Planning pregnancy is an important moment in a woman's life
Proper pregnancy planning will help to give birth to a healthy child.
Pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited healthy baby are an extremely important moment in the life of every woman and her family.
In our hectic time of continuous stress, unfavorable ecology and abundance in women of various chronic diseases, proper planning of pregnancy and early preparation for this important event began to play a huge role.
Planning pregnancy: where to start ^
Doctors strongly advise very deliberately and seriously approach this issue, in advance to pass all the necessary examinations and tests, so that there will be no extra tears and experiences.
The health of future parents before conception is a prerequisite for the birth of a healthy child. In case of repeated childbirth, doctors recommend pregnancy no earlier than two years after the previous one, because bearing a baby is a tremendous burden on the female body, in which all important organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys have to work with great strain.
According to WHO, it takes at least two years for the woman to completely recover after giving birth, in order to be completely healthy and ready to bear a new pregnancy. If conception occurred accidentally and unexpectedly for the parents themselves, then about any planning for pregnancy and preparation for it, speech, as a rule, does not go.
And if in the future, a future mother will find some untreated infections and exacerbate chronic diseases, then it will have to be treated during pregnancy, which is highly undesirable. After all, as is known, all medicines taken by pregnant women in one way or another act on the fetus, which can greatly complicate the course of pregnancy and damage the development of the child.
Pregnancy planning calendar
The pregnancy planning calendar, or the child conception calendar, is your personal diary, in which you need to accurately record the dates and characteristics of your menstrual cycle( duration, regularity) and days of active sexual activity.
By fixing this information for at least a few months, you can easily determine the time of ovulation( maturation of the egg ready for fertilization) and calculate the most fertile days for conception.
With a regular menstrual cycle( the same number of days from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next menstruation), ovulation occurs, as a rule, on the 12-14th day of the cycle.
If the cycle is irregular, the estimated ovulation time is easily determined from the basal temperature chart, measured in the morning, without getting up from the bed, in the rectum. During ovulation the basal temperature rises, after a temperature jump( above 37 ° C) the probability of becoming pregnant is highest. Example of a basal temperature chart.
Analyzes in pregnancy planning ^
Ideal option, if a few months before the planned conception the future mother will turn to her gynecologist, will undergo a full examination for various hidden infections and give the necessary tests.
It is usually recommended to visit an endocrinologist, therapist, otolaryngologist and a dentist, because every caries tooth or bleeding gums( periodontitis, periodontitis) is a hotbed of infection and can cause problems at any time.
General blood test
If a general blood test shows anemia( low hemoglobin level in the blood), it must be cured, because in the future, with an increase in the gestational age, it will further progress.
Reduced hemoglobin for pregnant women is dangerous because in this case there are more toxicoses and a threat of miscarriage. In addition, the inevitable loss of blood in the process of childbirth can become critical for such mothers.
The mandatory analyzes for pregnancy planning also include:
- blood test for rw( Wasserman reaction);
- Ph( Rh factor);
- analysis for HIV infection;
- hepatitis B and C;
- smear on the flora;
- smear for sexual infections.
Analysis for urogenital infections
It is very important when planning pregnancy to be screened for urinary tract infections, with both partners, because such infections are sexually transmitted and, if necessary, need to be treated simultaneously to avoid repeated infections.
There are a lot of such infections:
- E. coli,
- chlamydia,
- genital herpes( herpesvirus of the second type),
- syphilis,
- human papilloma virus and many others.
All these infections must be cured before pregnancy, and it can be planned no earlier than several months after the treatment and repeated tests, so that the remnants of antibiotics used for treatment are completely removed from the blood and liver.
Genetic consultation of
Sometimes it may be necessary to consult a geneticist, for example, in the following cases:
- if a woman gives birth after 35 years or a man is already over 50,
- in the case of a close relationship of future parents.
- with long-term infertility couples,
- present in the genealogy of genetic disorders, for example Down's syndrome,
- if the future mother had previously had miscarriages and many abortions.
Vaccinations before pregnancy ^
Before planning a pregnancy, it is important to protect your unborn child and yourself from the danger of infection and be cured of especially dangerous infections. The most desirable vaccinations before pregnancy are vaccination against rubella, hepatitis and influenza.
Before the pregnancy planning it is recommended to observe the following vaccination schedule:
Rubella vaccination and pregnancy
If the expectant mother did not suffer from rubella, then doctors will definitely advise to get vaccinated from her, because this disease, usually proceeding quite easily, is extremely dangerous for pregnant women,in the early stages of miscarriage, and on later - congenital malformations of the fetus, most often deafness and heart disease.
Vaccination against hepatitis and pregnancy
Although the hepatitis B virus does not have the property of damaging the fetus as a rubella virus, it is transmitted with blood and other body fluids.
Because pregnant women in pregnancy and childbirth are subjected to multiple injections, examinations, manipulations, blood transfusions, they are at a certain risk of infection with the hepatitis B virus.
