  • Pregnant driver

    In our troubled age, many ladies moved behind the wheel of a car and became avid motorists. And for many, pregnancy is not the reason for abandoning your favorite car and its inherent comfort. But pregnancy is a special condition, so even when driving a car there are some subtleties here. It will be better for everyone if during pregnancy you will be present in the car only as a passenger, and you will hire a driver, a father or another

    by a driver, yet no one has attributed to factors that are good for the course of pregnancy. However, the most important disadvantage is, of course, the danger of getting into an accident. Often, future mothers are not attentive enough on the roads, which leads to unpleasant consequences. If the period of pregnancy is during the winter period, this is aggravated also by the condition of the pavement, which leaves much to be desired in winter, with its ice and snow. In this regard, all pregnant avtoledi strongly recommended in advance to learn the ways to ride on the icy road. At a crucial moment, this little thing can save lives not only for you, but for your future baby. Do not forget to install winter tires on your car in time. Deceleration starts only at yellow light. In this case, you will avoid emergency braking and possibly avoid a dangerous situation, which you could put yourself in. And yet, in the winter refuse the neutral transfer. This simple advice will help you to always have control over your car regardless of weather conditions.

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    At any time of the year, carefully observe the rules of the Road Movement. Do not forget that there are now two people behind you. Often, future moms complain that the standard installation of the driver's seat has become uncomfortable. As a rule, such complaints appear near the end of pregnancy. This is easy to help - you just need to push the chair back so that there is room between the belly and the handle of the

    , and the seat back is deflected at a slight angle. Then, optimal conditions are created for the back, and especially the waist of the future mother, it gets less tired. For back massage it is good to make a special driver's cape on the seats made of wooden balls. During the ride, they carefully massage the back and relieve tension from the muscles. One of the main elements in protecting a pregnant woman's health is the use when driving a safety belt. So that even with a big belly, it does not create inconvenience, you need to follow a simple rule. When fastening the belt, the belly should be between the straps. In this case, one strap is located under the chest, and the other - under the belly( see figure)

    In this case, pressure on the stomach is excluded. Never leave home without a mobile phone and make sure that it is always in working condition. It would be superfluous to paste a sign on the rear window of the car warning drivers that a pregnant woman is sitting behind the wheel. In an emergency, whether it be premature birth or a normal breakdown on the road, you can always get yourself help. Do not try to repair the crash yourself, better identify the traffic police officer or seek help from passing motorists. Every 30 minutes stop the car and go out to get some fresh air, do gymnastics and just relax. During the ride, not only tired

    Fig Recommended position of the

    seat belts to the muscles, forced to maintain a static position for a long time, but also the eyes, so it would be superfluous to do gymnastics for them. This will significantly improve your attention on the road. When leaving anywhere on your own, do not forget to bring along an exchange card of the maternity hospital, a medical policy and a passport. Anything may happen on the way, it's possible that premature birth will begin, so all documents should always be with you, just in case,

    so that there are no unpleasant situations when you arrive at the maternity hospital. If you feel behind the wheel that you have a fight or water, then immediately stop the car, call home and call a taxi that will take you to the maternity hospital. All the necessary things you bring relatives.

    Follow these tips and you will avoid trouble on the road and minimize the risk to yourself and your future baby.