  • Diet number 1: Pevzner menu, recipes for gastritis

    Pevzner Manuil Isaakovich - the first Soviet scientist who engaged in dietary nutrition from a scientific point of view. It was thanks to him that a dietology was born in the USSR.He developed a food system depending on the diagnosis - only 15 options - the so-called "tables".His recommendations are relevant at the moment.

    Table № 1 for Pevzner - a diet for those who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, such nutrition is indicated in case of gastric and duodenal ulcer and with gastritis( both at the time of exacerbation, and during chronic course of the disease, and also at remission - for prophylaxis).

    It is conceived as a remedy that will have a gentle soothing effect on the digestive tract. Of course, such a diet can appoint only a gastroenterologist. This is not a short-term measure, but a lifestyle - it is assumed that the patient will eat according to the recommendations for a minimum of six months.

    Basic rules of the

    The diet menu No. 1 should be designed so that a day consumes about 2,800 kcal. The dishes offered contain relatively few proteins( less than 100 grams), but almost as much fats( of which 1/3 are vegetable) and four times more carbohydrates. You need to eat often, but little by little.

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    All too cold, hot, acute, irritating stomach is eliminated. Prohibited are any foods where there is a lot of fiber, since they linger in the stomach, not being processed to the end. You can not try any unusual, new, exotic dishes. Do not try new recipes on the patient.

    All hot dishes - boiled, steamed or baked without adding oil( always cut the crust, if it was formed).

    This diet is not a diet in the common sense of the word, but a completely balanced diet that will not cause any harm to health. You will not even feel a slight sense of hunger. Eating according to these recommendations can be indefinitely long.

    What you can and what you can not do

    All allowed products are selected according to three criteria: they are traditional for the area( any exotic is excluded), with a normal calorie content( not low calorie) and does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract( not too hot, cold, hot)- that is, that the stomach can easily and quickly digest.

    You can eat any soups-mashed potatoes, porridges( buckwheat and oatmeal beforehand blender to mash state), boiled or steam vegetables( beets, carrots, potatoes, brussels sprouts), fruits in any form( compotes, jellies, dried, canned), dairy products( milk, fermented baked milk, varenets), cottage cheese, lean meat and fish of different varieties, cooked without oil, white bread( slightly stale), biscuits without stuffing, not very strong tea, soft-boiled eggs.

    Categorically contraindicated: confectionery, dry biscuits, mushrooms, pickled and pickled canned vegetables( including home-cooked), any citrus, black bread, fresh wheat bread, crackers, kefir, white and red cabbage, onions, radish,daikon, radish, fatty meat and fish, dishes with the addition of legumes, spices, mustard, horseradish, vinegar, ketchup and in general any sauces.

    Menu options

    The sample menu for each day, corresponding to the above recommendations, can look something like this.

    1. Breakfast( approximately at 8:00).A plate of porridge.1-2 eggs soft-boiled and sandwich with butter and cheese( butter is recommended to limit 20 g per day).Biscuits. Tea with sugar( no more than 6 teaspoons a day) and milk or cocoa.

    2. The second breakfast( 11:00).Any of the permitted fruits in any form - fresh, dried, baked, canned.

    3. Lunch( 13: 00-14: 00).Soup puree or vegetable soup. Meat or fish with vegetable garnish. Compote. Bread( a day at most 300 grams).

    4. Afternoon snooze( 4:00 pm).A glass of milk or cottage cheese. Biscuits. Any fruit. Herbal decoction.

    5. Dinner( 19:00).Vegetable salad. Meat or fish with garnish. Tea.

    After dinner, it is recommended that there is nothing more.

    Those interested in the topic can watch the following video: