  • Tempered like steel!

    Water procedures for hardening can be very diverse, depending on what you are used to before pregnancy. The rule is one: during pregnancy one should not engage in any drastic changes in one's life habits. If a woman has never been hardened before, it is clear that during pregnancy, she should not immediately dive into the hole.

    You can begin to harden in the most gentle, neutral ways:

    in the morning, wash with warm water neck, back of the head and ears and do not wipe. Water, gradually cooling, cools important thermoregulatory receptors, accustoming them to temperature fluctuations;

    should be wiped with a damp sponge, a damp washcloth and then rubbed with a hard terry towel. In a measured time for wiping it is necessary to take warm water, and then gradually reduce the temperature of the water to a cool one. For more hardened people you can use very cold water. Wet rubbing is best done in the morning, only getting up from the bed while the body is still warmed up;

    every time you wash your hands, rinse your throat with warm water, gradually reducing to cold;

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    it's good to start and finish the day with a warm shower with the subsequent( very fast) dousing with cool water( starting with the legs) of the whole body;

    after a warm shower try to pour cold water on the neck, ears, feet to the ankle;

    if the pregnant woman does not have the habit of pouring cold water, but there is a fear of cold water, let the water first be warm. Keep the flexible hose away so that the water jet is strong and simultaneously massages the skin. In the end, pour the whole body with cooler water, and neck, neck, ears, hands and feet - quite cold;

    can do a contrast shower: first warm water, then briefly - cold. But in the first and last months of pregnancy, one should not get carried away with too sharp contrasts of temperatures.

    Do not forget that the short-term exposure to cold water has a stimulating effect, and the long-term exposure to hot water relaxes, relieves spasms and nervous tension.

    However, it must always be remembered that hot water is strictly not recommended for pregnant women, especially with a tendency to bleeding and miscarriages.

    In tempering, the following rules must be observed:

    gradualness and continuity;

    if you have a cold or feel bad, you can raise the temperature of the water, but most importantly - in no case do not stop skin care;

    should never bring itself to a fever: the main effect of dry or wet grinding, any kind of hardening up to pouring( short-term!) With cold water is a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of energy and heat throughout the body. If the reaction does not occur, you feel a chill, and the skin remains cold, despite rubbing the massage towel, then this measure of hardening does not suit you and you need to pick up another.

    Overcooling during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of not only the mother, but also the child. Therefore, sharp measures of hardening can not be acceptable for all pregnant women. Especially should be afraid of hypothermia of a woman with weakened kidneys and a tendency to cystitis.

    It's even better to take a shower right after work to wash off not only dirt, but also fatigue. It is especially important to take a shower and change clothes immediately after work to those who work with people: doctors, teachers, sellers.