  • Homeopathy in Pregnancy

    The status of the future mother obliges the woman to observe several strict restrictions. In addition to abandoning bad habits, hassle about and without reason, she will have to refuse to take medication. True, hot fans of pharmacy shopping have a hard time imagining how you can live nine months without saving pills and potions. Fortunately, dangerous chemical preparations have a good alternative - homeopathy.
    We asked Natalia Kostinskaya-the professor, the doctor of medical sciences, the national president of the International Medical Homeopathic League( LMHI) about why we should not get involved in drug chemistry during pregnancy, when to resort to homeopathic remedies, how to choose the right grains,in Ukraine, head of the Department of Pharmacology, Normal and Pathological Physiology of the Institute of Ecology and Medicine in Kiev.

    Critical days of
    * When to take medicine is especially dangerous?
    During pregnancy, there are three critical periods, absolutely incompatible with taking tablets. This is the first week( the time when organs are placed on the information level), when a woman still may not know about her new position. Especially dangerous these days are contraceptives - the harm from their use is much perceptible influence of smoking and alcohol. They can become the culprits of miscarriages and birth defects. The second critical period - 8-12 weeks - is the stage of active organ building. And the third crucial moment - the formation of the central nervous system, occurring at 22-24 weeks.

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    * The most common reason that future mothers go to the hospital is the threat of pregnancy disruption. At this time they receive a whole battery of medicines. Are these drugs harmless?

    When a woman is threatened with a miscarriage, and therefore her child, hormones are prescribed. Such treatment is unsafe. Children of mothers who received hormones during pregnancy often have neuroendocrine disorders( gynecological tumors, hermaphroditism).And although the placenta quite well protects the child from the incoming pharmaceuticals, the choice of medicines should be approached very carefully.

    * Why did the threat of miscarriage become such a common problem?

    There are two main reasons. The first is stress. Suppose a woman has someone died in the family and because of this, for example, at the eighth week, there was a miscarriage. During the next pregnancy, closer to the eight-week period, she begins to worry, fearing a repeat of the situation. And it does repeat itself. However, less dramatic events can lead to the breakdown of pregnancy: the refusal of a loved one to legitimize relations, disagreements with relatives, etc. The second reason for the termination of pregnancy is hormonal. Today by the age of 30 almost every woman is diagnosed with a deficiency of progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining a pregnancy. As a rule, its deficit is associated with environmental disasters, for example, the consumption of meat from animals grown on pesticide feeds. Today this is a world problem. And if the woman has enough progesterone before the age of 25, then after 30, trouble starts.

    * But in fact pregnancy can be supported by an artificial hormone?

    The long-term consequences of hormone use are still poorly understood. Very often, after hormonal treatment, a woman's level of progesterone decreases: getting hormones from the outside, the body stops producing them themselves.

    * How does homeopathy suggest solving this problem?
    Homeopathic remedies restore normal progesterone production. The regulating action is the preparation of agnus-kastus from the Abraham tree. It is usually prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. In 4-8 weeks he completely normalizes the production of progesterone, and there is no need to take it in the second and third trimesters. Pregnant women homeopathic preparations are prescribed for 3 grains by rare methods( 1-2 times a week), but only after consultation with a homeopathic doctor.

    * How safe are homeopathic remedies for ?

    Homeopathic preparations with proper administration can not cause harm, because they contain a very low concentration of the active substance of vegetable, mineral or animal origin. They mobilize the body's defenses and do not cause side effects.

    For all occasions
    It turns out that tiny homeopathic balls can solve almost any problem of a future mother.

    It happens, the memory of stress becomes the cause of permanent miscarriages. Ignacy in the 30th breeding erases unpleasant memories at the information level. A similar action is possessed by natrium uroiatik 6. It takes exactly as long to take medications as there is a problem.
    If a woman experiences psychological discomfort from her new position, she needs a barium carbonum 1000 to restore her peace of mind.

    Those who consider toxemia and pregnancy as synonyms are deeply mistaken. Attacks of nausea - abnormal state of the future mother, signaling that her child is in not very good conditions. There are several remedies that alleviate morning sickness:
    Colchicum autumnale 30 - if there is nausea from one thought about eating;
    nuks vomica 6 - if vomiting starts daily in the morning and lasts until noon;
    Tobacco Nicotiana 6 - if nausea, indifference to everything that is happening, dizziness and if the woman is pale, becomes covered with a cold sweat;
    natrium phosphoricum 6, pulsatil 6 - if nausea is not accompanied by other symptoms( exact dilution will prompt a homeopathic doctor).
    Increased tone of the uterus
    If hypertension is associated with the overexcitement of a woman, it is removed after half an hour after ingestion of the common viburnum 6( viburnum opuliu).

    Problem teeth
    Teeth are considered as a health indicator during pregnancy. Unfortunately, progressive caries, bleeding gums and toothache are invariable companions of most expectant mothers. Normalize mineral metabolism will help:
    magnesium carbonicum 30. It is recommended for dental pain in the first months of pregnancy, when pain affects half the face, especially at night. Good soothing;
    calcium carbonium 30 is one of the most effective means. It is shown with dental and pain in the gums, enamel peeling, increased sensitivity of the teeth to the cold. The drug normalizes the exchange of calcium, which is very important in this period;
    causticum 30 treats bleeding gums, relieves pulsating toothache, giving eyes and ears;
    cyclamen, mesereum and rus toxicodendron( all in dilution 30) are prescribed( one of them), when the teeth are very crumbling, darken, the gums swell and look whitish. By the way, Russian toxicodendron treats not only caries, but also herpes.

    Witch hazel 6 is one of the most effective remedies. It is prescribed for hypersensitivity and inflammation of venous trunks, widening of the veins on the labia, hemorrhoids.
    Millefolium 30 helps with painful bleeding varicose nodules.
    Eskulyus 6 eliminates back pain, relieves swelling of the legs.

    Nux vomica 6 - "student remedy" - helps if you can not sleep after intense mental work.
    Arsenicum album 30 and coffea 6 are indicated for insomnia after overexcitation. In large doses, coffee stimulates the brain, and in homeopathic( kofea) - has the opposite effect.
    Ignacia 200 is prescribed for insomnia caused by sadness, despondency, worries, vexation.
    Rus toxicodendron 30 is taken if it is impossible to fall asleep until midnight, and Ranunculus skeleratus 30 - when sleep does not come after 24.00.
    Mercurius solubilis 30 is shown to future mothers who sleep much during the day and can not fall asleep at night.

    Light births
    The root of the caulophyllum plant was used by the ancient Indian women to facilitate childbirth and called it the root of the birth. Kaulofillum 30 is recommended to be taken from 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy( every 7 days), alternating with pulsatilla 6. And from 36 weeks to 40( before delivery), drink tsimitsifugu 6 and arnica 6.
    Fear of childbirth will help to remove the cicuta virosa 30.If anxiety is combined with crying, take digitalis 30, and if excessive irritation - spihelion 30.
    Fear of death during labor eliminates digitalis 30 and nuks vomica 30. Prophylactic intake of these drugs helps to avoid postpartum depression, melancholy and just bad mood.

    For a cold
    For the prevention and treatment it is recommended to take anaferon for children( Russian) and antigrippin( Kharkov).