
Diet for 14 days for weight loss: effective strict diet for dieters who want to lose weight fast

  • Diet for 14 days for weight loss: effective strict diet for dieters who want to lose weight fast

    It's sad, but more and more people are suffering from overweight. Changing the diet for a certain period of time will help to part with hated kilograms.

    At present, there are a great number of diets. They are very diverse in terms of the composition of the products, the number of days, the weight change in the direction of decrease, that it is difficult to choose the one that would fit all parameters.

    Dieticians developed an effective diet for 14 days for weight loss, based on eating protein foods. As a result, applying a protein diet, you can get rid of up to 10 kg during this time.

    Recommendations for the period of the protein diet

    During the diet period, it is necessary to observe uncomplicated rules:

    • six meals a day;
    • last time we eat two or three hours before bedtime;
    • should not drink alcohol;
    • during the day to drink water;
    • a small amount of fat in the used products;
    • full refusal of sweet;
    • animal proteins can be replaced with vegetable( bean products, mushrooms, spinach, etc.)
    • minimum quantity of products with flour and no pasta.
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    The diet is designed for people leading an active lifestyle. Applying a fitness diet for 14 days, it's best to go in for sports, visit a gym, etc. Movement increases the consumption of protein by the body and reduces the amount of fat deposits.

    Negative and positive in the protein diet

    Each diet has its pros and cons, this diet is no exception: it is quite tough. Proceeding from this, before its beginning the medical consultation is obligatory for revealing of admissibility or inadmissibility of its application.

    You should never sit down on this diet in the period of expectation of the baby and his breast-feeding. It is prohibited for heart disease, liver, kidney problems, and gastrointestinal problems.

    Above, the shortcomings of the diet were listed, and now about the virtues, which are very many. During the period of compliance with this diet, there is no desire to eat something all the time because the protein is digested for a long time. Hence, in comparison with other diets, there will be less weakness, fatigue, weakness.

    There is a gradual recovery of the whole organism, the body contour is restored, fat is losing, the skin becomes more elastic, the mood is positive.

    When you follow all the recommendations of this diet, after its completion, weight, as a rule, stabilizes. And if in the future, properly eat and receive the necessary charge of vivacity, doing physical training, the weight will not increase for a long time, and, probably, will continue to decrease.

    Sample menu of the protein diet

    Despite the fact that the diet for 14 days is strict, there is still possible replacement of some of the ingredients by others. In the absence of financial opportunity, you can eat more monotonously than suggested in the menu, the main thing - that it was a protein diet.


    First day of

    • first meal: a cup of coffee or tea
    • second: egg, cabbage salad
    • third: 150 g of rabbit meat on grill, 3 tablespoonsbran( soak with water)
    • fourth: 200 g yoghurt
    • fifth: any fish 100 g with vegetable salad
    • before going to bed for 2 hours - juice from tomato

    second day of

    • first meal: a cup of coffee or tea
    • second: 1 tbsp.wheat bran, 1 cup kefir
    • the third: 200 g cooked meat of horse meat, 1 cucumber, lettuce sheet
    • fourth: tomato
    • fifth: 200 grams of liver( any), fry without oil, 150 grams of stewed zucchini
    • before going to bed - 1 cup of sour milk product

    The third day of the

    • first meal: a cup of coffee or tea
    • the second: 1 tbsp.oat bran, 1 cup kefir
    • the third: 200 g fried liver, 1 cucumber, lettuce leaf
    • the fourth: beet salad
    • the fifth: 200 g meat crabs, 150 g stewed vegetables
    • before bedtime - 1 cup-fat milk

    Next, for the samescheme is composed of the following days of the diet. At the end of the diet, others will see a positive result.

    It is recommended to see a selection of video material on the diet: