
Sassi water recipe for weight loss: how to make it without ginger and without mint at home

  • Sassi water recipe for weight loss: how to make it without ginger and without mint at home

    Sassi water is an easy-to-prepare and pleasant drink, which normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to improve the figure.

    Miracle prescription vitamin-mineral cocktail suggested by Dr. Cynthia Sassi, who was able to choose the right combination of water and certain ingredients. The effect of this drink is aimed at speeding up metabolism, splitting fats, reducing gas production and improving the work of the digestive tract. In addition, miracle water improves the condition of hair, nails and skin due to a good filling of the body with liquid. This drink was developed in addition to the "Flat Tummy" diet. After gaining popularity, many people began to use water independently.

    Recipes of water Sassi at home

    The first recipe for Sassi water for weight loss is considered classic. He will need: 2 liters of clean drinking water, a tablespoon of ground ginger, fresh cucumber without skin, a dozen fresh mint leaves. All components must be folded in a container and filled with water, send the evening everything in the refrigerator and leave for ten hours. In the morning you will get a refreshing cocktail full of microelements.

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    The second recipe will be more popular for citrus fruit lovers. Here it is necessary to take also 2 liters of water, citrus, lemon or orange, a pair of sage leaves, verbena or mint. Fruit and leaves are well washed, finely chopped, put together in a decanter, filled with water and also left in the refrigerator. This option can also be a recipe without mint.

    How to use

    In the Cynthia diet complex, consumption of this drink is considered the initial stage, an excellent start, which lasts 3-4 days. During this period, the total consumption of calories should not exceed 1400 per day, plus 8 glasses of water. Then begins the second stage, which lasts a month. Here, the amount of calories consumed is increased to 1600 kcal, meals divided into four. The consumption of vegetables, salts, sweets and caffeine as much as possible reduces.

    Proper use of water Sassi

    You can consume Sassi water without a diet, the main thing is to follow certain rules:

    1. Water components should be fresh and quality.
    2. Fruits, greens and ginger must be washed and peeled.
    3. Drink should not be in the sun, there are disintegrating useful substances and the cocktail can be spoiled.
    4. To observe the freshness of a drink, it is better to cook it in a transparent dish.
    5. In a day you can not eat more than 4 liters of water, because excess volume loads the kidneys and stretches the stomach.
    6. One use - 1 glass of water.
    7. To avoid swelling, the last intake of water should be at least two hours before bedtime.
    8. Water should completely replace tea and coffee.

    Do not forget that water has its own contraindications. This is gastritis, kidney disease, ulcer and any chronic diseases. If the allergy occurs on one component, more often it is the root of ginger, then you can use the recipe without ginger.

    Despite such a good effect of water on reducing body fat, it is better to use it in combination with a diet. After all, the main role of weight loss is reduced caloric intake, the intake of water helps to speed up the metabolism. The main rule of Cynthia Sassi - you do not need to drink water before or after dinner, but instead!
