
Caloric content of vodka: how many calories are contained in 1 pile and in a bottle of vodka, damage to vodka

  • Caloric content of vodka: how many calories are contained in 1 pile and in a bottle of vodka, damage to vodka

    One of the most popular alcoholic beverages is vodka. It is popular not only in our country, but all over the world. Its fortress can reach 56% of revolutions. Consume vodka in its pure form, and make on its basis a variety of cocktails. The latter are widely used, since this alcoholic beverage has no pronounced taste and smell.

    Caloric content and nutritional value of vodka

    Vodka has a very simple composition - it is rectified ethyl alcohol and corrected water. This liquid is further purified by activated carbon, filtered and bottled. Often various flavor additives, vitamins, thickeners and regulators are added to it.

    The caloric content of vodka per 100 grams is 235 kcal, which is about 12% of the daily norm of a person. To find out how many calories in vodka( 1 stack of 50 grams) is simple: by simple calculations, about 150 kcal are obtained, which is not too small for a liquor. And if you count how many of them are contained in a bottle of vodka, you can just be horrified.

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    Nutritional value, it practically does not carry, but it has a number of mineral substances, such as sodium, calcium, potassium. Of course, few people can call it a useful drink, but still, when used in minimum quantities and for medicinal purposes, even she can bring some benefit.

    Is there any benefit from vodka?

    One of the most useful properties of vodka is the ability to whet the appetite, which requires only 20-30 grams of this alcoholic beverage.

    As for everyday life, vodka is an excellent disinfector of various kinds of wounds, abrasions, cuts. Great for disinfecting hands and other skin areas.

    With a cold, vodka can help lower body temperature, you need to apply it to the exposed skin and allow it to evaporate, thereby cooling the skin and lowering the temperature. At the first signs of hypothermia, it is recommended to drink a pile of vodka with red pepper and, if frostbitten, rub off damaged areas.

    Vodka, as well as cognac, can be used as a preservative for home-made infusions, extracts and sprays, when preparing home-made wine.

    As you can see, from vodka can be not only harm, but also a significant benefit, so do not underestimate this alcoholic beverage as applied in everyday life.

    Undoubtedly harmful to vodka

    The main harm of vodka is when it is consumed in its pure form inside the body, since the alcohol contained in it in high doses adversely affects the activity of the brain. As a result, mental activity and memory deteriorate, various reflexes in the body slow down.

    The most vulnerable organs are the heart, liver, the whole gastrointestinal tract. A systematic use of vodka leads to lesions of the central nervous system, reproductive function, both in women and men. Teeth and bone system suffer.

    Vodka has a huge number of contraindications. It is categorically forbidden to pregnant and lactating women, children, hypertensives and hypotension. Also, it is not allowed to drink vodka to people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, stomach ulcers. It is contraindicated in many infectious diseases, for example, hepatitis.

    Vodka should not be taken during the postoperative period and with simultaneous antibiotic intake, as it slows the healing of wounds and neutralizes the effects of the latter. Persons managing various mechanisms and drivers are also obliged to avoid taking vodka, since it negatively affects concentration of attention and slows down the reactions.

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