
Diet nedelka: menu for every day, tips on how to stand the drinking day

  • Diet nedelka: menu for every day, tips on how to stand the drinking day

    The menu for the "week" diet, as the name implies, is calculated for 7 days( the actual diet is 6 days, and the last one is the way out of it).The result does exist, but it will almost certainly not be possible to keep it for a long time. It is suitable as an extraordinary event before a solemn event, when you need to slightly adjust the figure.

    For such a period you can get rid of only 2-3 kg of excess weight. Do not believe the reviews like: "Diet" nedelka "- just super, I dropped 10 kg, and she did not notice how - everything was very easy."

    Negative feedback on the diet enough. First, no expert will ever recommend testing this on yourself. Secondly, very few endure it to the end - because of an extremely meager and monotonous diet, the state of health worsens sharply, constantly feeling hunger.

    If you suffer from hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia, migraine headaches, dizziness, any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system, such a diet is strictly forbidden to you.

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    For those who are diagnosed as obese, such a diet is also ineffective. The lost 2-3 kg will not play a role, and they will quickly be typed after returning to the usual diet. Such people need a diet not as an emergency remedy, but as a way of life.

    Menu options

    The first option. Every day, drink 2 or more liters of water, unless otherwise specified. Divide the entire amount of food into 4-5 receptions.

    Day 1 - any boiled lean meat - 0.5 kg, mineral water and tea - 1.5 liters.

    Day 2 - vegetables( except potatoes), juices and salads of them with a drop of any vegetable oil - 1 kg.

    Day 3 - boiled soft boiled eggs and / or omelet without oil - 7-8 pieces.

    Day 4 - 700-800 g. Fish cooked without the addition of oil.

    Day 5 - fruit( except peaches, bananas, figs and grapes) - 1,5 kg. Day 6 - kefir of zero fat content - 1.5 liters.

    Day 7 - boiled meat and / or fish and vegetables - only 1 kg.

    The second option. Be sure to drink 2 liters a day.and more - mineral water, green tea without sugar, herbal decoctions. As for nutrition, alternate low-fat dairy products( cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - 500 g or 1 liter a day) and apples( 7-8 pieces).Divide the food into 5-6 receptions.

    The third option. The norm of the liquid is not less than 2.5 liters. Eating is offered 2 times a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, then - just drink.

    The first 6 days for breakfast and lunch you can eat lean meat and fish of different varieties, cooked without adding oil, as well as vegetable salads, boiled eggs, skimmed milk products, bread, buckwheat, fruit. At a time you can eat no more than 150 grams of meat and 200 grams of fruits and vegetables. The total weight of one portion is not more than 400 g.

    On the seventh day - 1.5 liters.0% fat content kefir or 1.5 kg.fresh vegetables and 2 liters.water divided into 4-5 receptions.

    Option 4. Day 1, 3, 6 - only liquid - water, teas, herbal decoctions, broths. Day 2 - fresh vegetables. Day 4 - fresh fruit. Day 5 - fat-free sour-milk products, lean meat, fish, chicken eggs. Day 7 - eggs, fruits, vegetables, broth. The number of the first 6 days is unlimited, but all other products are strictly prohibited. Day 7 - three meals, a portion of no more than 300 g.

    Drinking days

    In some cases, the "week" diet is the first day - drinking. Experts recognize this as its main drawback. It is motivated by the fact that the drinks in no way contribute to weight loss, and at the same time poorly satisfy hunger, without causing even a fleeting sense of satiety. Such a day is very difficult to sustain.

    In addition, it should be noted that some drinks are quite caloric. Especially it concerns store juice( even with a label 100% natural), usual kefir and milk, broths. In a glass of any fruit juice, even freshly squeezed, contains the equivalent of several spoons of sugar.

    If you still decided on this in order to get any benefit, drink during the day mineral non-carbonated water, green tea and coffee( without sugar, its substitutes and honey).This, of course, will cause harm to health, but there will be a positive effect for the figure.

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