
What exercises to do to lose weight and how to do it yourself

  • What exercises to do to lose weight and how to do it yourself

    Do yourself different diets, unloading days, but there is no result or is it temporary and kilograms are returned? Nothing will come out until the body receives active physical activity. Many people want to learn what exercises to do to lose weight.

    Exercises that reduce the stomach

    The most common and effective exercises that help reduce the size of the abdomen:

    1. Twisting.

    1. Reverse twisting.
    2. Exercises for the press lifting the trunk.
    3. Exercises for the press lifting feet.
    4. Load on oblique abdominal muscles.

    Let us dwell in more detail on each of them.

    Twisting is performed with a small amplitude, trains straight muscles of the abdomen. The starting position - lying on the floor, pressing the lower back to the floor, hands behind the head, elbows to the sides, legs bend. Inhale - tear off the scapula from the floor, chin up. Exhalation is the starting position.

    When performing reverse twisting, assume the initial position, as in the previous exercise. Inhale - the head of the scapula rises, and the pelvis rises. Exhalation is the starting position.

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    Exercises for the press lifting the trunk are carried out lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Inhale - the body rises to the knees, exhalation - the starting position.

    Press lifting feet is a high-amplitude exercise. The starting position is sitting on a chair. Inhale - tighten your legs as much as possible to the trunk, exhale the basic position.

    Training of oblique abdominal muscles allows you to get a beautiful waist. Exercises are performed sitting on a chair. Make turns of the trunk. The previous exercises are also suitable for these muscles, only they need to be done in the spread.

    All the above exercises are contraindicated for people with diseases of the spine. Having set a goal, how to lose weight with the help of exercises, do not forget, after all, about health.

    Exercises for slim legs

    The main stand is straight, hands on the belt. Reliance on one leg, bent at the knee joint. Slowly straighten the leg, return to the starting position. Each leg has eight approaches with a 15-second break.

    The next exercise is to stand erect, hands on hips, alternate attacks with your legs straight ahead. This exercise pulls up the front side of the thigh.

    Helps to train the inside of the thigh, straight legs to the sides, lying on the back.

    Now consider what exercises will help you lose weight from the outside of the thigh. The most effective is understanding the straight leg up, lying on the back. Do not forget to pull the sock towards you. Exercise do eight approaches per foot and on the other.

    If the problem is in fat calves, the best assistant will be running in place.

    Exercises for elastic buttocks

    What exercises are needed to make the buttocks taut and beautiful, consider below.

    Sit straight, leveling your back, on the edge of the chair, your feet apart. Squeeze the ball with a knee or a pillow, strongly straining the muscles of the thighs, for 60 seconds. Then relax and repeat.

    The next exercise: kneeling, hands on the belt, perform squats alternately on the right and left buttocks, to the floor. The exercise is repeated until you feel very tired.

    Lean back and back to the wall, legs bent at the knee joint. Fix this position, as if sitting, for a minute, straining all the muscles.

    Hands, grasping the knee, you need to pull it to the chest and stay in this position for half a minute. Then also with the second leg. The exercise is repeated ten times on each leg, but in the first lesson, start at five.

    The starting position is lying on the back, legs rest against the wall. Strain the gluteal muscles from the surface of the pelvis and hips. The back should be fixed on the floor. Start doing the exercise from the amount you have enough strength, then increase the approaches.

    Most likely, you will not be very pleased with the need to load yourself with physical exercises, but remember that nothing is so simple. And if you show perseverance, perseverance, you will get a stunning figure, because it's worth it to work for.

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