
Diet after a stroke of the brain: an approximate menu for every day

  • Diet after a stroke of the brain: an approximate menu for every day

    Diet after a stroke of the brain is vital, as the patient moves much less or does not move at all. With the preservation of the old diet, this means a quick set of excess weight, which is absolutely contraindicated.

    How without losing health for losing weight after a stroke?

    Be sure to monitor the weight - carry out control weighing at least once a week. With increase, reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet. The amount of fat in general should immediately be cut by one-third.

    Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

    It is undesirable to expose food to long-term heat treatment. Lean on fresh fruits and vegetables. Meat or fish per day does not exceed 100 g. With caution, include in the diet of eggs - 1 piece every 3-4 days. The patient who can not eat himself, the food is rubbed to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Pay attention to products containing potassium and magnesium - legumes, broccoli cabbage.

    For the prevention of useful 1-2 days off a week. As a basis, take cottage cheese, yogurt, apples, buckwheat.

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    What is contraindicated?

    Discard any fats of animal or vegetable origin. Cook on refined olive oil. Under the ban are also fatty meat and fish, any meat smoked products, sausages, sausages, any fast food, semi-finished products and confectionery.

    Use only natural dairy and sour-milk products without flavors, dyes, preservatives, thickeners and so on - exclude condensed milk, whipped cream from a can, ice cream.

    Contraindicated salt, coffee, strong tea, carbonated and spirits, bread made from flour of the highest grade. Dilute the juices with water 1: 1.

    Recommendations for nutrition

    Nutrition after a previous stroke should be planned, having consulted a specialist beforehand. Most likely, these recommendations for life.

    When choosing products, give preference to lean meat and lean fish, vegetables, fruits and berries, skim milk and sour-milk products.

    It is better to cook meat and fish without adding oil - boil, bake in the oven or on the grill, stew.

    To give food a taste, and a diet - a variety of uses of herbs and spices.

    Diet for ischemic stroke

    After ischemic stroke, include black bread on the menu. If you find it - from a batterless and without salt. Wheat bread should be dried beforehand and consumed no more than 3 pieces a day.

    All dairy and sour-milk products must necessarily be fat-free.

    Include more porridges( on water and milk) and soups in the menu.

    Discard sugar and purchased sweets in favor of honey and homemade jam.

    All fatty, spicy, smoked and fried, and also mushrooms are completely forbidden.

    A sample menu for each day can look like this.

    1. Breakfast. Egg soft-boiled or scrambled eggs. A cheese sandwich. Cottage cheese with fruit. Vegetable salad. A cup of tea with honey.

    2. Lunch. Vegetable soup. A portion of meat with a side dish. A slice of black bread. A glass of yogurt, compote, mors or jelly.

    3. Portion of cottage cheese. Vegetable salad. Porridge. Fruit. A glass of milk or tea. Bread with honey or jam.

    Diet after hemorrhagic stroke

    After a hemorrhagic stroke, check the blood pressure at least every 6-7 hours.

    Give up smoked, fatty and fried, any marinades and pickles. Eat as much as possible fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs - a total of at least 700 grams per day.

    To prevent the formation of blood clots, include in the diet of sea kale and fish of low-fat varieties at least 2-3 times a week.

    For the same purpose, you can drink a glass of warm water in the morning before eating with the addition of natural apple cider vinegar and honey( one tablespoon).Sample menu for the day:

    1. Breakfast. A glass of milk or kefir and a slice of bread.

    2. Snack. Salad of vegetables and a cup of tea.

    3. Vegetable soup. Portion of meat or fish dishes with garnish. Fruit salad. A glass of compote, mors, jelly.

    4. Dinner. A cheese sandwich. Cottage cheese. A glass of yogurt.

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