
Diet of Christina Aguilera: how Christina Aguilera lost weight, her nutrition

  • Diet of Christina Aguilera: how Christina Aguilera lost weight, her nutrition

    Diet of Christina Aguilera: secrets of losing weight of the famous singer

    Many people know that during an interesting situation the singer bought a couple of dozen extra pounds. But in just a year the girl managed to become slim and sexy again. How thin is Christina Aguilera? What did she feed on, that her extra pounds practically melted away?

    Christina Aguilera's weight loss is based on a special technique of star dieticians, which is suitable only for fans of fast food and those who do not know how or do not want to monitor proper nutrition.

    The basis of the diet can serve as a product that helps lower cholesterol in the human body, which is good for reducing appetite. Ready dishes are not recommended to fill with any sauces and marinades.

    Principles of the diet

    1) "Three by Three."All the food prepared for the day must be divided into three parts.

    The first part - products containing proteins: any meat without fat, dietary poultry, fish, soft varieties of cheese.

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    The second is different vegetables. The exception was only those that contain in excess carbohydrates: tomatoes, green peas, corn, carrots, beets and zucchini.

    The last part - products, which include a lot of carbohydrates: products from wheat, desserts, fruits and juices, rice. Also included here are vegetables-exceptions from the second list. In any quantity you can eat only a leaf salad and drink clean water.

    The first stage of weight loss should last at least two weeks to have time to lose a lot of extra pounds.

    2) "Fixing the result."To ensure that the lost kilograms do not return, you must fix the result.

    At this stage it is important to include more products in the menu, which contain many different microelements.

    In order not to increase insulin, Christina practically refused coffee. But when the body asks for sweet, it allows itself a little dark chocolate or a favorite cheesecake.

    In the process of any slimming power loads are needed, so the star enters the gym a couple of times a week, but most of all she likes to do yoga and just walk.

    If you feel hungry after all, you can have a snack with protein products: eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, seafood, etc. Christina Aguilera herself in snacks prefers cocktail from shrimps and fresh celery.

    The Christina Aguilera Diet provides for consumption of no more than 1600 calories per day.

    Menu options for Christina Aguilera

    The initial version of the menu:

    1) You can have breakfast with oatmeal with slices of dried apples or any berries. Porridge should be cooked without milk and butter and with a little salt. You can drink about 200 grams of green tea with a small amount of real honey.

    2) For lunch, you can eat fish steak or a piece of fried beef. Instead of a side dish, you can cut from your favorite vegetables with a few slices of lemon.

    3) In the evening, you can fry the chicken or bake the tuna, seasoning the dish with unsweetened yogurt.

    The second variant of day supply:

    1) A portion of oatmeal without milk, but with a small amount of raisins and a piece of low-fat cheese, 100 gr.coffee with milk.

    2) Medium piece of boiled low-fat veal, cabbage salad with greens and tomato, seasoned with low-fat yogurt, a small cup of green tea with honey and lemon.

    3) For dinner you can eat 100 gr.shrimp, a few stewed vegetables with boiled rice and olive oil.

    Another variant of the diet menu:

    1) Oatmeal cooked on water with pieces of pumpkin and apples.

    2) Grilled meat grilled with fresh tomatoes.

    3) Grilled fish, sweet potato salad and cauliflower, for dessert: apple cheesecake with cinnamon.

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