
Diets for very fast weight loss: the fastest diet, which helps once and for all to get rid of excess weight

  • Diets for very fast weight loss: the fastest diet, which helps once and for all to get rid of excess weight

    If you decide to lose weight not only strongly, but also for a long time, then, of course, it is better to lose weight gradually, little by little, for a long time. Because fast diets are usually very strict and can harm the body, so you should first consult a dietitian.

    But there are situations when you need to build fast. Literally for a couple of weeks, or even days! If the goal is really serious, then it is possible to take a chance, is not it?

    Consider and compare real diets for very fast weight loss.

    Fastest diet for weight loss - for 3 days, but you can lose no more than 4 kg during this time. Do not forget that excessively sharp weight loss leads to stretch marks and sagging skin! So, this diet is called "Emergency".

    The "Emergency" diet

    The morning of the first day begins with orange juice( one glass) and one boiled egg.

    During lunch you can eat a light vegetable salad with 50-60 g of boiled meat and greens. For an apple or banana dessert.

    For dinner - pasta. With shrimps! Salad from spinach with low-fat cheese, dressing - vegetable oil, just a little bit.

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    The second day is not so happy with the variety, breakfast and lunch are almost the same - oat flakes( you can muesli, but without high-calorie additives) to pour low-fat milk or light yoghurt. During lunch, you can also afford one and the same fruktik.

    Dinner - meatballs from turkey or chicken, garnish - noodles( without butter!) And lettuce or Chinese cabbage.

    The third day. In the morning - a toast with a low-fat cheese. And that's all!
    In the afternoon you can salad from green vegetables with boiled chicken / turkey. For dessert you can have two fruits!

    The evening will delight with lasagne from skimmed cheese, a salad of greens with a tomato and olive oil.
    That's it, but, of course, on the morning of the fourth day, do not immediately recruit all the weighed kg, and eat up fatty and harmful food, if, of course, want to keep the result!

    Another very fast diet is that there is a need, basically, fresh vegetables and fruits. In summer, it is easier to adhere to such a diet, but, in principle, it is possible in other seasons.5-7 days will be enough. Let's call it "Vegetable".

    Menu "Vegetable" diet

    The first two days - preparatory - in the morning you can eat up to 150 grams.boiled meat - preferably a bird or beef. Garnish with buckwheat or oatmeal.

    Lunch - up to 200 gr.any boiled fish.

    Dinner - skim curd - 1 pack. Or kefir, 0,1%.

    The next three days you can eat only vegetable salads with greens and olive oil, and at six in the evening - drink a glass of kefir. If the vegetables are completely taken, you can replace a vegetable salad with fruit fruit a couple of times, and pour a light yogurt instead of vegetable oil.

    The last 2 days are very cruel - per liter of kefir per day. And that's all. You can, of course, chew on bread, but, as practice shows, you can not achieve satiety.

    4 kg can be thrown off on such a diet, but this is the maximum.

    It is believed that popular diets quickly and permanently rid themselves of the depressingly large numbers on the scales, but they should be used wisely, and do not forget about the water regime - 2 liters of fluid per day.

    That's why the most famous way to lose weight is starvation on water and black bread( although it can not be more than a pound a day), and, of course, you need to listen to your body all week long to not harm yourself.

    After fasting, gradually begin to increase the amount of food eaten. With this method, you can reset and all 10 kg, and if this also do simple physical exercises, then, who knows to what numbers you can reduce your weight.

    Such "fast" diets are not recommended for people with low blood pressure and anemia - this is dangerous for health! Be beautiful and healthy!

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