  • Prenatal diagnosis

    In connection with the development of medical genetics, the issue of hereditary diseases is put forward in the first place. At one of the sessions of the Academy of Medical Sciences the depressing figure was named: 1,500 hereditary ailments. Therefore, the question of prenatal( prenatal) diagnosis at the earliest stages of embryo development is vitally important. Certainly, many women would not have dared to have a child if they knew in advance that he would have a hopeless hereditary disease.

    The latest achievements in the study of many hereditary disorders of the human body make it possible to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases at the earliest stages of fetal development. Parents who feel responsible for the health of the

    of their unborn child should in no way neglect the achievements of science, so that it is not too late to make a reasonable decision. Chromosomal abnormalities occur in about 1 out of 200 children born. A timely genetic prognosis could prevent such a tragedy. A hopelessly sick child is a heavy burden, and feelings of anger, guilt and devastation among parents are even more painful when they start to realize too late that tragedies could be avoided.

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    Of course, in the history of mankind many geniuses are known, who suffered serious illnesses in childhood: Suvorov, Kant, Goethe, and Beethoven's serious heredity seem to contradict our claims. However, who knows which set of genes determines the development of musical genius? But, alas, the geniuses of the unit, and the disabled childhood - thousands!

    Prenatal diagnosis is vital, and women should know that it already exists in our country. In large cities, there are centers for prenatal diagnosis, in time to identify a serious pathology of the fetus with an existing pregnancy. Special analysis - amnioproduct - on the taken drop of amniotic fluid determines the chromosome set of cells of the embryo and allows revealing anomalies of development.

    Reasonable parents do not in any way neglect such an opportunity, and it is necessary to consult such consultations at the earliest stages of pregnancy. Now, in some medical genetic consultations, new( essentially ancient) methods of dermatoglyphics( in common parlance, palmistry) are used, allowing in advance to reveal some hereditary diseases in advance. In no case should you neglect the additional opportunity to learn about the health status of your unborn child!

    All future parents need to know that there are hereditary diseases that are completely treatable in newborns, if they are detected in a timely manner. For example, phenylketonuria, if this hereditary disease is not immediately detected and the appropriate treatment is carried out, later it can lead to a serious mental defect, idiocy. In this case, the irreversible process of damage to the brain of a newborn occurs in the very first weeks of life without visible signs. Only by the end of the first year signs of a backward development begin to show up.

    Special diagnostic methods have been developed - screening of newborns, which should be done on the 4th-5th day after birth, it allows to identify those children who accumulate an excess of amino acid, the disease is detected two months after the birth, immediate, treatment and a special diet designed for severalyears, can completely get rid of this terrible disease. Now in maternity hospitals carry out such an analysis. Be sure to check if such analysis is done in that maternity hospital that you have chosen: this is one of the most important criteria for selection, it is much more important than the TV in the ward.

    When the spouses know that a serious hereditary pathology is excluded, they can begin to prepare for the most serious exam in their married life - the conception and the birth of a healthy child. Preparing for such an important moment is by no means an encroachment on the innermost feelings and emotions, especially since family planning is( at least in Western countries) a fait accompli to some extent. Nothing shameful can not be in order to ensure in advance for their future child the best start. The excellent state of health of future parents at the time of conception of the child and careful care for the health of women during pregnancy are the prerequisites for a healthy life of the child in the future.