
What vitamins to drink during pregnancy, why vitamins E and group B are necessary In pregnant women

  • What vitamins to drink during pregnancy, why vitamins E and group B are necessary In pregnant women

    Waiting for the baby is a responsible and exciting period for every woman. And, of course, everyone wants a new little man to be healthy. What for this it is necessary to undertake? How to save and endure this little miracle? What kind of food is needed and what vitamins to drink during pregnancy?

    Nutrition of the future mother

    Nutrition is the foundation, and it must be balanced. Necessarily in the diet of a pregnant woman should be present fresh vegetables, fruits and other products that supply vitamins and minerals.

    Leaf lettuce, nuts, beans, bananas, oranges, eggs, meat, fish, beef liver and some other products are the main suppliers of vitamin B9.

    Vitamin A is found in carrots, citrus fruits, fresh herbs, in butter, eggs, cheese, fatty fish, etc. Also, products with a high content of vitamin E, C and others are needed.

    In addition, there is a need for micro- and macronutrients supplied with food. Unfortunately, some women have toxicosis, there is intolerance to certain foods, which affects the body's nutrient components.

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    Depending on the season, the menu for the composition and useful substances will differ, because in winter it is almost impossible to buy fresh, and most importantly, useful greens and vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamins during pregnancy, which the doctor appoints.

    Vitamins and minerals

    All vitamins and minerals are needed to form and develop a healthy fetus, some of which come with food. Some of them are needed in large quantities and it is almost impossible to get them completely from products. At the initial stage of pregnancy the most important vitamins are: A, B, E.

    Vitamin A plays an important role in the development of organs and tissues; it takes part in the process of cell renewal and restoration, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin A plays an important role in shaping the vision and hearing of the unborn child.

    Vitamin B6 helps to convert folic acid into its active form, the main purpose of which is to create and maintain the health of new cells.

    The need for vitamin B9 is greatly increased in pregnant women, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first trimester. At this time, the fetal egg actively develops, the placenta is formed. Also, folic acid takes an active part in the production of hemoglobin, i.e.hematopoiesis. After all, oxygen is transferred to the blood, and its deficiency can cause fetal hypoxia, which is very dangerous.

    Vitamin E( tocopherol) is involved in placenta formation, prevents spontaneous abortions. It is also necessary at the stage of pregnancy planning.

    To produce enough blood, an element such as iron, which is part of hemoglobin, is needed. After all, the quality of the blood depends on the nutrition of the fetus. If a pregnant woman has hemoglobin lowered, then the doctor must prescribe iron-containing preparations.

    Microelement iodine is responsible for the activity of the thyroid gland, which also affects the course of pregnancy. During intrauterine development of the fetus, the lack of iodine can cause later the child's mental disorders. At the first stages of pregnancy, the inadequate content of this microelement can provoke miscarriage.

    The main building material - calcium is needed during the entire period of pregnancy, but the greatest need for it appears at the beginning of the third trimester. It is involved in the formation of nerve cells, internal organs, skeleton and all tissues of the fetus.

    When an insufficient amount of calcium comes from food, the woman suffers first. The fact that her body gives the baby all the necessary calcium, and if it does not make it, then serious problems arise: tooth enamel breaks, nails break, hair falls out badly, blood coagulability decreases, kidney problems occur, etc.


    In addition to the above vitamins, the future mothers are prescribed complex vitamins:

    • "Elevit" is the most popular complex, which is most often prescribed.
    • "Mother's Health Alphabet" - can be used throughout pregnancy, contains everything necessary for growth and development of the fetus.
    • "Multi-tabs" - in this complex all the necessary elements for a normal pregnancy.

    These are just a few types of complex vitamins. In any case, everything the mother needs and the future baby, the doctor will prescribe. In no case can you take vitamins without consulting with a doctor, since it can not bring good, but harm the mother and her baby.

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