following wraps are effective at home:

    Honey wrap

    Make a base of honey( 3 tablespoons) and essential oils: three drops of lemon and orange( can be any others).The mixture is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees( you can use a microwave, if you do not want to mess with jars).

    Apply to the problem areas( or those that you think are problematic oneself) with massaging light movements, then wrap them in film. Do it spirally, tightly, but do not overtighten.

    Next, it's best to lie down for half an hour, covered with a blanket( so as not to spoil the bed, you can put a towel under it).Then remove the film from the body( you can just cut it), carefully remove the make-up from the body with a towel, then wash off and take a bath( the latter - if desired).Be sure to spread the body after wrapping the cream - at least anti-cellulite, even just nutritious.

    All other wraps are carried out according to the same rules, only the composition of the base differs.

    Wrap with green tea

    4-5 spoons of green tea, grind the mortar and add boiling water to make a gruel. After 15 minutes, add orange oil( about 3 drops).

    Algae body wrap

    We buy laminaria or fucus in the pharmacy.4 teaspoons of algae pour hot water and wait 30 minutes before swelling.

    Coffee wrap

    3 tablespoons of dry coffee( any) to dilute ΒΌ cup warm milk to make it not too liquid.

    Chocolate wrap

    In half a liter of hot water, dissolve 200 gr.cocoa( take cocoa powder without sugar!), mix and cool to a comfortable temperature.

    Cold wraps

    If you do not know how to make cold wraps at home, use our tips.

    Cold wraps - another kind of home wraps. It is better that it is suitable even for patients with varicose veins, because it does not need to warm up the skin. Even cold wraps relieve edema, and because of the cold, the body warms itself with the help of adipose tissue, which means that fat is burned, and the effect of losing weight is achieved.

    Potato ice wrap

    Grate raw potato + 5 drops of menthol apply for 40 minutes. Before wrapping the skin does not warm, as well as during it!

    Cold wrap with blue clay

    6-7 clay spoons dilute with water( warm) + 5 drops of mint oil. Should get a gruel. You can add honey or any essential oil( 2-3 drops.).

    General recommendations:

    • One hour before and one hour after the procedure, you should not eat and drink.
    • If after bathing, take a bath with a saturated saline solution, this will enhance the effect of the procedure.
    • The course of 12 procedures, it is better every other day. Break between the courses - about 2 months.

    Do wraps made by yourself help? Those who have tried say "yes!".And you will try?

    Video about home wraps