How to quickly lose weight after giving birth: advice to nursing mothers
How to lose weight after giving birth in breastfeeding: useful tips
Immediately after the appearance of the baby, many young mothers tend to return the lost form, using various diets and performing exercises. They have a question: "Can this be done quickly and safely?"
Is it possible to lose weight after giving birth while breastfeeding?
A significant increase in weight is observed in women during the period of breastfeeding. The main cause of obesity is not in the feeding of the newborn, but in the characteristics of female physiology.
The fact that during pregnancy, for the normal development of the fetus, the female body produces estrogen and progesterone - hormones that promote the growth of the fat layer and, consequently, increase in body weight.
It is because of the hormonal malfunction that most breast-feeding mothers do not get to lose weight immediately after giving birth. In addition, a set of excess weight can lead to a natural predisposition of a woman to fullness, heredity and a wrong way of life.
The most common problem during HBV( breastfeeding) is nutrition. There is an opinion that when feeding a baby you need to eat tightly, drinking bread and butter with tea with milk or condensed milk. It is not surprising that after such nutrition, women recover, and rapid weight loss after childbirth is postponed. The circle closes, because with every kilogram gained, it becomes more difficult to lose weight.
Quickly lose weight after giving birth to a nursing mother will not work, otherwise it can harm your baby. The process of losing weight should be gradual, but sure. However, young mothers can quite accelerate weight loss after childbirth, eating properly and performing simple physical exercises.
Diet for weight loss after delivery ^
The use of hard diets during GW is strictly prohibited, as the nutrition of the nursing mother must be full and balanced. A lack of protein in the body will reduce muscle tissue, not fatty deposits, will negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair. A lack of fat will make a woman very irritable.
To reduce the weight when feeding the baby, you need to make the right menu and adhere to the following recommendations:
- Feeding requires 200-300 kcal from the body more than usual. The daily norm is 3000 kcal.
- For daily weight loss after birth, at least two liters of water should be consumed daily.
- In the morning before feeding the baby should drink a cup of tea with milk. In the menu it is necessary to include various unsweetened curds that are useful and nutritious.
- It is necessary to exclude from the diet everything sweet, fatty and fried. Do not believe that eaten fats will fall into the milk.
- It is necessary to refuse the use of products containing preservatives. Instead of sausages and sausages it is desirable to eat boiled meat or fish.
- You should eat whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits( except red ones), fish and lean meat, dairy products, cereals, tea.
- Instead of juices from the package, you need to drink plain water, as well as herbal decoctions and fruit drinks.
- It is advisable to consume more fiber, but to abandon the sweet and floury. Sweets can easily be replaced with dried fruits and honey.
- Take small meals, but often, about 6 times a day.
Caution should be taken to citrus fruits, red fruits and vegetables, seafood, chicken eggs, nuts and chocolate. These foods are best completely eliminated for the period of feeding, since they are allergens. When the child turns six months old, you can enter these products in the menu, but closely monitor the child's reaction to them.
A diet for women who are breastfeeding is aimed at curbing a strong appetite. It is effective and completely safe for the baby. An approximate diet to reduce the weight of the nursing mother is as follows:
Option 1
- First breakfast: 200 ml of kefir.
- Second breakfast: rice or buckwheat on milk or water, a piece of bread, buttered, a piece of cheese, a weak black or herbal tea.
- Snack: baked in the oven apple and tea.
- Lunch: a vegetarian soup with the addition of potatoes, carrots and cauliflower.
- Snack: syrniki, not fried, but steamed( 2-3 pcs.), Apple juice.
- Dinner: ragout of vegetables, a piece of boiled fish, a salad of greens and cucumbers, a slice of bread and tea.
Option 2
This variant of the daily menu is less caloric. For snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can use compote from dried fruits, not strong tea.
- Breakfast: a porridge on the water.
- Lunch: meat broth and baked vegetables.
- Dinner: muesli with fermented baked milk.
How to quickly lose weight after giving birth with exercise ^
Exercise for losing weight after giving birth
To get rid of extra pounds, you should not only eat properly, but also lead an active lifestyle. Of course, you do not need to run to the gym immediately after birth, but you should walk more and walk in the fresh air. It is recommended to begin training not earlier than one month after childbirth. Carefully follow your state of health: if it worsens, stop training.
Gymnastics for weight loss after childbirth helps to tighten such problem areas like chest, abdomen, hips and buttocks. A simple set of exercises will be effective only if it is regularly performed.
Exercises for the muscles of the press
Exercises, which can effectively tighten the abdomen after childbirth, must be performed in this way:
- Lie on your back and bend your knees. Embracing yourself with the rivers by the neck, you need to slowly lift the trunk, then touch your chin to your knees. Follow should follow that straining not the neck, and the muscles of the press. You need to do 10-20 repetitions.
- Lie on your back and stretch your legs. The essence of the exercise is to raise your legs slightly above the floor and hold this position for as long as possible, at least 10 seconds. Number of repetitions - 5.
Exercises for thighs and buttocks
- You need to become even and take one hand behind the back of the chair. On exhalation perform lifting of the right foot forward, to the side and back 15 times. Repeat 20 times with your left foot.
- Become on all fours and pull out one leg. The legs should be placed on the width of the shoulders and squat, pulling the buttocks back. It is important that the knees look forward and do not go beyond the line of socks. Make 20 - 25 sit-ups.
Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles
- It is recommended to perform 10 classical push-ups per day.
- You need to bend your hands in the lock, spread your elbows to the sides. You need to push your hands against each other to feel the tension in the pectoral muscles. It is recommended to do 7 approaches for 10 seconds.
- Should be face to back and rest your palms on it. Then you need to press the wall with your hands for 15 seconds. Perform 5 repetitions.
Reviews and real stories about losing weight after birth ^
Marina, 24 years old:
"When I gave birth to my daughter, I gained 17 extra pounds and weighed 72 kg. Seeing the unreal figure on the scales, I tuned in to effective sports. At first it was hard, but now I can not do sports without sports.
Every evening I try to do exercises for all muscle groups. Of course, I do not forget about the separate food, I eat at least 6 times a day in small portions. My daughter is already a year old, but I hold 55 kg and look great. "
Elena, 35 years old:
"After the birth of the child, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I had to change something. My weight was 68 kg, although before pregnancy I weighed 53 kg. At first I increased the activity: I went more, paid at least half an hour of training, even found on the Internet video lessons for mom and baby.
Parallel to this, I came to the fact that you should reconsider your diet. As it turned out, boiled meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals can be tasty. The first time it was hard for me, but when the kilograms started to go away, I got excited, and I began to like this way of life. Now I weigh 54 kg. I am pleased with my appearance, do not hesitate to visit Ukrainian boutiques with women's underwear and make purchases of my husband. "
Natalia, 29 years old:
"Since I am by nature inclined to fullness, I was ready to weight gain after delivery. Before pregnancy, I weighed 60 kg, after - 72 kg. All because I was worried about feeding and often drank tea with milk in a snack with a biscuit. Then I decided to put myself in shape a little.
At first I stopped eating after 6 pm, then reduced the amount of servings and excluded from the diet all harmful products. Physical loads with the child is enough for me. I'm walking with a baby, I play mobile games, we do morning exercise together. Now I hold 61 kg. "