
Diet on water and apples: how to lose weight with water with lemon and fresh apples

  • Diet on water and apples: how to lose weight with water with lemon and fresh apples

    To date, the diet on water and apples takes a leading position among all similar methods of losing weight. The fruits of apple-trees regained themselves in antiquity, and since then they still remain the most common fruits. The apple-water diet is used to restore the digestive process, cleanse the body, improve the skin color of the face.

    The above diet is a type of "mono diets", which means that for a few days only apples and water are consumed as food. Before its beginning it is necessary to pass the preparatory period which consists in reduction of caloric content of food and gradual transition to easily acquired food.

    The diet with water and apples is good for medicinal purposes: with atherosclerosis, hypertension and various heart pains, increased fragility of blood vessels. Two apples a day lower the cholesterol level by 16%.

    During the diet, the daily norm of apples should not be more than two kilograms. They are used in a variety of forms: bake, eat raw, prepare salads, mashed potatoes, etc. Some people can not eat apples raw due to flatulence, in this case it is better to eat them baked or in the form of mashed potatoes.

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    What are they so good about?

    Apples are extremely useful, they are perfectly preserved all year round, they are simply transported. In one apple with peel contains up to 3.5 grams of fiber, which is more than 10% of the daily fiber norm. Molecules of fibers, attaching to cholesterol, transport it from the body, preventing clogging of blood vessels.

    It's no secret that apples are a source of useful micronutrients: iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium. Green varieties of apple fruits are recommended for eating with iron deficiency anemia. In the fruits of this wonderful fruit there are vitamins such as: A, B1, B3, PP, C.

    And in 100 grams of this fruit, only 47 calories will be restrained. No wonder the British have a saying: "Eating one apple a day, you leave your doctor without work."So you need to conclude that apples are very useful not only to reduce excess fat, but also to obtain healthy substances for health.

    To whom apples will bring not advantage, but harm?

    Like all diets, apple-water has its prohibitions. In the presence of gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to use it, as well as a diet on lemon water. But if, no matter what, really want, then, in extreme cases, the fruit should be used only sweet.

    In cases where the body does not tolerate apples, it is better to try another diet option, otherwise the benefit from it will be minimal.

    What should be the menu?

    This article offers two types of menu apple-water diet. For apple lovers who can eat them all day and are ready to "sit" on this mode for a week, the following is recommended:

    On the first and seventh days we consume one kilogram of apples. In the second, fifth and sixth - we eat a half kilogram of fruits. On the third and fourth day, the weight of the eaten apples should be increased to two kilograms.

    An indispensable condition in this menu is the need to drink before each use of apples for a glass of clean drinking water. If the diet is very difficult, then after the fourth day you can add to the apples one dietary loaf.

    The second option is a diet for three days. For a variety of rations, fruits are prepared in different variations, while the number of apples can be used up to two kilograms a day, and water is not limited.

    Breakfast: bake the apples in the oven.

    Lunch: fresh fruit.

    Snack: apple puree from boiled apples.

    Dinner: rub the apple on the grater.

    If none of these diets have brought the desired result, and there is a desire to lose a few extra pounds, it will not hurt after a couple of weeks to "sit" on a diet on mineral water with a lemon.

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