
Diet Kate Middleton: how thin Kate Middleton, nutrition of the princess

  • Diet Kate Middleton: how thin Kate Middleton, nutrition of the princess

    Diet Kate Middleton: all the secrets of eating the princess, which helped her lose weight

    Kate Middleton, like many women around the world, was not always satisfied with her waistline, and therefore before the wedding decided to lose weight a little. Within 4 months, the future princess prepared for the upcoming celebration and changed her 44th clothing size to 42. Did Kate Middleton lose weight to ?

    The diet of Keith Middleton is based on low-carbohydrate nutrition. For the basis of losing weight was taken Ducane diet, through which it is possible to lose weight without starvation and stress.

    Kate Middleton's diet is divided into 4 stages, during which you need to drink every day 1.5 liters of a variety of fluids and eat up to 3 tablespoons of oat bran. It is not out of place to take a walk in the park or devote some time to light sports. Another point should be an absolute ban on strong, sweet and sodas.

    The first stage of weight loss

    Since the beginning of the diet begins the splitting of fat cells, which affects the condition of the whole body. It is not surprising if a person experiences some discomfort or dryness and a bitter taste in his mouth.

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    The duration of the stage for each is determined personally, as everything depends on the initial weight and presumptive weight loss. But it is worth remembering that more than 10 days with this part is not recommended to lose weight. Calculate the time of the first phase is very simple: for every extra 10 kilograms you need 3 days of diet.

    There are the most preferred protein products:

    • Poultry without oily skin;
    • Ham without fat;
    • Nonfat diverse fish and other seafood products;
    • Dairy and sour-milk products without fat;
    • Egg whites;Pork and beef offals.

    In addition, you can eat pickled cucumbers.

    Can not be:

    • Salt;
    • Vinegar;
    • Garlic;
    • Onions;
    • Sugar.

    You can lose more than 10 extra kilograms per week of such food. The greater the weight of a person, the longer the first stage of the diet should last.

    The second stage of weight loss

    The second part of the diet allows you to add to the diet vegetables that do not contain starch, which can be brewed, baked and stewed. Some vegetables, perhaps, will make a person starve. Therefore, it is necessary to have only proteins in a day.

    Complementary products:

    • Spices, garlic and hot pepper;
    • Adjika;
    • Pickled cucumbers;
    • Whole milk;
    • Gelatin;
    • Ketchup;
    • Cocoa and cream, low-fat.


    In the third stage, you can eat everything that is included in the first and second part of the diet. For a change, you can add some products: various fruits( except, bananas, grapes and sweet cherries), black bread, hard cheese.

    A couple of times a week is allowed to eat potatoes, legumes, pasta and any high-calorie foods.

    The duration of fixing will depend on the volume of the discarded fatty mass. Each dumped kilogram should be fixed 10 days.

    Completion of

    At this stage the result of weight loss stabilizes. There is absolutely everything. It is still necessary to eat bran and drink plenty of fluids. Once a week, be sure to eat only protein products.

    Such a diet helps to get rid of 5 kilograms every week, so Kate's figure became impeccable.

    Pros and Cons of

    During the diet, the appetite decreases due to the produced ketone bodies. In addition, this technique is poorly balanced, as a result of which there may be a shortage of certain substances and vitamins. There may be a shortage of fat for the body, so it is important to add a little vegetable oil to the diet.

    The diet is very effective and helps only everyone. Delays from the first days, as the result appears very quickly. The food is very varied and has no strict limitations in cooking. It is possible, when you want and in any place, due to the simplicity of the prepared dishes.

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