  • Eye massage

    1. Sit at the table and place your elbows on it.

    2. Connect the little fingers and the shock sides of the palms. Lower your head so that your palms rest on your closed eyes with your lower part, and your forehead rest against the upper part of your hands and fingers.

    3. Relax the muscles of the neck. The forehead becomes the point of support, and the lower part of the palms only touches the eyes.

    4. Easily massage the eyes with the lower part of the palms. Alternate stroking, rotation, pressing and vibration for 1-2 minutes. A sign that you are doing the massage correctly, will be the appearance in the eyes of a feeling of warmth.

    5. Relax your eyes.

    6. Touch it with the tips of your index fingers and, feeling the heat in your fingers, you will feel, as on a deep exhalation, this heat and prana from the fingers are transmitted into the eyes.

    Another valuable technique:

    Take two large terry cloth napkins. One of them soak with water is so hot that you can stand it;another - water from melting ice cubes( just cold water is not enough, it is better to use ice water).Fold the towel with a hot napkin and attach it to your eyes for 2 minutes. Then attach a napkin with ice water for 2 minutes. Repeat three times, then gently, without pressing on your eyes, wipe them.

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    Most people, when they are told that rest or relaxation will eliminate the shortcomings of their vision, are wondering why this does not make sleep. The fact is that the eyes rarely completely relax during sleep. If they were in tension, when a person was awake, then this tension is likely to continue to a greater or lesser extent during sleep, just as other parts of the body remain tense. To prevent this from happening, and so that the dream can cope with its task, take for yourself the rule of doing after a retirement to sleep, immersion( oladonivanie).As soon as you turn off the light, dive for a few minutes. This will not only guarantee that your eyes will rest, but will help you fall asleep more quickly and give the appropriate mood to the body for the whole night.

    When you go to sleep, smile, smile not only with your lips, but with your eyes. In the morning your face will look younger and more beautiful. Stop work and get to bed early on this method of sleeping - this is the best medicine for tired eyes. You will be surprised how often this simple remedy frees you from fatigue and headache.

    Another trick. We all saw bears, elephants, lions or monkeys rumbling rhythmically back and forth in the cages in the zoo. This is not an oddity or a game. For a prisoner this is one of the effective methods of maintaining relaxation. You can try to do the same.