  • Exercises in relaxation of the eyes and mental rest

    2. Now close your eyes. Lower your eyelids freely into the position they will take, completely relax them. Open your eyes. Repeat several times, trying to catch the position of ultimate relaxation.

    3. Sit down opposite the wall, at a distance of 2-5 meters. Mark yourself on the wall two points, one in a half meter above the other. Translate the gaze from point to point - slowly, slowly, even more slowly, as soon as possible. .. more. .. more. .. You notice how the eyelids gradually relax and become heavier, the gaze rises more and more difficult - catch this feeling: it will come in handy to youwhen immersed in contemplation and meditation and to control falling asleep.

    Comment. Such contemplation of the point from a distance of about 5 meters for 10-20 minutes is one of the yogic methods of rest.

    4. Keep your eyes inward and upward( Bhur-Madi-Drahti) - the eyelids will start to fall by themselves. Let the gaze return to its original position. Repeat this several times - it is possible that you will feel a slight dizziness and drowsiness. Here is another of the techniques of deep relaxation of the muscles of the eyes, useful, among other things, for insomnia.

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    5. Sitting in a lotus pose( Padmasana), lying on the floor or sitting in a chair. Eyes wide open. Look - into the distance, to nowhere( glance glance) for 3-5 minutes. Let thoughts go as they want, but it is better to keep in consciousness any abstract idea - eternity, limitlessness, immortality. Even better and more difficult - completely disable the any thought.

    Comment. This is not only an exercise in relaxing the wide-open eyes, but also a wonderful soulful rest.

    6. Paddling with a look. Find in the room some well-lit object. Sit in front of him so that the light falls behind you, and close enough that the object still was for you almost within a clear vision.

    Now do a peg, slowly counting to five. After that, take your hands off and, turning your head from side to side, glance back and forth on the object. Do this at the expense of five. Repeat this many times without stopping and doing alternately that pouring, then glancing. Do not make any effort and unnecessary efforts. Your business is only to help eyesight. Five minutes will be enough for this. At the time of performing it, continually maintain the feeling of an easy and enjoyable game.7. There is another good and simple reception of self-complacency, which we sometimes use unconsciously: to lightly stroke ourselves with fingers on the eyelids, on the eyebrows, on the forehead, around the eyes. In the places of these are nerve endings giving birth to rest and sleep. Such movements can be reassured and put to sleep not only by the child, but also by the adult.

    Improvising in this way with the eyes, you will be convinced that you have in them the hidden and very subtle sources of self-complacency, self-control, mood control and, finally, vivacity.

    Do not turn these relaxation techniques into heavy physical exercises. You have to give yourself to relaxation, to think about it, to feel it, because relaxation is a feeling. Be creative, find in the course of the day the opportunity to devote part of the time involved in the performance of your work to short periods of relaxation. Turn it for yourself into a game, redistribute your time, inserting here and there a minute of relaxation.

    Well, if absolutely nothing can be done, then at least do a deep breath from time to time, closing your eyes. Eyes will reward you for these tiny intervals of rest.

    We repeat to you: giving your eyes a breather through relaxation, you do not lose working time, because relaxed eyes and psyche work with redoubled energy and more efficiently.

    Be decisive and accurate in your studies, and you will achieve equally good control over your psyche and vision. Be especially patient and persistent - and good results are in your hands! Nature gives slowly and builds gradually. Any worthwhile task requires appropriate work and patience.

    We again repeat: make a relaxed activity the way of your life. And then you can improve your vision.

    It does not matter what form of vision impairment you suffer - myopia or

    farsightedness. The relaxation method described here will make as much for your nervous system as for your vision. Do your exercises, remembering this double goal.

    If, after doing an exercise, you have achieved the opposite effect to the expected, it is only because you have minimized relaxation or completely neglected it. Some people say: "I did all these exercises, but I did not have time to dive."The method presented here is a method of relaxation, and immersion is the basis of this relaxation.

    Promote the movement of the eye through relaxation. This will expand the blood vessels and provide unimpeded circulation in the eye, thereby stimulating the optic nerve and the nerves of the retina. Relaxation also stimulates mental activity, because the visual centers of the brain will have to interpret the images perceived by the eyes. With relaxation, the deep breathing, so necessary for vision, naturally normalizes too.

    So, these were not physical exercises, but relaxation exercises. They should be performed until you have the right eye-sight habits developed and unconscious. Then you can forget about your eyes, except for their solarization and padding to prevent fatigue and to feed them. From time to time, as well as experiencing some tension or after the illness, take a refreshing course of treatment with relaxation.

    Now let's move on to physical, that is, dynamic and static exercises, which we alternate with relaxations.