
Caloric content of boiled corn, the benefits of boiled corn in the cob for dietary nutrition

  • Caloric content of boiled corn, the benefits of boiled corn in the cob for dietary nutrition

    Corn is the well-known queen of fields. It deserves its name for good reason, as its unpretentiousness and yield are impressive in its scale. Because of its universality, it spread throughout the world. It is used in various dishes, as well as in raw and canned form.

    The most delicious and common form of consumption of this product is boiled corn. However, the nutritiousness and high enough caloric content of boiled corn does not allow it to be consumed in large quantities.

    How boiled corn conquered the world

    The homeland of corn is considered to be Mexico. At the moment, there are more than thousand varieties of this sweet delicacy in this country. Usual corn is rich yellow, but there are also blue, red and even black cob species.

    From Mexico to Europe, this plant fell due to Christopher Columbus, and then through the Crimea and the territory of the Caucasus, corn reached Russia.

    But at first this strange plant was not accepted and it did not cause much enthusiasm. And in order to rectify the situation, the government issued a decree on the free distribution of corn seeds, besides it was organized the trade of boiled corn in all markets and fairs.

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    Composition and useful properties of cooked corn

    The main useful property of a plant is that it absolutely does not absorb chemical and toxic substances.

    In the cob of corn contains a huge amount of vitamins. The main and one of the most important elements in the composition of this product is choline. This substance helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also has a calming effect on the entire body. In the cooked corn, all vitamins, especially the B vitamins, and trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium are preserved.

    The use of this plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, accelerates healing processes, helps to restore cells and improves all metabolic processes.

    Corn is the only product in which gold is present.

    How many calories are in boiled corn?

    The bright yellow cob of corn attracts not only its color, but also its taste. To date, this product is so widespread that you can do business on it. In the season, boiled corn is sold in many places.

    Of course, the desire to eat it is irresistible, especially when it tastes so delicious and looks appetizing. But is it worth it to those who are afraid to gain extra pounds? Is the caloric content of corn, boiled in the cob, great, and is there any harm from this product if you eat at least one ears?

    Yes, corn is a hard snack, it is very caloric even in its raw form, but the biggest quantity of kilocalories is in cooked corn. Dietitians estimated that 100 grams of the product contained 240 kcal. But avoid such a delicacy is not worth it. Due to its nutritional and nutritional value, one large ears will be enough to replace a full breakfast.

    Harm and contraindications to

    An important point in the use of corn is its poor digestibility by the stomach due to the elastic shell of grains. Therefore, no matter how useful it may be, all trace elements and vitamins will not enter the body in sufficient quantities. But this fact has a positive side, as coarse fibers act like a brush for the intestines, and clean it from harmful substances.

    Corn should not be given to older people and children, as it can cause flatulence and indigestion. It can be dangerous for people with low body weight and stomach ulcers, as well as for those who have poor blood clotting, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

    How to cook corn?

    Many nutritionists make a tough three-day program, in which the main product will be a boiled corn diet. Therefore, its proper preparation influences its usefulness.

    Ripe young corn is cooked in water in a wide saucepan so that the cobs remain intact. The cooking time should not exceed 15 minutes. It is best to cook it in a microwave oven, so more vitamins will remain in it.

    There are various options for preparing this product. Everyone chooses for himself, which way is best liked, for example, in cream and milk or simply with salt.

    Now, knowing how many calories in boiled corn, you can make for yourself a diet menu. A video of a selection of interesting recipes will help you with this.