
Caloric value of radish, its nutritional value, benefit to the body

  • Caloric value of radish, its nutritional value, benefit to the body

    Radish is an edible root crop grown in many countries. He refers to the radish family and the cabbage family. The name of the vegetable in Latin means "root".

    Radish has a beneficial effect on the human body and has a generous chemical composition. The calorie content of a radish is 100 grams, only 20 kcal, for which it is appreciated by many people who are dieting.

    Root crops are colored pink, red or white and pink, and the size at which they are eaten is up to three centimeters. The taste of the vegetable is sharp, piquant and is due to the presence of mustard oil in it.

    Groups of radishes: European, Japanese, Chinese. The plant is one-year and two-year-old.

    Radish has a high yield and is able to saturate the human body with useful vitamins all year round. This is the first fresh vegetable after winter.

    Choose a radish correctly - its skin should be smooth, evenly colored, without black or brown dots, which indicate rotting. The green tops should be juicy and saturated, in no case sluggish or brown, yellow. Feels like fresh radish - hard.

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    Nutritional value and calorie content of radish

    The caloric content of fresh radish varies from 14 to 22 kcal per 100 grams. In one piece, only 2.8 kcal. The vegetable contains useful proteins - 1.15 g, carbohydrates - 2 g, fats - 0.096 g, and 93 grams of a hundred is water.

    Root crop contains irreplaceable for human body mineral substances: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.

    Vitamins in the vegetable are the following: vitamin PP, C, vitamin E or tocopherol and B vitamins. In 100 grams of the product there is a daily norm of vitamin C and ascorbic acid.

    Radish includes mustard oils, thiamine, nicotinic acid, riboflavin.

    Useful properties

    It is recommended to include radish because of its low calorie content in people with overweight. It improves metabolic processes, prevents the deposition of fats and has a minimum caloric value.

    The plant has the following benefits for the body:

    1. Has an antibacterial effect due to the content of essential oils in it. Removes an unpleasant smell from the mouth.

    2. Satisfies the daily requirement of the body in ascorbic acid, it in turn cleanses and strengthens the vessels.

    3. Radish is provided with phytoncides, which activate the immunity. Root crop replaces the work of antibiotics for colds.

    4. Increases the production of gastric juice and improves appetite.

    5. Relieves headache.

    6. Replaces the antiseptic in the treatment of wounds.

    7. Radish is topical in the early spring with vitamin deficiency: it fills the body with vitamins and minerals.

    8. Regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

    Radish is useful even for the tops. Infusion of it will replace the laxative with prolonged constipation. He also has a blood-restoring, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Root and tops are used for cosmetic purposes: they are prepared on the basis of a mask that improves the appearance of the skin. Masks from such raw materials give a blush, refresh the skin and open the pores.

    Contraindications to the use of radish

    Despite how many calories are contained in the radish, and also its valuable composition, the vegetable can cause harm to the body. Especially it concerns the use of it in large quantities. It can irritate the mucous, cause flatulence, colic. It is recommended to eat once a week.

    If the radish is poorly rinsed, then it can lead to intestinal infections. Do not eat a vegetable that has been stored for a long time, because starch is formed in it. It is poorly digested and irritates the digestive system.

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