
Diet for anemia in adults and children: advice on nutrition in iron deficiency anemia of moderate severity

  • Diet for anemia in adults and children: advice on nutrition in iron deficiency anemia of moderate severity

    Anemia is a disease in which the amount of hemoglobin decreases in the blood. As a result, it is not able to sufficiently feed organs and tissues with oxygen, which leads to malfunctions and chronic violations in the performance of their functions. Its cause may be severe blood loss in a short time or pathology in the process of producing red blood cells.

    Specialist, having diagnosed this, recommends, along with medicinal treatment, special nutrition that provides the body with all the microelements necessary to stimulate blood formation, depending on the specific cause that caused anemia.

    Basic rules for feeding

    The diet menu for anemia in adults and children is planned based on the following rules.

    Increase the proportion of animal proteins in the daily diet. Give preference to dishes from red meat - beef and veal. The daily dose is about 300 g. Of these, 100 g is necessarily the liver( if you can eat - raw).Strong meat and fish broths are also shown. When cooking, use spices and spices, salt to taste.

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    Give up fat, which is poorly digested and negatively affects the process of producing red blood cells in favor of those contained in milk and dairy products, as well as in refined vegetable oils. Also it will save the liver from obesity.

    Every day, drink a drink of yeast - 50 g is diluted in a glass of warm water and brewed.

    Preferred sources of carbohydrates are fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, cereals, honey, baked goods not from the highest grade flour, beans( beans, peas, lentils, asparagus).

    Choose foods rich in vitamins of group B and C. These include milk, cottage cheese, eggs, oat bran, green salad, any citrus, chokeberry, hips. As for trace elements, think of a thing like a hematogen.

    Authorized and Prohibited Products

    Since anemia usually decreases in appetite - the stomach also lacks the necessary, the task is to stimulate the patient's appetite. In this regard, with anemia, those foods that are not recommended or even categorically prohibited in other diets are allowed.

    The menu can include:

    1. Bread and flour products are not made from flour of the highest grade.2. Lean meat and fish of low-fat varieties, by-products.

    3. Dairy products, cottage cheese, butter( except condensed milk).

    4. Buckwheat and rice.

    5. Any dishes from eggs.

    6. Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms.

    7. Any refined vegetable oil.

    8. Yeast.

    9. Honey.

    10. Sugar, salt, spices and spices, sauces.

    It is recommended to limit:

    1. Strong tea.

    2. Wheat and oat groats.

    3. Cheese of hard varieties.

    4. Any products that include cocoa.

    Diet for iron deficiency anemia

    In a diet with iron deficiency anemia include foods that contain a lot of iron. But this is not the only condition. It is also important to consider how many of them the organism can absorb. Most of all - about a third absorbed into the blood from meat, 2 times less - from fish and eggs, and from vegetables and cereals - only 2-3%.

    You should know that one diet with this diagnosis is not enough. Even more important is drug treatment.

    Food is recommended to be consumed 5-6 times a day, in small portions, preferably at the same time. Be sure to include in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Limit or refuse from roasting at all - high-calorie meals may not contain a large amount of fat.

    These are only general recommendations - in each case, a doctor should develop a diet, depending on the availability of contraindications and other diseases.

    Sample menu for moderate degree of anemia

    The menu for moderate-degree anemia may look something like this.

    1. Breakfast. A plate of porridge. Vegetable salad with vegetable oil or sour cream. A glass of yogurt or milk.

    2. The second breakfast. Fruits or berries.

    3. Lunch. Meat soup. Portion of meat dish with garnish. A glass of compote or mors.

    4. Snack. A plate of porridge. Eggs soft-boiled or scrambled eggs. Cottage cheese.

    5. Dinner. Vegetable side dish or pasta with a small piece of meat, poultry or fish. A cup of green tea.

    In addition, during the day, the diet should include 5-6 teaspoons of sugar and 250 grams of bread.

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