
Reviews for liposuction of the hips and buttocks and photos before and after the procedure

  • Reviews for liposuction of the hips and buttocks and photos before and after the procedure

    Reviews for liposuction of thighs and buttocks with surgical and non-surgical methods.

    Hips and buttocks are one of the most problem areas on the body of a woman in terms of fat deposits. Liposuction changes the contours of the body, removes excess subcutaneous fat and improves skin condition. Overview of reviews for this procedure is presented in our article.

    Reviews for Liposuction of the Thighs and Buttocks


    "I reduced my hips with liposuction. The effect lasts for three years. During this time, all my friends lost their form, and I look wonderful! "

    " I did ultrasound liposuction of the hips, buttocks and abdomen. Hips hold for the second year, and the stomach has lost shape! "

    " I trusted the new technology - radiofrequency liposuction. Do not hurt, the consequences are minimal. The effect appears within 5 months! »

    « Did classical liposuction. Modern methods - pure water advertising. And the invented varieties differ only in the way they affect fat cells. The old ways can not be untwisted, and they come up with new ones for pumping out money! »
    instagram viewer

    « Did radio frequency liposuction. There were bruises and bruises too. Was smeared with special ointments - to me in clinic have sold. She was wearing linen. For a week began to bounce back. Results saw in three months! "

    " Liposuction is a terrible stress for the body. What is wrong to hide - the consequences of a lot! For half a year waiting for the result and transferring all these torments, you can really do nutrition and sports and get the same results. And even better. And money should not be wasted!

    "I made a girlfriend with laser liposuction of the thighs and buttocks. In general, after all the swelling and bruising, we noticed that one hip protrudes more. Did correction. Then one more, and the legs did not become the same. Here and brought beauty! "

    " I consider liposuction - a method of fighting fat for weak-willed and lazy people. The correct load will strengthen the legs and save excess fat! "

    " Hips and buttocks are my problem zone. From above everything is in order. The chest is in place, the waist is there. And the bottom - as if from another person assigned. I dreamed about liposuction for a long time. Did or made laser. The legs hurt for two weeks, then it became easier. As a result, I saw the figure of my dreams. No physical exertion could have produced such a result. I feed myself as before, for two years I did not pester. The legs are in excellent condition! "

    Photo before and after liposuction of thighs and buttocks

    Liposuction should not be taken as a method of getting rid of obesity. She has a completely different purpose. The procedure is able to slightly adjust the shape. It is advisable to do it if there really is a problem zone. For example, the whole body is thin, but the buttocks and thighs do not correspond to the proportions of the body. Liposuction will allow the body to get rid of fat in this part of the body.
    Nobody canceled proper nutrition and exercise. How long the result will last, depends more on the person himself. The effectiveness of the method has nothing to do with it.
    When choosing a method of liposuction, you should be prepared for the consequences and negative aspects. Even non-surgical methods involve intervention in the normal vital functions of the body. Load on the internal organs is the strongest.
    Follow all recommendations of specialists. Do not withhold information about health. Do not get carried away with liposuction. Everything should be in reasonable standards. Do not waste money and take care of your health!

    Mandatory assays

    • Determination of the Rh factor and blood group;
    • Cardiac electrocardiogram;
    • Fluorography;
    • Urinalysis;
    • Blood test;
    • HIV test.

    Video selection

    Hips and buttocks - one of the most problem areas on the body of a woman in terms of fat deposits. Liposuction changes the contours of the body, removes excess subcutaneous fat and improves skin condition. Overview of reviews for this procedure is presented in our article.

    Reviews for Liposuction of the Thighs and Buttocks


    "I've been reducing my hips with liposuction. The effect lasts for three years. During this time, all my girlfriends lost their form, and I look wonderful! "

    " Did an ultrasound liposuction of the hips, buttocks and abdomen. Hips hold for the second year, and the stomach form has lost! "

    " I trusted the new technology - radiofrequency liposuction. Do not hurt, the consequences are minimal. The effect appears within 5 months! »

    « Did classical liposuction. Modern methods - pure water advertising. And the invented varieties differ only in the way they affect fat cells. The old ways can not be untwisted, and they come up with new ones for pumping out money! »

    « Did radio frequency liposuction. There were bruises and bruises too. Was smeared with special ointments - to me in clinic have sold. She was wearing linen. For a week began to bounce back. Results saw in three months! "

    " Liposuction is a terrible stress for the body. What is wrong to hide - the consequences of a lot! For half a year waiting for the result and transferring all these torments, you can really do nutrition and sports and get the same results. And even better. And money should not be wasted!

    "I made a girlfriend with laser liposuction of the thighs and buttocks. In general, after all the swelling and bruising, we noticed that one hip protrudes more. Did correction. Then one more, and the legs did not become the same. Here and brought beauty! »

    « I consider liposuction - a method of fighting fat for weak-willed and lazy people. The correct load will strengthen the legs and save excess fat! "

    " Hips and buttocks are my problem zone. From above everything is in order. The chest is in place, the waist is there. And the bottom - as if from another person assigned. I dreamed about liposuction for a long time. Did or made laser. The legs hurt for two weeks, then it became easier. As a result, I saw the figure of my dreams. No physical exertion could have produced such a result. I feed myself as before, for two years I did not pester. Feet in excellent condition! "

    Photo before and after liposuction of thighs and buttocks

    Liposuction should not be taken as a method of getting rid of obesity. She has a completely different purpose. The procedure is able to slightly adjust the shape. It is advisable to do it if there really is a problem zone. For example, the whole body is thin, but the buttocks and hips do not correspond to the proportions of the body. Liposuction will allow the body to get rid of fat in this part of the body.
    Nobody canceled proper nutrition and exercise. How long the result will last, depends more on the person himself. The effectiveness of the method has nothing to do with it.
    When choosing a method of liposuction, you should be prepared for the consequences and negative aspects. Even non-surgical methods involve intervention in the normal vital functions of the body. Load on the internal organs is the strongest.
    Follow all recommendations of specialists. Do not withhold information about health. Do not get carried away with liposuction. Everything should be in reasonable standards. Do not waste money and take care of your health!

    Mandatory assays

    • Determination of Rh factor and blood group;
    • Cardiac electrocardiogram;
    • Fluorography;
    • Urinalysis;
    • Blood test;
    • HIV test.

    Video selection