  • Diet for pancreas: what to eat with a sick pancreas

    Diet for pancreatic: list of prohibited foods and sample menu

    For the period of exacerbation, the patient's diet undergoes serious changes, so a proper diet for the pancreas is needed. The diet was based on well-known prohibitions on alcohol, fatty, sweet, fried and spicy food. The diet is simply necessary for exacerbations and is equally important for prevention in order to avoid complications.

    It is recommended to start a diet with a three-day fasting, during which you can drink Borjomi without gas and compote from the dog rose. At a time you can drink no more than 1 cup.

    Often, fasting can take place within a couple of weeks. It all depends on the type of exacerbation of the pancreas. Therefore, if, after a week, the nutrition during exacerbation of the pancreas does not normalize, the patient is artificially injected with liquid food directly into the intestine.

    The diet itself for pancreatic disease is prescribed for a period of 5 to 7 days. There is recommended only semi-liquid cooked or stewed food and only in small portions. Such a diet is low in calories and contains a certain amount of protein and a very small amount of fats and digestible carbohydrates.

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    Foods that contain heavy fiber should not be excluded from your menu at all. What is with a sick pancreas, you can find out after reading the list of prohibited products.

    Prohibited products

    1. All kinds of fatty meat and fish;
    2. Sharp and acidic vegetables: sorrel, lettuce, radish, onion, spinach, etc.;
    3. Ice cream, alcoholic drinks and aerated water;
    4. Spices and spices;
    5. Mushrooms;
    6. Spicy and fried foods;
    7. Canned and salted food;
    8. Semi-finished and fast food

    Authorized products

    1. Dried white bread and biscuits;
    2. From vegetables you can only carrots, cauliflower, young zucchini and potatoes;
    3. Dietary meat: turkey, rabbit, veal, low-fat chicken;
    4. Fish without fat and shrimp;
    5. Low-fat curd, boiled milk, kefir, unsweetened fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar;
    6. Eggs( not more than 1 piece per week);
    7. Groats( except millet);
    8. Apples and dried fruits;
    9. Vegetable and butter;
    10. Minimum of salt.

    Cooked meals for the diet have their own criteria, which must be observed. So, food should not be hot or cold. It is recommended to eat warm food so as not to irritate the stomach. Necessarily all dishes should be liquid, so as not to strain the patient's body with unnecessary work. In the early days during the diet should completely abandon any fat and reduce the consumption of protein products.

    The diet for inflammation of the pancreas consists of a similar menu:

    • For breakfast, you can only liquid porridges, such as oatmeal;
    • The second breakfast can consist of unsalted vegetable puree and mineral water;
    • For lunch it is recommended to cook light soup with croup or semi-liquid porridge;
    • You can have a snack before dinner with a glass of curdled milk or kefir with several pieces of unsweetened biscuits;
    • Dinner should consist of a sifted unsweetened porridge rubbed through a sieve;
    • In the late evening you can drink a kissel or warm water with a spoon of honey.

    Over time, when the patient's condition improves, you can enter more complex foods. During recovery, the body should not need a shortage of vitamins.

    Sample menu for the recovery period:

    • A piece of boiled white fish and an omelet made of protein can be a good start to the day;
    • For the second breakfast wipe a non-quartic apple with low-fat cottage cheese;
    • For lunch, cook light vegetable soup with pieces of low-fat meat or cook vegetable mashed potatoes with a steam chop;
    • You can drink a glass of compote for a snack;
    • For dinner, boil the cereal and eat a piece of boiled fish;
    • You can drink yogurt before going to bed.

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    Diet for the pancreas: list of prohibited foods and sample menu

    At the time of exacerbation, the patient's diet undergoes serious changes, so a proper diet for the pancreas is needed. The diet was based on well-known prohibitions on alcohol, fatty, sweet, fried and spicy food. The diet is simply necessary for exacerbations and is equally important for prevention in order to avoid complications.

    It is recommended to start a diet with a three-day fasting, during which you can drink Borjomi without gas and compote from the dog rose. At a time you can drink no more than 1 cup.

    Often, fasting can take place within a couple of weeks. It all depends on the type of exacerbation of the pancreas. Therefore, if, after a week, the nutrition during exacerbation of the pancreas does not normalize, the patient is artificially injected with liquid food directly into the intestine.

    The diet itself for pancreatic diseases is prescribed for a period of 5 to 7 days. There is recommended only semi-liquid cooked or stewed food and only in small portions. Such a diet is low in calories and contains a certain amount of protein and a very small amount of fats and digestible carbohydrates.

    Foods that contain heavy fiber should be excluded from your menu at all. What is with a sick pancreas, you can find out after reading the list of prohibited products.

    Prohibited products of

    1. All types of fatty meat and fish;
    2. Acute and acidic vegetables: sorrel, lettuce, radish, onion, spinach and the like;
    3. Ice cream, alcoholic drinks and carbonated water;
    4. Spices and spices;
    5. Mushrooms;
    6. Spicy and fried foods;
    7. Canned and salted food;
    8. Semi-finished and fast food

    Authorized products

    1. Dried white bread and biscuits;
    2. From vegetables you can only carrots, cauliflower, young zucchini and potatoes;
    3. Dietary meat: turkey, rabbit, veal, low-fat chicken;
    4. Fish without fat and shrimp;
    5. Low-fat curd, boiled milk, kefir, unsweetened fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar;
    6. Eggs( not more than 1 piece per week);
    7. Cereals( except millet);
    8. Apples and dried fruits;
    9. Vegetable and butter;
    10. Minimum of salt.

    Cooked meals for the diet have their own criteria, which must be observed. So, food should not be hot or cold. It is recommended to eat warm food so as not to irritate the stomach. Necessarily all dishes should be liquid, so as not to strain the patient's body with unnecessary work. In the early days during the diet should completely abandon any fat and reduce the consumption of protein products.

    The diet for inflammation of the pancreas consists of a similar menu:

    • For breakfast, you can only liquid porridges, for example, oat-flakes;
    • The second breakfast can consist of unsalted vegetable puree and mineral water;
    • For lunch it is recommended to cook light soup with croup or semi-liquid porridge;
    • You can have a snack before dinner with a glass of curdled milk or kefir with several pieces of unsweetened cookies;
    • Dinner should consist of a sifted unsweetened porridge;
    • In the late evening you can drink a kissel or warm water with a spoonful of honey.

    Over time, when the patient's condition improves, more complex foods can be introduced. During recovery, the body should not need a shortage of vitamins.

    Sample menu for the recovery period:

    • A piece of boiled white fish and an omelet of proteins can be a good start to the day;
    • For the second breakfast wipe a non-quartic apple with low-fat cottage cheese;
    • For lunch, cook light vegetable soup with pieces of low-fat meat or cook vegetable mashed potatoes with a steam chop;
    • You can drink a glass of compote for a snack;
    • For dinner, boil the cereal and eat a piece of boiled fish;
    • You can drink yogurt before going to bed.

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