
Diet with rotovirus in a child and what you can eat after rotovirus

  • Diet with rotovirus in a child and what you can eat after rotovirus

    Children - this is the most beautiful thing that exists in the life of every woman, and when they get sick, tears are involuntarily put on their eyes. If the baby is sick, all the hope for the treating pediatrician and maternal instinct. And the most important and necessary for the diagnosis of rotovirus infection is the formation of the correct system of dietary nutrition.

    What is this infection and what are its manifestations?

    A rotovirus infection is a disease caused by the virus Reoviridae and affecting the stomach and intestines of the child. At first, the baby's fever rises, severe vomiting and frequent diarrhea, and appetite disappears. But, such signs are characteristic not only with rotovirus. Therefore, you need to urgently go to the doctor-pediatrician, who will be able to timely diagnose correctly.

    Unfortunately, a miracle pill from this virus has not yet been invented, and the only treatment option is a properly selected diet. As a rule, improvement in the condition with proper treatment is observed after a week from the first day of the manifestation of the disease. Let's try to figure out what kind of diet is needed with rotovirus.

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    Optimal type of diet

    In this difficult period, it is necessary to feed the child fractional, that is, after a short period of time to offer small portions of food. Keep in mind that all foods eaten should be thoroughly heat treated.

    You should not force a baby to eat. Offer him better to drink strong brewed tea, jelly or low-fat chicken broth. Diet with rotovirus in a child has a number of features such as:

    • reducing the load on the digestive system;
    • providing with microelements necessary for recovery;
    • prevention of dehydration.

    When a child has an appetite, start feeding him a well-cooked or steamed and grated food. Such food is quickly absorbed and does not load a weakened child's stomach after an illness.

    What foods do you need to feed your baby during a diet?

    To stabilize the baby's condition and help the body cope with the virus, the following product range is recommended:

    • soups with low fat content. They can be cooked with chicken breast or lean meat;
    • boiled on water porridge without sugar and oil;
    • steamed omelette from 1 chicken egg;
    • products containing bifidobacteria, for example, Activia( necessary for the restoration of intestinal microflora);
    • carrot puree own preparation.

    If the baby can not refuse bread, cook for him crackers without a crust of white loaf.

    Than should not be fed during the diet

    In nutrition in children with rotovirus there should be no products that promote the reproduction of bacteria. It:

    • sweets and sweet drinks;
    • cow's milk;
    • pasta;
    • fatty soups;
    • fresh fruits and vegetables, especially cabbage, garlic and onions;
    • canned products;
    • sausages and meat with fatty interlayers.

    All these products are difficult to digest, and they can cause complications of the disease.

    Nutrition after rotovirus

    To restore the body after the disease, it will take for 1.5 to 2 weeks to observe some restrictions in food. Do not immediately include in the diet the following products:

    • cold foods, such as ice cream( from it digestion deteriorates);
    • beets( its dietary fiber is too rough for a child's stomach);
    • beans and legumes( capable of causing bloating).

    What you can eat after a rotovirus to a child, you and the treating pediatrician decide. But if all the symptoms have safely disappeared, do not immediately transfer the baby to his usual diet. Rest and gradually accustom the child to food, which he ate before the illness.