  • Future mother, her fears and feelings

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    During pregnancy, the psychology of a woman changes significantly. All the thoughts of the expectant child are occupied solely by her future baby and her own changed state. Most women at this time feel happiness and tranquility, as their role in life is fulfilled. The surrounding world is perceived by the future mother only insofar as it must work, study, etc., and is simply obliged to contact with others.

    But not all of the pregnancy is accompanied by a sense of happiness. There are cases when the future mother feels unhappy, the child seems to her a heavy burden, she perceives all changes in her condition, including a growing abdomen, with disgust. Typically, such depression occurs when the pregnancy is not desired or has occurred as a result of rape. It can also occur in very young mothers, under the age of 18, because the girl's mental development is not yet complete. Such women need to understand that a child is happiness. He will be its support and pride throughout his life. Depression during pregnancy has purely physiological causes, because the hormone progesterone contributes to increased sensitivity, tearfulness, irritability. However, these manifestations must pass to the second trimester, when the action of hormones comes to equilibrium.

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    Some women are afraid of childbirth, which increases their nervousness during pregnancy, especially on the last terms. They are afraid of pain, which, it seems to them, is unbearable and always.accompanies childbirth. Of course, this process can not be completely painless, but you are quite able to reduce this pain. This is done in courses on "Psycho-preventive preparation of pregnant women for childbirth", which are held in all women's consultations. The courses consist of several sessions, in which the

    is described in detail, how the pregnancy proceeds, the mechanism of childbirth. Childbirth is a normal process, the body of a woman is created in order to give birth. She should not think about pain, but about the happiness of future motherhood. If a woman thinks about her baby, waiting to meet with him, then the pain will be much less. In addition, there are currently effective methods of anesthesia, which allow to significantly reduce pain during labor.