
Diet on fruit for weight loss: what juices and fruits you can eat with a diet

  • Diet on fruit for weight loss: what juices and fruits you can eat with a diet

    Diet on fruit for weight loss stands out among the others in addition to real weight reduction brings the body additional bonuses in the form of vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements, which positively affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Saturation is due to fiber, which is also useful.

    The diet is to eat as much fruit as possible in any form, replacing them with more calorie food, fresh, dried fruits, canned( without the addition of sugar) and dishes made from them - salads, jellies, juices. Snacking is also necessary only for them, and not for the usual fast food and sandwiches.

    You can eat according to these recommendations within 7 days. Fruit ration is supplemented by not less than two liters of water. There is also an express version of the diet for three days.

    Variants of the fruit diet

    1. Diet for three days. Breakfast - any fresh fruit with cereal, natural yogurt or low-fat kefir. Lunch - several different fruits or salad or puree of them, dinner - boiled, steamed or baked lean meat and one any fruit.

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    2. Apple diet. It is calculated for a month and a half. For the effect, strictly observe the schedule and do not allow disruptions. The first week - eat as always, but eat only one apple for breakfast. The second - apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for a snack - vegetable salad or soup. The next two are only apples, green tea without sugar( you can honey) and water with lemon juice. The last two are like the first.

    3. A diet of fruits and fermented milk products. Designed for a week, it is suggested to eat 5 times a day at intervals of three hours. The first meal is green tea with honey. Then alternate fruits and skimmed sour-milk products( cottage cheese, kefir) - no more than 200 g at a time. The last time you can eat at least two hours before bedtime. Also a day you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of water.

    4. A diet based on fruits and proteins. So you can eat 3-5 days. In the morning before eating, be sure to drink a glass of water. Thoroughly breakfast - porridge, toast, pancakes, cheese, ham and so on. Lunch - no more than 200 g of any lean meat, cooked without the addition of oil. Dinner - fruit( 2-3 pieces), be sure until 18:00.Drink plenty of water during the day.

    Which fruits are more suitable for a diet?

    What kind of fruit can be used in a diet to make it the most effective? Firstly, it should be noted that the fruit must be consumed fresh. Even minimal heat treatment will almost destroy their benefits, but will dramatically increase the number of calories.

    If fresh fruit is not available for some reason, dried fruits, frozen and / or canned fruits will do. But not in syrup, but in those that do not contain sugar and preservatives.

    Before deciding on a variant of the fruit diet, consult your doctor for possible contraindications or allergic reactions. Specify the specific benefits and all possible side effects from the fruit you have chosen.

    The type of skin will also help you. For dry fruit is more useful green and yellow, slightly unripe and sourish, and for oily - on the contrary, red and ripe, sweet.

    Uniquely exclude high-calorie bananas and grapes.

    Of course, finding fruit that would do more harm than good is very difficult. But some, thanks to their properties, are more effective in fighting excess weight than others. These include:

    1. Mango. It contains a lot of fiber and is also rich in vitamins A and C. This regulates the level of glucose, which in turn helps the body to process fat deposits faster, and the rate of absorption of new calories from food is reduced on the contrary.

    2. Strawberries. Remarkably satisfies hunger, contains very little sugar and is rich in fiber. Also, it has almost as much vitamin C as in lemon.

    3. Peach. Helps normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, so that all useful substances are better absorbed. In addition, it contains an almost complete list of vitamins - A, C, E, H, PP.

    Fruit juices

    Is the use of juices and fruits equally effective during a diet? Juices have several significant disadvantages - they contain more calories, are not so saturated because of the lack of fiber, a glass of juice is consumed much faster than the fruit is eaten - there is not even an illusion of the usual process of nutrition.

    It is obvious that freshly squeezed juices are more useful, because they lack sugar, preservatives, thickeners, acidity regulators and so on. But in a liter of freshly squeezed juice contains about 900 kcal - almost half the daily rate.

    Juices with a diet can be used as a snack, drinking no more than a glass at a time and half diluting it with water.

    In conclusion - a selection of video materials on the topic: