
Laser liposuction: what it is and how much it costs, contraindications for the procedure

  • Laser liposuction: what it is and how much it costs, contraindications for the procedure

    Laser liposuction: what is it and how much is the procedure, possible consequences for the body

    The term liposuction appeared in the late 60s of the last century and literally means "fat suction".The modern method of combating fat deposits - laser liposuction - has retained its purpose, but with "suction" there is nothing in common.

    Laser liposuction - what is it?

    The Hollywood technique, which got to the territory of Russia, remains one of the most popular.
    Laser liposuction is done by an expensive laser device. On the skin microprojections are made with the introduction of a hollow needle. Through them passes a laser beam, which destroys the fat cells. They lose structure and penetrate into the blood and lymph. The body's task is to purify itself of this substance naturally. In the process, the liver and kidneys are involved.
    In the case of a large amount of fat, it is removed by drainage through the inserted needle.
    This method provides for the absence of complex hematomas after the procedure. The laser carries out spikes of damaged vessels and eliminates damage.

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    Laser liposuction can be performed at the surface level. That is, only the upper layers of the skin will be affected. Punctures are not required.
    After the procedure, compression underwear is put on, and you can go about your business. As practice shows, many patients still take time off at work and a couple of days are at home. This is absolutely the right decision, because the body in these days is restored and cleared.

    How long does the effect of laser liposuction

    ? Liposuction can not be taken as a method of combating obesity. It eliminates fat cells, but the essence of the problem does not solve, and does not prevent the body from developing them again.
    In general, the warranty is given for 6-12 months. It depends on your efforts and body features. You need to eat right, lead a mobile lifestyle and give physical activity to the body.
    Laser liposuction will give good results in a specific area of ​​the body. For example, you have a lean physique, and a sagging belly spoils the whole picture. Or the thin upper part of the body is continued with large buttocks and thighs. Elimination of the second chin is considered the easiest procedure for laser liposuction.

    How much does a beautiful body cost

    The cost of liposuction is different in different regions of the country. Depends on the price policy of a particular clinic and is adjusted by competition. So, the price of the procedure in Moscow is 15-20 thousand rubles. The rate for reduction in the form of the stomach will cost 30-40 thousand rubles.
    To this you need to add the cost of anesthesia, paid consultations and postprocedural therapy.
    In order not to get into an embarrassing situation, discuss all the issues for consultation before the procedure.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    • Inflammatory processes in the body;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Liver and kidney disease;
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Heart and blood problems;
    • Dermatological and skin damage;
    • Pregnancy and lactation;
    • Cancerous diseases.

    Complications after procedure

    Patients encounter different complications quite often. The reasons are the peculiarities of the body, which can not be foreseen, and the inexperience of the specialist.

    • Allergic reaction to drugs;
    • Loss of skin sensitivity;
    • Hematomas and pustules;
    • Lethalization of skin areas in puncture sites;
    • Unevenness in the skin surface;
    • Disturbance of outflow of fat cells, which affects the legs and internal organs.

    In carrying out laser liposuction, very few people will refuse if you have money. Another issue is health. Do not withhold anything in consultation, perhaps another way of removing fat, and this one will be contraindicated.

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    The term liposuction appeared in the late 60s of the last century and literally means "fat suction".The modern method of combating fat deposits - laser liposuction - has retained its purpose, but with "suction" there is nothing in common.

    Laser liposuction - what is it?

    The Hollywood method, which got to the territory of Russia, remains one of the most popular.
    Laser liposuction is done by an expensive laser device. On the skin microprojections are made with the introduction of a hollow needle. Through them passes a laser beam, which destroys the fat cells. They lose structure and penetrate into the blood and lymph. The body's task is to purify itself of this substance naturally. In the process, the liver and kidneys are involved.
    In the case of a large amount of fat, it is removed by drainage through the inserted needle.
    This method provides for the absence of complex hematomas after the procedure. The laser carries out spikes of damaged vessels and eliminates damage.
    Laser liposuction can be carried out at the surface level. That is, only the upper layers of the skin will be affected. Punctures are not required.
    After the procedure, compression underwear is put on, and you can go about your business. As practice shows, many patients still take time off at work and a couple of days are at home. This is absolutely the right decision, because the body in these days is restored and cleared.

    How long does the effect of laser liposuction

    ? Liposuction can not be taken as a method of combating obesity. It eliminates fat cells, but the essence of the problem does not solve, and does not prevent the body from developing them again.
    In general, the warranty is given for 6-12 months. It depends on your efforts and body features. You need to eat right, lead a mobile lifestyle and give physical activity to the body.
    Laser liposuction will give good results in a specific area of ​​the body. For example, you have a lean physique, and a sagging belly spoils the whole picture. Or the thin upper part of the body is continued with large buttocks and thighs. Elimination of the second chin is considered the easiest procedure for laser liposuction.

    How much does a beautiful body cost

    The cost of liposuction is different in different regions of the country. Depends on the price policy of a particular clinic and is adjusted by competition. So, the price of the procedure in Moscow is 15-20 thousand rubles. The rate for reduction in the form of the stomach will cost 30-40 thousand rubles.
    To this you need to add the cost of anesthesia, paid consultations and postprocedural therapy.
    In order not to get into an embarrassing situation, discuss all the issues for consultation before the procedure.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    • Inflammatory processes in the body;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Liver and kidney disease;
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Heart and blood problems;
    • Dermatological and skin damage;
    • Pregnancy and lactation;
    • Cancerous diseases.

    Complications after the procedure

    Patients encounter different complications quite often. The reasons are the peculiarities of the body, which can not be foreseen, and the inexperience of the specialist.

    • Allergic reaction to drugs;
    • Loss of skin sensitivity;
    • Hematomas and pustules;
    • Lethalization of skin areas in puncture sites;
    • Unevenness in the skin surface;
    • Disturbance of outflow of fat cells, which affects the legs and internal organs.

    In carrying out laser liposuction, very few people will refuse you if you have money. Another issue is health. Do not withhold anything in consultation, perhaps another way of removing fat, and this one will be contraindicated.

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