
Which products contain animal fats, which refers to harmful lipids

  • Which products contain animal fats, which refers to harmful lipids

    Which products contain animal fats and why they are so dangerous for the body

    Today, information about which products contain animal fats, is necessary for everyone. Especially it is important for people who are about to lose weight, because animal fat is the main enemy of the aspen waist.

    What is animal fat?

    As stated in the textbooks on dietetics, animal fat is saturated fat, which does not melt and does not become liquid at room temperature. The molecules of this fat are supersaturated with hydrogen. When ingested, fat is heavily digested, forming dangerous fatty compounds in the blood - plaques. They tend to clog the arteries, which leads to heart attacks and strokes. Also, animal fat tends to be deposited on the body in the form of adipose tissue, because, as mentioned above, this type of fat does not split.

    Bearing products

    If to speak in general and in general, products containing animal fats are represented by the following list: meat and meat products, dairy products, eggs, margarine products. Extremely large number of animal fats are found in fast food( therefore, it is recommended very rarely) and confectionery, as well as in sweet drinks like cola. Nevertheless, it is not worth completely refusing these products. In the opinion of nutritionists, everything is good in moderation. The main thing is that animal fats make up 7% of the daily calorie rate.

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    By the open list of

    So, here is more detailed information about what kind of animal fats in products of what type are contained.

    1) Meat products. All types of meat, as well as pâtés, sausages, sausages. Especially the calories of fat that is contained in chicken skin, although the chicken itself, in general, is a lean bird.

    2) Fish and fish products. It also contains fat. However, this fat should not be afraid, because it is very useful because of vitamins D and E and omega-3 fatty acids.

    3) Dairy products. Any cow's milk will contain with itself animal fat, a question only in what quantities. Here's how to calculate the percentage of fat in dairy products:

    • Milk, kefir are good with a fat content of 2.5%, since more than this figure is too fat, and less - lean. Completely fat-free products are also not very useful, since in the process of degreasing, unwanted substances are added to them.
    • In the curd, the percentage of animal fat equals an average of 5, but this product meets 18% and 23% fat content.
    • Cheese can have any fat content. This, perhaps, is one of the most "resolved" by dietitians of dairy products with any diet.
    • Cream, sour cream contains up to 30% of animal fats, and butter is all 90%.Such products with a minimum fat content are not tasty, so you need to try to choose fat content more. Naturally, you should not eat these foods too often to not get well.
    • Perhaps you will be surprised that even ordinary chicken eggs are related to animal fats! About 20% of animal fats are found in the yolk of a chicken egg. True, their harmful effect is neutralized by the lecithin contained in the egg.

    From different ailments

    Strange as it may seem, recently such method of treatment as lipid therapy has become popular. Its essence lies in the use of various types of animal fats - bear, badger, chicken, goose, horse - for the treatment of completely different diseases. Thus, chicken fat strengthens the walls of the heart muscle;goose cures eczema, frostbite, stomach ulcer, cough;horse fat - intervertebral hernia, dislocations;sheep fat helps with coughing and high fever.

    Today, information about which products contain animal fats, is necessary for everyone. Especially it is important for people who are about to lose weight, because animal fat is the main enemy of the aspen waist.

    What is animal fat?

    As stated in the textbooks on dietetics, animal fat is a saturated fat that does not melt and does not become liquid at room temperature. The molecules of this fat are supersaturated with hydrogen. When ingested, fat is heavily digested, forming dangerous fatty compounds in the blood - plaques. They tend to clog the arteries, which leads to heart attacks and strokes. Also, animal fat tends to be deposited on the body in the form of adipose tissue, because, as mentioned above, this type of fat does not split.

    Media products

    If to speak in general and in general, the products containing animal fats are represented by the following list: meat and meat products, dairy products, eggs, margarine products. Extremely large number of animal fats are found in fast food( therefore, it is recommended very rarely) and confectionery products, as well as in sweet drinks like cola. Nevertheless, it is not worth completely refusing these products. In the opinion of nutritionists, everything is good in moderation. The main thing is that animal fats make up 7% of the daily calorie rate.

    By the open list of

    So, here is more detailed information about what kind of animal fats in products of what type are contained.

    1) Meat products. All types of meat, as well as pâtés, sausages, sausages. Especially the calories of fat that is contained in chicken skin, although the chicken itself, in general, is a lean bird.

    2) Fish and fish products. It also contains fat. However, this fat should not be afraid, because it is very useful because of vitamins D and E and omega-3 fatty acids.

    3) Dairy products. Any cow's milk will contain with itself animal fat, a question only in what quantities. Here's how to calculate the percentage of fat in dairy products:

    • Milk, kefir are good with a fat content of 2.5%, since more than this figure is too fat, and less - lean. Completely fat-free products are also not very useful, since in the process of degreasing, unwanted substances are added to them.
    • In the curd, the percentage of animal fat equals an average of 5, but this product meets 18% and 23% fat content.
    • Cheese can have any fat content. This, perhaps, is one of the most "resolved" by dietitians of dairy products with any diet.
    • Cream, sour cream contains up to 30% of animal fats, and butter is all 90%.Such products with a minimum fat content are not tasty, so you need to try to choose fat content more. Naturally, you should not eat these foods too often to not get well.
    • Perhaps you will be surprised that even an ordinary chicken egg is related to animal fats! About 20% of animal fats are found in the yolk of a chicken egg. True, their harmful effect is neutralized by the lecithin contained in the egg.

    From different ailments

    Strange as it may seem, recently such method of treatment as lipid therapy has become popular. Its essence lies in the use of various types of animal fats - bear, badger, chicken, goose, horse - for the treatment of completely different diseases. Thus, chicken fat strengthens the walls of the heart muscle;goose cures eczema, frostbite, stomach ulcer, cough;horse fat - intervertebral hernia, dislocations;sheep fat helps with coughing and high fever.