  • Douglas Graham's Diet 80 /10/ 10: Basic Principles

    Graham Douglas is a doctor who developed this food system, prepares athletes for competitions, and he has been eating raw food for about 30 years, eating raw food that is not heat-treated. He wrote a wonderful book about his system, about how to stay healthy and cheerful.

    This power supply system has already been adhered to by thousands of people who are absolutely convinced of its correctness and good.

    From other types of raw food, nutrition 80 10 10 is characterized by a certain percentage balance of proteins( 10%) fat( 10%) and carbohydrates( 80%).

    In this article, we will talk about the nutrition system of Dr. Douglas Graham 80-10-10.


    Dr. Douglas advises to consume more fruits, since they, in his opinion, are the ideal food and the most natural, contain many useful vitamins, carbohydrates and sugars.

    Rule 80 10 10 - one type of product per meal, but in any amount. For example, you can eat a whole melon for breakfast, but simultaneous use of apples and pears is forbidden. The stomach is easier to perceive food of one sort than a few different. In addition to vegetables, you can eat greens: lettuce, parsley, celery.

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    Sources of fats( nuts, vegetable oils, seeds, avocados), according to the system, need to be consumed no more than twice a week, but do not completely eliminate them, because they provide health to the hair, nails and internal organs.

    Beans, which are not nutritious for humans, are not recommended because of the content of starchy substances that cause fermentation in the intestines. By the same principle, the diet eliminates the consumption of potatoes, beets, turnips.

    Avoid some nutritional errors during the raw food, which are described in the video below:

    Harm of boiled food

    The book describes why raw food is the best food option. People are used to cooking food, thereby, in their opinion, getting rid of microbes. But Dr. Douglas refutes this myth.

    Boiled food contains a lot of fat, far from useful. Fried potatoes, so beloved by many, carry, in fact, one harm to the body.

    Thanks to heat treatment, the composition of food changes, thus human enzymes can not properly digest incoming products. Food stays inside, decomposing and poisoning the microflora with toxins.

    A sharp jump in sugar, which causes boiled carbohydrate food, often leads to diabetes.

    When cooking, frying and other heat treatment, the food is compressed. In order to saturate, people have to eat more food than if they ate unprocessed foods.

    Why system 80 /10/ 10?

    Due to the large percentage of carbohydrates in food, which are the main source of energy, this system is suitable for active and cheerful people, as well as sweet tooths who love fruit.

    Fiber, contained in vegetables and fruits, promotes rapid rejuvenation and cleansing of the body. Food, served in kind, does not need cooking, which means that much more time is released for other useful things. There is no need to use seasonings, salt and sugar. Natural food is delicious without them.

    Consuming a single product for eating helps prevent overeating, as the receptors of the tongue catch only one taste. And digestion improves.

    Large volume sates much more than food with the same calorie content, but small volume. Diet 80 10 10 in addition to improving and increasing the activity contributes to proper weight loss.

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