
Diet on dried apricots for weight loss, the use of dried apricots for weight loss

  • Diet on dried apricots for weight loss, the use of dried apricots for weight loss

    Diet on dried apricots for weight loss - one of the most delicious and sweet diets, which gives excellent results

    Almost everyone who wants to have a slender figure thinks about what diet is most useful. What effect will be obtained after it is held? How not to get confused in all the variety of different recommendations for using a special diet?

    It's very simple, you just need to read the advice of specialists and decide for yourself what to choose. Increasingly, nutritionists suggest using a diet for dried apricots for weight loss.

    The most pleasant thing about it is that it has practically no contraindications. In addition, this dried fruit is available at any time of the year.

    Useful properties of dried apricots

    It is of great value that in dried form in dried apricots there are many microelements and vitamins. It is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, anemia, because it contains a lot of potassium.

    The presence of carotene, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, microelements, etc. in dried fruits of apricot.provides an opportunity not only to purify the body of all harmful, but also to supplement it with useful substances. The presence of pectin, will help to remove from the body cholesterol and toxic products of metabolism.

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    It's not a secret for anyone that during the diets about sweet things you need to forget. The ban on sweets has a negative psychological effect on the slimming. With dried apricots, this will not happen with a diet, because it has a large number of different sugars. Carotene, found in dried fruits in large quantities helps with problems with eyesight, and that is very important for cancer.

    Thanks to complex carbohydrates that stimulate energy maintenance, during a diet the feeling of hunger will not be a "constant companion".A large amount of fiber helps to cleanse the intestines from various harmful components, slags, liquids, etc.

    On the basis of dried apricots, dieticians have developed a great variety of health food rations. Their diversity makes it possible to choose the most suitable for themselves. Examples of different diets are presented below.

    Diet: dried apricots, dried fruits and nuts

    Dried apricots perfectly combined with various dried fruits. For three to five days, weight loss will be about 3-4 kilograms.

    In equal proportions prepare a mixture of dried fruits of apricot, apples, prunes, almonds and hazelnuts( all, except dried apricots, you can take at your discretion).It should be at least 500 grams - this is the norm per day. This volume is divided by the number of meals, each portion thoroughly chewed, washed down with green tea or clean water.

    The result will be the freshness of the face, the restoration of the structure of nails, hair, and, of course, lost pounds.

    Diet: buckwheat and dried apricots

    The use of dried apricots during the diet on buckwheat is indisputable. Take 2 cups of buckwheat, pour hot water 1 to 2. In order for buckwheat to steam, the pan has to be wrapped, after 3-4 hours the crumbly mullet is ready - a serving a day.7-8 stuffed apricots will help diversify the diet, restore strength, reduce the feeling of hunger. Dried fruit can be added to the porridge, or eat as a dessert, diligently chewing.

    Water during such a diet to drink at least two liters.

    If it is impossible to comply with a full-fledged diet, it is recommended to arrange unloading days using dried fruits. For example:

    • Great option after holidays. To consume only a dried apricot( 200 gr.), Green tea and water. The intestines and kidneys are completely cleared of unnecessary deposits and excess water.
    • Rinse a couple of glasses of dried apricots, pour hot boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, the water in which the fruit was insisted, drained and drunk it. Dried apricots divided by the number of meals - a serving a day is ready. To drink tea, water.

    Upon completion of the diet, in order to avoid a set of lost weight, the ideal option is to switch to healthy food. It is also useful in the future to use in its menu both fresh and dried apricots to preserve youth and attractiveness.

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    Almost everyone who wants to have a slender figure thinks about what diet is most useful. What effect will be obtained after it is held? How not to get confused in all the variety of different recommendations for using a special diet?

    It's very simple, you just need to read the advice of specialists and decide for yourself what to choose. Increasingly, nutritionists suggest using a diet for dried apricots for weight loss.

    The most pleasant thing about it is that it has practically no contraindications. In addition, this dried fruit is available at any time of the year.

    Useful properties of dried apricots

    The great value is that in dried form in dried apricots there are many microelements and vitamins. It is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, anemia, because it contains a lot of potassium.

    The presence of carotene, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, microelements, etc. in dried apricot fruits.provides an opportunity not only to purify the body of all harmful, but also to supplement it with useful substances. The presence of pectin, will help to remove from the body cholesterol and toxic products of metabolism.

    It's not a secret for anyone that during the diets about sweet it is necessary to forget. The ban on sweets has a negative psychological effect on the slimming. With dried apricots, this will not happen with a diet, because it has a large number of different sugars. Carotene, found in dried fruits in large quantities helps with problems with eyesight, and that is very important for cancer.

    Thanks to complex carbohydrates that stimulate energy maintenance, during a diet the feeling of hunger will not be a "constant companion".A large amount of fiber helps to cleanse the intestines from various harmful components, slags, liquids, etc.

    On the basis of dried apricots, dieticians have developed a great variety of health-improving diets. Their diversity makes it possible to choose the most suitable for themselves. Examples of different diets are presented below.

    Diet: dried apricots, dried fruits and nuts

    Dried apricots perfectly match with various dried fruits. For three to five days, weight loss will be about 3-4 kilograms.

    In equal proportions, prepare a mixture of dried fruits of apricot, apples, prunes, almonds and hazelnuts( all, except dried apricots, you can take at your discretion).It should be at least 500 grams - this is the norm per day. This volume is divided by the number of meals, each portion thoroughly chewed, washed down with green tea or clean water.

    The result will be the freshness of the face, the restoration of the structure of nails, hair, and, of course, lost pounds.

    Diet: buckwheat and dried apricots

    The use of dried apricots during the diet on buckwheat is indisputable. Take 2 cups of buckwheat, pour hot water 1 to 2. In order for buckwheat to steam, the pan has to be wrapped, after 3-4 hours the crumbly mullet is ready - a serving a day.7-8 stuffed apricots will help diversify the diet, restore strength, reduce the feeling of hunger. Dried fruit can be added to the porridge, or eat as a dessert, diligently chewing.

    Water during such a diet to drink at least two liters.

    If it is impossible to comply with a full-fledged diet, it is recommended to arrange unloading days using dried fruits. For example:

    • An excellent option after the holidays. To consume only a dried apricot( 200 gr.), Green tea and water. The intestines and kidneys are completely cleared of unnecessary deposits and excess water.
    • Wash a couple of glasses of dried apricots, pour hot boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, the water in which the fruit was insisted, drained and drunk it. Dried apricots divided by the number of meals - a serving a day is ready. To drink tea, water.

    At the end of the diet, in order to avoid a set of lost weight, the ideal option is to switch to healthy food. It is also useful in the future to use in its menu both fresh and dried apricots to preserve youth and attractiveness.

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