  • Breathing for the eyes

    1. Standing, legs together, socks apart, hands along the body.

    2. Take a full breath. Hold your breath on inhalation, not allowing a single particle of air to exit through your nose or mouth( Kumbhaka).Close your eyes.

    3. Lean forward so that your head is below the level of the heart. Knees can be slightly bent. There must be no tension in the body. The blood comes directly to the head and eyes. It will be blood, saturated with oxygen. Oxygen at this time will wash away the poisons accumulated in the eyes. Eyes remain closed.

    4. Stay in this position counting to 5. Gradually increase the retention of this position by 15.

    5. Calmly and slowly straighten to the starting position.

    6. Just calmly and slowly make a full exhalation through the mouth.

    7. Do a yogi's cleansing breath.

    8. Repeat the exercise again.

    Comment. Please note that from the influx of blood to the head you may feel dizzy. The best defense against this is the purifying breath of the yogis. The more often you hold your breath for at least 10 seconds, the faster you can get rid of this dizziness. But people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be especially careful, exercising in the holding of breath.

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    At first they are allowed to do this only without tilting. The amplitude of the inclination of the head should be increased gradually, not stopping for a second controlling its condition. Any way out of the delay of breathing on inspiration is done only through OD( purifying breath of yogis).

    Oxygen literally burns poisons from the eyes. The circulation of blood in the tissues of the eyes is intensified. Do this eye cleaning with breathing at least 10 times during the day.

    Yes, sometimes, in order to prevent fatigue, it is enough to go out the door and ventilate the room.

    1. The starting position is the same.

    2. Take a deep breath and hold your breath while inhaling.

    3. Bend in the waist and bend as close to the floor as possible. When the head is down, close your eyes.

    4. Close your eyes, squeeze them as much as possible. Then open wide.

    5. All the time that you hold breath on inspiration on account of 10 to 15, open and close your eyes thus.

    6. Calm straighten, returning to the starting position.

    7. Make a vigorously full exhalation through the mouth.

    8. Take a breath.

    9. Repeat the exercise again.

    Comment. Having done these exercises, you will be surprised at how quickly your eyes feel relieved.

    Tired eyes should not be overtaxed, forcing them to continue working. If you feel the appearance of tension in the eyes, then give them a rest: revitalize them by washing, then cover for a few minutes and cover them with palms.

    For lavage it is better to use non-eye drops, but tea brew. Suitable for this purpose and just running water or water directly from the tap. The water poured into the cup quickly gets dirty, which can cause eye irritation or even infect.

    Flushing perfectly tones up the eyes, relieves fatigue, improves their blood supply. It can be used for any vision fatigue. Continue work immediately after washing.

    Yogis have several ways of washing the eyes, we give here two of the simplest.

    First. Fill handfuls with cold water and splash water into wide eyes. Repeat several times.

    Second. Fill a wide jar with cold water. Dip your face into the water without closing your eyes. In a few tries it will not cause any unpleasant sensations. Keep face immersed while breath holding lasts. The eyes remain wide open all the time.