
Diet from trainer Anita Lutsenko: advice of a fitness trainer on the organization of a healthy and healthy diet

  • Diet from trainer Anita Lutsenko: advice of a fitness trainer on the organization of a healthy and healthy diet

    Anita Lutsenko is a well-known fitness trainer. She is not a champion of the diet in the conventional sense of the word, when for a short period of time, thanks to the titanic efforts of the will and to the detriment of one's own health, it is possible to lose several kilograms, which after the abolition of restrictions immediately return.

    The diet from trainer Anita Lutsenko is nothing more than a lifestyle, the basic rules of a healthy diet, which can be followed as long as you please.

    The trainer recommends eating more often, but in smaller portions. The last meal is possible no earlier than 4 hours before bedtime.

    It is compulsory to combine proper nutrition and exercise with a certain schedule. It is necessary to eat for 1,5-2 hours before and after 1-1,5 hours after classes.

    Prior to training, give preference to easily digestible carbohydrates, after it - proteins of animal or vegetable origin. You do not need to go to a fitness club or gym. With the same success you can study at home under special programs. The main thing is to do the exercises correctly.

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    Drinking is not necessary at the same time as eating, but half an hour before or one hour after.

    Discard the bread of the highest category flour in favor of rye, wholemeal or wholemeal bread.

    Reduce the intake of salt and sugar, but do not give up completely. It is quite acceptable during the day, a teaspoon of salt and 5-6 teaspoons of sugar.

    Give yourself the incentive - get your favorite clothes 1-2 sizes smaller and try every 10-15 days.

    Avoid stress - very many have a bad habit of seizing it, especially sweets.

    What can and what can not be done

    The following products are definitely forbidden by Anita Lutsenko's diet:

    • fat pork, any sausages, sausages, sausages, meat delicacies( both shop and home),
    • mayonnaise, ketchup and in general any sauces bought in the store,
    • sugar in excess of standard,
    • semi-finished products, especially in vacuum packing, canned food,
    • premium bread( and crackers from it),
    • any confectionery,
    • homemade pickles, marinades and jams,
    • juice100%natural), carbonated drinks, spirits,
    • milk and white chocolate, especially with different fillers.

    Not recommended, but from time to time and in limited quantities you can afford:

    • boiled or baked potatoes,
    • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices( half diluted with water),
    • bitter chocolate,
    • fruits with high sugar content( bananas, grapes, figs, peaches, persimmon),
    • vegetables that contain a lot of starch,
    • honey,
    • hard cheeses,
    • oils of vegetable and animal origin( up to 1 teaspoon per day),
    • sour cream and low-fat cream,
    • nuts, seeds and suhofrukty( as a snack, if you want to eat - 1 handful per day).

    Proper nutrition from Anita Lutsenko includes not only useful, but delicious products. If you plan a balanced diet, you are guaranteed not to remain hungry, lose weight, improve the skin, hair and nails and the whole body.

    Choose veal, rabbit meat, chicken and turkey meat, fish and any other seafood( ideally - unfrozen), natural dairy and sour-milk products with reduced fat content, eggs( especially quail), mushrooms, legumes( string beans, peas, lentils), fresh vegetables and fruits( or homemade canned food without added sugar), fresh herbs, pasta from durum wheat, buckwheat, brown unpeeled rice, brynza.

    Important nuances of

    1. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten only until 15:00, and even better - in the morning, as fiber is digested for a long time.

    2. Instead of salt and pepper to taste the dishes, give preference to natural spices and fresh herbs. Salads do not fill with mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil, but with natural yoghurt, lemon juice, balsamic or wine vinegar. In addition, any sauces that are sold in stores, you can prepare yourself.

    3. Do not give up desserts. Just replace cakes, cakes, ice cream and jam with home compotes and jelly, jelly, sorbets, bitter chocolate, cottage cheese with fruit - it's not less tasty, but more useful.

    4. In the evening to calculate what and how much was eaten per day, sometimes just do not have enough time. Download one of the many computer applications for yourself - enter all the foods and dishes there and it will automatically detect your mistakes.

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