  • Unintention of pregnancy

    Unfortunately, there are situations when a woman can not endure a child before the due date, and each of her pregnancies ends with either miscarriage or premature birth. Modern medicine has sufficiently studied this problem and identified several groups of factors that lead to miscarriage. So, if the fetus has some genetic abnormalities, mutations in the sex cells, then almost all the pregnancy is interrupted spontaneously at the earliest possible dates. This can be the case with the age of a woman older than 35 years. Also, if the mother itself suffers from a genetic disease, it is in most cases transferred to the fetus, and the pregnancy is interrupted on a short period. But usually such women are barren. Another reason for miscarriage: pathology in the hormonal sphere, when the ovaries do not release enough hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. The same happens also in the case when the male hormone androgen begins to predominate in the body of a woman.

    With a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones, previously transmitted inflammatory diseases of the genitals, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the uterus to sex hormones can be reduced. This is one of the main reasons for miscarriages. Some diseases of the endocrine glands can lead to the same result: Ithenko-Cushing's disease, adrenal tumor, thyroid disease. Often young women, whose age does not exceed 18 years old, can not bear a child. Ironically, even a large interval between pregnancies can increase the probability of miscarriage. Smoking and drug use by a woman waiting for a child, except for other troubles, also threatens the child's loss. The cause of miscarriage can be and istmiko-cervical failure of the cervix. Cervical ruptures are caused by a large fetus during previous births. In this case, the cervix for various reasons can not hold the weight of the mature fetus.

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    For all these reasons, pregnancy with a high probability of interruption. At a period of up to 28 weeks, this will be called spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, more than 28 weeks - premature birth. This division is based on the fact that up to 28 weeks the fetus is not viable, and after this period, under certain conditions, the child can save life. To date, medicine has a large arsenal of funds, allowing you to give the joy of motherhood even to those women who are already desperate to find it. It is only necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Perhaps you will be recommended hospitalization in a specialized hospital, where you will undergo a complete examination and treatment. Also try to avoid worry, stress, physical and emotional stress, think only of the good, of your future child, whom you will soon meet.