Ideal is the option that the expectant mother begins vaccination in such a way as to have time to make all three vaccinationsAgainst hepatitis before pregnancy - i.e. for 6 months.such a measure will guarantee the protection of almost 90% of vaccinated pregnant women.
Vaccination against the flu by pregnant
Often, doctors anticipate a flu vaccine before a predictable flu outbreak, which is safe for the baby, as an inactivated( killed) influenza virus.
However, with a gestation less than 14 weeks, this should not be done. In addition, it should be borne in mind that no vaccine gives 100% guarantee that you will not get sick at least in an erased form.
Additional vaccinations for pregnant women from polyomelitis, diphtheria, tetanus
Vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is recommended for those pregnant women who have reached the date of another vaccination, or the previous one was missed. According to the schedule, vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is done every 10 years after vaccination at 16 years, that is, 26 years, 36 years, etc., up to 60 years.
However, the vast majority of adults do not know about it or do not remember it. But, since there are no antibodies to tetanus bacilli in infants, the maternal antibodies transmitted with milk in the first days of feeding will provide the child with invaluable help.
Vaccination against poliomyelitis in pregnancy planning is required in order to protect the pregnant woman from the danger of a viral infection if a child just next to her is being vaccinated with a live poliovirus vaccine. The fact is that in vaccinated children, the vaccine virus actively multiplies in the intestine, releasing itself into the environment.
Inoculation from toxoplasmosis in the planning of pregnancy
Toxoplasmosis is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, so doctors always prescribe an analysis for the presence of antibodies to this virus in the blood. If antibodies are found in the blood, then everything is in order, a woman can become pregnant, because repeatedly the disease does not become infected.
If there are no antibodies, then it is better to get vaccinated, because there are a lot of ways to get infected with toxoplasmosis, for example, when contacting pets, when eating unroasted meat, raw eggs, unboiled milk. And the consequences of infection of a pregnant woman with toxoplasmosis for a future child are very serious, most often blindness and deafness.
Vaccination against human papillomavirus( HPV)
In addition, doctors often recommend that a human papillomavirus vaccine be vaccinated, since this virus is considered to be oncogenic, that is, it can provoke the oncology of female genital organs.
Vitamins in the planning of pregnancy ^
If after a medical examination in the body of a future mother, there are any violations, especially if she lives in an environmentally unfavorable environment, she is assigned a special complex of vitamins for planning pregnancy.
An extra vitamin intake is especially required if a woman experiences great physical or mental stress, is in constant stressful situations or suffers from vitamin deficiency.
Vitamin E in pregnancy planning
Vitamin E is the most important vitamin for expectant mothers, since its lack in the body dramatically reduces the possibility of the onset of fertilization and can lead to the development of fetal pathologies at any gestation period or miscarriage.
The following products should become natural suppliers of vitamin E for those planning to conceive:
unrefined vegetable oils( olive, sunflower, soybean, peanut, corn), fresh
greens( spinach, parsley, lettuce, sprouted wheat), animal products( meat, eggs, liver, milk).
Folic acid in the planning of pregnancy
Folic acid( vitamin B9) is considered a very necessary vitamin for the planning of pregnancy, which is usually prescribed from the very first days of conception planning, in addition to the complex of multivitamins.
Additional folic acid intake, according to scientific research, reduces the risk of having a child with neural tube defects that occur in the first month after conception, when some women still do not know about the pregnancy that has occurred.
A future mother should include in her diet more natural products containing folic acid. Natural sources of vitamin B9 include green vegetables and legumes( cabbage, onions, peas, asparagus, tomatoes, beets, carrots), soy, nuts, buckwheat, rice, millet, kefir, sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, orange juice, spinach, parsley, caviar, cod liver, cottage cheese and cheese.
Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles when planning pregnancy ^
A few months before the planned conception, future parents need to revise their diet to a healthy diet, because the lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet can affect the quality of sperm, and a long-awaited pregnancy may not occur.
Food should be as balanced as during pregnancy and include everything you need - meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, greens, fish products, cereals, and sour-milk products.
Proper nutrition, including all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber, improve the functioning of the intestines and raise immunity. The diet of the spouses must be rich in magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and D.
Waiver of bad habits
Waiting for the long-awaited baby should be a powerful incentive to finally get rid of bad habits, because now there is, for whom to goto this step.
- Nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, not to mention drugs, are very detrimental to the baby, penetrating the placenta and causing it to suffer in utero, affecting the heart, liver and nervous system. In addition, the use of these stimulants often provoke miscarriages, hypoxia( lack of oxygen) and congenital malformations.
- It is advisable to quit smoking and future dad, because a pregnant woman and a baby passive smoking harm not less than the independent. It must be remembered that being in a smoke-filled room, you risk the health of your unborn child, so do not hesitate to make a note to fans to smoke indoors.
- All medicines, even such seemingly innocuous, like analgin, nosha or multivitamins, not to mention antibiotics, you should take only on the recommendation of your doctor.
If you will be responsive to the process of pregnancy planning, undergo a complete examination and get rid of bad habits, thereby minimizing all the risks possible during pregnancy, then be sure to give birth to a healthy baby and enjoy the joy of motherhood.