
Grandmother's diet for weight loss, a complete cleansing of the stomach 4 kg for 4 days

  • Grandmother's diet for weight loss, a complete cleansing of the stomach 4 kg for 4 days

    Whatever we are modern and progressive, and whenever there are any problems, many are looking for their solution in the grandmother's councils, because these are reliable and time-tested advice. And on the problem of excess weight in this article will be considered a grandmother's diet for weight loss.

    The grandmother's diet is a balanced food system. It is believed that the invention of the grandmother's diet belongs to a certain grandmother, who wanted to help her granddaughter get rid of excess kilos.

    This diet is designed for 7 days and is a rather difficult test for aging.

    Effective recipe

    Dishes of this diet can not be salted. During the day, drink clean water without restriction. The first meal in the morning should be no later than half an hour after awakening. Dinner should be held no later than seven in the evening.

    So, for breakfast, drink 1 cup of tea without sugar or a cup of coffee.

    The second breakfast should take place after 2 hours, you need to eat 40 grams of hard cheese.

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    Lunch in 2-3 hours. For the lunch menu, cook 120 g boiled beef, one hard-boiled egg, 20 grams of hard cheese and add an unlimited amount of green leaf salad.

    After 3-4 hours, drink a glass of tea without sugar or a cup of coffee.

    Over dinner, you need to eat 120 g of boiled lean meat and a salad of raw vegetables with the addition of 1 spoon of any vegetable oil.

    And before going to bed, drink a cup of mint tea.

    It is believed that if you combine this diet with exercise, it allows you to lose your grandmother's 4 kg diet for 4 days.

    The advantage of this diet is that it has a strong and lasting effect, based on foods that contain proteins and fiber.

    This grandmother's method of losing weight has disadvantages. The first is that this diet is rather monotonous and quickly annoying. The second drawback is the feeling of hunger experienced by many before lunch and between lunch and dinner. And all this can cause not only a diet breakdown, but a health disorder.

    Diet - grandmother method of weight loss

    Now consider a very common diet called the grandmother method of weight loss. It is designed for a longer period - 3-4 weeks, but is most approximated to a rational diet.

    For breakfast, drink tea with milk, with a slice of black bread and butter and fruit juice.

    There is no need to fast between breakfast and lunch. Drink green tea with a sandwich of black bread with butter or brynza. Eat an apple, you can substitute other fruits or berries( except grapes and bananas).

    For lunch, prepare a lean borsch or vegetable soup on a secondary meat broth. On the second you can make beef patties for a couple and a salad of fresh carrots. The second option: 200 g boiled low-fat veal or chicken breast with a garnish of boiled green peas or two small potatoes( baked or boiled).For dessert - seasoned with low-fat yogurt fruit salad. From drinking unsweetened compote or jelly.

    During the snack: a sandwich of black bread with cheese and greens and a cup of coffee beverage. You can still have a fresh cucumber or tomato.

    For dinner, a little boiled lean meat with a salad of fresh herbs and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil. A glass of 1% kefir with a cracker and unsweetened tea.

    Drink a glass of honey drink 30 minutes before bedtime. For its preparation, mix half a teaspoon of honey with a glass of warm water. This drink removes slag, normalizes metabolism, promotes weight loss.

    Instead of tea on weekends, you can pamper yourself with a cup of coffee, and for lunch steak and boiled egg.

    Just keep in mind that meat dishes should be steamed without salt, you can season.

    Also with this diet, drink herbal teas for weight loss, there are plenty of recipes, whatever you like is suitable.

    Clearing the stomach

    Now it is almost impossible to buy products that do not contain, to some extent, preservatives, dyes, stabilizers and other additives. All this is postponed in the body, affecting his health. Therefore, try the grandmother's diet, which guarantees a complete purification of the stomach.

    For this, you need 3-5 days to drink 0.5-1 liter of freshly squeezed cucumber juice and there is only fresh fruit and vegetables. To taste it is not very pleasant, but the result is worth it.

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