Gestosis, or late toxicosis in pregnant women
Pregnancy gestosis requires timely treatment and prevention
Pregnancy gestosis( late toxicosis) is a very formidable disease that occurs in the second half, which canTo endanger not only the health of the mother and the future child, but also their lives.
And if early toxicosis is considered normal for up to 10 weeks, doctors consider it a normal phenomenon that does not pose a threat to the health of women, then gestosis requires increased attention and treatment with the appearance of the first symptoms, since in severe cases it can lead to placental abruption, coma and even deathmother and child.
What is gestosis: signs, causes ^
The gestosis develops in about 15% of pregnant women, most often it occurs during the first pregnancy, in pregnant women under the age of 18 and over 35, as well as in expectant mothers with chronic diseases, such as sugardiabetes, hypertension, pyelonephritis, obesity.
In addition, very often the disease occurs in multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios, with small intervals between births( less than 2 years) and multiple abortions. But you need to know that he can suddenly appear and have an absolutely healthy pregnant woman, and the cause of gestosis can be anything - wrong nutrition, overwork, stress, violation of sleep and rest and even SARS.
It is very important to notice the first signs of gestosis and begin timely treatment. The faster the gestosis is stopped, the less the fetus will suffer in utero.
The disease is very insidious and does not immediately make itself felt, so the future mother can feel quite normal and do not pay attention to sudden weight jumps, and yet this is a sure sign of gestosis and evidence that the kidneys are not coping with the increasing load and startedappear hidden, not yet visible to the eye swelling.
The stages and symptoms of gestosis ^
Pregnancy gestosis: symptoms
The first stage of gestosis - dropsy of pregnant
The appearance of such edema signals the onset of the first stage of gestosis - dropsy of pregnant women. That's why doctors attach such importance to normal weight gain in the second half of pregnancy.
- If the increase for a week is more than 350-400 grams,
- has become a habit of regular shoes,
- does not slip the ring off the finger,
- decreased the amount of urine released per day,
- it's time to take urgent measures.
Usually at this stage the treatment prognosis is very favorable, pregnant, except for simple medicines, a diet rich in vitamins, fiber and dairy products is prescribed, a good effect is provided by apple-curd fasting days. Rational nutrition of a pregnant woman, as a rule, allows you to get rid of excess fluid in the body, reduce weight, increase the amount of excreted urine and dispense with inpatient treatment.
The second stage of gestosis - nephropathy
If the treatment of dropsy is started too late or the pregnant woman neglects the doctor's recommendations, the gestosis passes to the next, more dangerous stage - nephropathy :
- , the arterial hypertension( above 135/90 mm Hg),
- a protein appears in the urine.
At this stage, symptoms of gestosis often manifest in the form:
- headaches,
- increased irritability,
- fatigue,
- vision impairment.
Nephropathy is treated in the hospital, prescribing bed rest, strict diet and medication. Most often, such measures are sufficient to completely disappear or significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease and the pregnant woman is prescribed home 7-10 days later. After birth, nephropathy, as a rule, disappears completely.
The third stage of preeclampsia is pre-eclampsia
However, sometimes treatment is unsuccessful and the course of the disease worsens, passing to the next stage - pre-eclampsia .
The main symptoms of preeclampsia preeclampsia are :
- Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the occiput and impaired vision and memory.
- The flashing of flies, sparks and a shroud before the eyes testify to the onset of retinal damage and disorders in the cerebral cortex.
- The arterial pressure rises to 160/110 mm Hg and above.
This condition of the pregnant woman requires taking urgent measures, as it can quickly switch to eclampsia - the most severe stage of gestosis, in which cramps, sharp darkening in the eyes and coma are possible.
Fourth stage of gestosis - eclampsia
Eclampsia may provoke in pregnant:
- bleeding,
- placental abruption,
- premature birth,
- hypoxia,
- fetal death.
In such cases, in order to avoid irreversible consequences and to preserve the life of the mother and child, doctors are forced to resort to early delivery or a cesarean section.
Preventing gestosis ^
The key direction in the prevention of gestosis is the correct mode of the future mother, providing peace for the nervous system and oxygen delivery to the future child.
A pregnant woman with signs of gestosis should in no case be nervous, she needs a full 8-10 hour night's sleep, rest among the day and more walks in the fresh air. You must also beware of hypothermia and fight with constipation.
Prophylaxis of gestosis of pregnant women is impossible without the organization of a balanced diet:
- In the diet of the expectant mother should be a sufficient amount of protein, especially meat, boiled fish, eggs and dairy products.
- Despite swelling, do not exclude liquid, as this can lead to blood thickening, the pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
- Do not resort to salt-free diets, but do not lean on salt - normal salt intake for a pregnant woman is about 5-8 grams per day.
With edemas, diuretics can not be used on their own, as they remove valuable micronutrients from the body and promote blood thickening. Even such an innocuous and widespread diuretic herb as bear ears with gestosis is contraindicated. To avoid various complications of pregnancy, all medicines should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor.
Remember that gestosis during pregnancy is a serious enough and insidious disease, so amateur and self-medication is unacceptable. On how you will adhere to the medical recommendations for the observance of proper nutrition, the regime of the day and rest, the life and health of your future baby depends.