
The diet of Dr. Bormental: we count the calories for weight loss according to Bormental's method, calorie table

  • The diet of Dr. Bormental: we count the calories for weight loss according to Bormental's method, calorie table

    Bormental's method is that, first of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons that cause a person to eat more than the norm - "jamming" of stresses, neurology, dissatisfaction with something, dependence on food, etc. And the meaning of the whole diet is to count calories and eat no more than 1200 kcal per day.

    For the diet of Dr. Bormental we count the calories for weight loss according to the table:

    All the charm of Dr. Bormental's method is that you can eat any food, but their total caloric value per day should be no more( but not less!) 1200 calories.

    In addition to the Bormental calorie table, you will need a kitchen scale, and it's better to take electronic scales. You can count calories just before eating, weighing products, but it's better to calculate the menu in advance. Eaten will need to be written in a notebook to decide at the end of the day what to change, delete, add to the menu to feel more comfortable.

    But white bread, potatoes, sausages are not recommended.

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    The aim of the technique is to normalize the weight index. When the weight comes back to normal, there must also be a fixing, the second stage, when the daily calorie content is gradually increasing. The main thing - to correctly calculate the ideal weight, which should be exactly you and should not change.

    Be sure to take into account that in your daily allowance there should be a certain protein product, fruits and vegetables. But baked goods, sweets, fatty foods should be eaten a little, if at all it is impossible to exclude them. First, calculate the calorie content of your favorite dishes, those that you cook most often, and be sure to record the results - then do not count again.

    Naturally, during the diet, you may visit the restaurant or go to visit, there try to choose familiar dishes, the calorie content of which you know. But even if you can not do this, do not get upset - the main thing is not to break the diet often, and rare small indulgences will not prevent a serious diet. But alcohol should be abstained completely - once drinking, you will slow down weight loss for a week.

    There is such a nuance as the disease - at this time, increase the calories by 200, not forgetting about the large amount of liquid.

    The minimum term of a diet is a month, becausein the first three weeks, weight is unlikely to decrease.

    Salt draws liquid, so a couple of times a week, baths with sea salt will help lose weight faster.

    There is one more indulgence - one art.a spoonful of oil a day( vegetable), raw, which should not be considered in this "calorie corridor" - a kind of "gift" Bormental.

    The sample menu can be as follows:

    Morning clock:

    Buckwheat, 80 gr.(boiled, without oil) - 70 calories;

    Chicken( or turkey) breast, 80 grams - 70 calories;

    Soy sauce, 15 gr.- 8 calories;

    Tomato, about 100 grams.- 17 calories;

    Cookies "Maria" - 3 pieces, black coffee( without sugar) - 40 calories.

    Total: 205 calories.

    Second breakfast:

    Vegetable soup, 300 gr.- 65 calories;

    Sour cream( teaspoon, 10%) - 10 calories;

    Breadsticks( 2 pcs.) - 25 calories;

    10 gr.dark chocolate, tea b / s - 70 calories.

    Total: 170 calories. Potatoes stewed, 150 gr.


    .- 80 calories;

    Fish, 100 gr.- 70 calories;

    Cabbage( sour cream), 150 gr.- 20 calories;

    Marmalade is natural, unsweetened tea - 40 calories.

    Total: 210 calories.


    Steamed rice, 80 gr.- 85 calories;

    Boiled veal meat, 80 gr.- 80 calories;

    Sour sauce( 2 teaspoons) - 10 calories;

    Gherkins, 100 gr.- 25 calories;

    Crackers, 3-4 pieces, tea - 70 calories.

    Total: 270 calories.

    Dinner( until 21.00):

    cabbage cabbage soup, 300 gr.- 65 calories;

    Sour cream 10% 1 teaspoon - 10 calories;

    Bread 2 pcs.- 25 calories;

    Kefir( skimmed), 200 ml - 55 calories;

    Banana - 60 calories;

    Total: 215 calories.

    Total per day: 1070 kcal.

    You can make your own menu or find another one, ready, or you can use it. The doctor Bormental's weight loss system is a good method for those who can not refuse favorite foods, but wants to adjust their nutrition for the better.

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